/* NASA/TRMM, Code 910.1. This is the TRMM Office Radar Software Library. Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 John H. Merritt Space Applications Corporation Vienna, Virginia This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 19 Jan 1998 Michael Whimpey from BMRC, Australia changed code, for the different callibrations, between, Pre_mctex, mctex, Gunn_Pt periods. 22 Apr 1999 Michael Whimpey added more callibration periods over berrimah and scsmex. please see code where there is m.whimpey */ #include #include #include #include #include #define USE_RSL_VARS #include "rsl.h" #ifdef HAVE_LASSEN #include "lassen.h" extern int radar_verbose_flag; /* Some parameter headaches are prevented when vol is declared global. */ Lassen_volume vol; extern int read_entire_lassen_file(FILE *f, Lassen_volume *vol); /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* lassen_load_sweep */ /* */ /* By: John Merritt */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /* May 26, 1994 */ /**********************************************************************/ void lassen_load_sweep(Sweep *s, int isweep_num, int ifield, int period, Lassen_sweep *ptr) { float c = RSL_SPEED_OF_LIGHT; float elev; Lassen_ray *aray; unsigned char *ray_data; int i,j,m,kk=0; float x[2000]; double Vu; Range (*invf)(float x); float (*f)(Range x); /* calibration period flags m.whimpey */ #define BERRIMAH1 0 #define MCTEX_EARLY 1 #define MCTEX 2 #define BERRIMAH2 3 #define GUNN_PT 4 #define GUNN_PT1 5 #define SCSMEX 6 #define SCSMEX1 7 if (s == NULL) return; f = (float (*)(Range x))NULL; /* This quiets the pedantic warning. */ invf = (Range (*)(float x))NULL; if (ifield == ZT_INDEX) {kk = OFF_UZ; invf = ZT_INVF; f = ZT_F;} if (ifield == DZ_INDEX) {kk = OFF_CZ; invf = DZ_INVF; f = DZ_F;} if (ifield == VR_INDEX) {kk = OFF_VEL; invf = VR_INVF; f = VR_F;} if (ifield == SW_INDEX) {kk = OFF_WID; invf = SW_INVF; f = SW_F;} if (ifield == ZD_INDEX) {kk = OFF_ZDR; invf = ZD_INVF; f = ZD_F;} if (ifield == PH_INDEX) {kk = OFF_PHI; invf = PH_INVF; f = PH_F;} if (ifield == RH_INDEX) {kk = OFF_RHO; invf = RH_INVF; f = RH_F;} if (ifield == LR_INDEX) {kk = OFF_LDR; invf = LR_INVF; f = LR_F;} if (ifield == KD_INDEX) {kk = OFF_KDP; invf = KD_INVF; f = KD_F;} if (ifield == TI_INDEX) {kk = OFF_TIME; invf = TI_INVF; f = TI_F;} elev = (float)ptr->fangle*360.0/16384.0; Vu = c*((float)vol.prf/10.)/(4.*(float)vol.freq*100000.0); s->h.sweep_num = ptr->sweep; s->h.elev = elev; s->h.nrays = ptr->numrays; s->h.beam_width = 1.0; /* What is it really? */ s->h.horz_half_bw = .5; s->h.vert_half_bw = .5; s->h.f = f; s->h.invf = invf; for(i=0;i<(int)ptr->numrays;i++) { aray = ptr->ray[i]; if (aray == NULL) continue; s->ray[i] = RSL_new_ray((int)aray->numgates); s->ray[i]->h.month = aray->month; s->ray[i]->h.day = aray->day; s->ray[i]->h.year = (int)aray->year + 1900; if (s->ray[i]->h.year < 1980) s->ray[i]->h.year += 100; /* Year > 2000. */ s->ray[i]->h.hour = aray->hour; s->ray[i]->h.minute = aray->minute; s->ray[i]->h.sec = aray->second; s->ray[i]->h.azimuth = (float)aray->vangle*360.0/16384.0; s->ray[i]->h.ray_num = i; s->ray[i]->h.elev = elev; s->ray[i]->h.elev_num = s->h.sweep_num; s->ray[i]->h.range_bin1 = aray->rangeg1; s->ray[i]->h.gate_size = aray->gatewid; s->ray[i]->h.vel_res = 0.5; /* What is this really? */ s->ray[i]->h.fix_angle = s->h.elev; s->ray[i]->h.frequency = (float)vol.freq*1.0e-4; /* GHz */ s->ray[i]->h.wavelength = c / s->ray[i]->h.frequency * 1.0e-9; s->ray[i]->h.prf = (int)aray->prf/10; s->ray[i]->h.nyq_vel = s->ray[i]->h.prf * s->ray[i]->h.wavelength / 4.0; if (s->ray[i]->h.prf != 0) s->ray[i]->h.unam_rng = c / (2.0 * s->ray[i]->h.prf * 1000.0); /* km */ else s->ray[i]->h.unam_rng = 0.0; s->ray[i]->h.pulse_width = (float)(aray->p_width * 0.05); s->ray[i]->h.pulse_count = aray->n_pulses; s->ray[i]->h.beam_width = 1.0; /* What is it really? */ s->ray[i]->h.f = f; s->ray[i]->h.invf = invf; ray_data = (unsigned char *)aray; m = aray->offset[kk]; if(m==0) continue; /* conversion changes by m.whimpey */ for(j=0; jray[i]->h.nbins; j++) { switch (kk) { case OFF_UZ: /* UZ field. */ case OFF_CZ: /* CZ field. */ /* Apply a 1.4 dB correction. Ken Glasson did this. */ /* Removed 1.4 dB correction 09/27/2006--BMRC doesn't use it. */ if (period == BERRIMAH1) x[j] = ((float)ray_data[m+j] - 56.0)/2.0; /* Removed +1.4 */ else x[j] = ((float)ray_data[m+j] - 64.0)/2.0; /* Removed +1.4 */ break; case OFF_VEL: /* VR field */ if (period == BERRIMAH1) x[j] = (float)(Vu*((double)ray_data[m+j]-128.0)/128.); else if (period == SCSMEX) x[j] = (float)(Vu*((double)(ray_data[m+j]^0x80)-128.0)/127.); else x[j] = (float)(Vu*((double)ray_data[m+j]-128.0)/127.); /* fprintf(stderr,"Velocity for ray[%d] at x[%d] = %f, nyquist = %f\n",i,j,x[j],s->ray[i]->h.nyq_vel); */ break; case OFF_WID: /* SW field */ if (period == BERRIMAH1) x[j] = (float)(Vu*(double)ray_data[m+j]/100.); else x[j] = (float)(Vu*(double)ray_data[m+j]/256.); break; case OFF_ZDR: /* ZD field */ if (period < MCTEX_EARLY) break; if (period <= BERRIMAH2) x[j] = ((float)ray_data[m+j] - 64.0)/21.25; else x[j] = ((float)ray_data[m+j] - 128.)*18./254.; break; case OFF_PHI: /* PH field */ if (period < MCTEX_EARLY) break; if (period <= BERRIMAH2) x[j] = ((float)ray_data[m+j] - 128.0)*32.0/127.0; else if (period == GUNN_PT) x[j] = ((float)ray_data[m+j] - 64.5)*360.0/254.0; else if (period > GUNN_PT) x[j] = 90.0+((float)ray_data[m+j] - 128.0)*180.0/254.0; /*Extra 90 degrees added by Scott Collis, CAWCR/BMRC 2008*/ break; case OFF_RHO: /* RH field */ if (period < MCTEX_EARLY) break; if (period <= BERRIMAH2) x[j] = sqrt((float)ray_data[m+j]/256.822 + 0.3108); else x[j] = (((float)ray_data[m+j]-1.)*1.14/254.) + 0.01; break; case OFF_LDR: /* LR field -- no 'period' here. */ x[j] = ((float)ray_data[m+j] - 250.0)/6; break; case OFF_KDP: /* KP field -- no 'period' here. */ x[j] = ((float)ray_data[m+j]); /* This conversion is taken from SIGMET. Is this right? */ break; case OFF_TIME: /* TIME field -- no 'period' here. */ x[j] = ((float)ray_data[m+j]); /* This conversion is taken from SIGMET. Is this right? */ break; } if (ray_data[m+j] == 0) x[j] = BADVAL; } for (j=0; jray[i]->h.nbins; j++) s->ray[i]->range[j] = invf(x[j]); } } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* RSL_lassen_to_radar */ /* */ /* By: John Merritt */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /* May 26, 1994 */ /**********************************************************************/ Radar *RSL_lassen_to_radar(char *infile) { /* Lassen specific. */ Lassen_sweep *ptr; Lassen_ray *aray; int period; /* m.whimpey changed early variable to period */ FILE *f; int q[MAX_RADAR_VOLUMES]; extern int rsl_qfield[]; extern int *rsl_qsweep; /* See RSL_read_these_sweeps in volume.c */ extern int rsl_qsweep_max; /* Radar specific */ Radar *radar; int i, j, k; /* Listing of the RSL field type indexes, in the order that * LASSEN stores them. */ int rsl_index[] = {ZT_INDEX, DZ_INDEX, VR_INDEX, SW_INDEX, ZD_INDEX, PH_INDEX, RH_INDEX, LR_INDEX, KD_INDEX, TI_INDEX}; char *ltype[] = {"UZ", "CZ", "Vel", "Wid", "Zdr", "Phi", "Rho", "Ldr", "Kdp", "Time"}; struct compare_date { /* introduced by m.whimpey */ int year; int month; int day; int hour; int minute; int second; }; /* M.Whimpey changes made 19990422 for extra periods */ #define NUM_DATES 8 struct compare_date cvrt_date[NUM_DATES] = { {1992, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}, {1995, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0}, {1995, 11, 25, 20, 5, 0}, {1996, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}, {1997, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0}, {1997, 11, 20, 3, 40, 0}, {1998, 05, 04, 0, 0, 0}, {1998, 05, 17, 03, 47, 0} }; int d; /* date counter */ unsigned long vt; /* vol time */ unsigned long dt; /* date time */ /* open Lassen file */ if (infile == NULL) { int save_fd; save_fd = dup(0); f = fdopen(save_fd, "r"); } else if((f=fopen(infile, "r"))==(FILE *)NULL) { perror(infile); return NULL; } f = uncompress_pipe(f); /* Transparently, use gunzip. */ #define NEW_BUFSIZ 16384 setvbuf(f,NULL,_IOFBF,(size_t)NEW_BUFSIZ); /* Faster i/o? */ if((read_entire_lassen_file(f, &vol)) == 0) { perror("RSL_lassen_to_radar ... read_entire_lassen_file"); exit(1); } rsl_pclose(f); if (radar_verbose_flag) { fprintf(stderr,"\n Version = %d",vol.version); fprintf(stderr,"\n Volume = %d",vol.volume); fprintf(stderr,"\n Numsweeps = %d",vol.numsweeps); fprintf(stderr,"\n Time = %2.2d/%2.2d/%2.2d %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d - %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d", (int)vol.month, (int)vol.day, (int)vol.year, (int)vol.shour, (int)vol.sminute, (int)vol.ssecond, (int)vol.ehour, (int)vol.eminute, (int)vol.esecond); fprintf(stderr,"\n Angle: start %d, stop %d", (int)vol.a_start, (int)vol.a_stop); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } /* determine which period the lassen volume belongs m.whimpey */ vt = (vol.year-90) * 32140800; vt += vol.month * 2678400; vt += vol.day * 86400; vt += vol.shour * 3600; vt += vol.sminute * 60; vt += vol.ssecond; for(d=0; dh.month = vol.month; radar->h.day = vol.day; radar->h.year = vol.year + 1900; radar->h.hour = vol.shour; radar->h.minute = vol.sminute; radar->h.sec = vol.ssecond; strcpy(radar->h.radar_type, "lassen"); radar->h.nvolumes = MAX_RADAR_VOLUMES; memcpy(&radar->h.radar_name, vol.radinfo.radar_name, 8); memcpy(&radar->h.name, vol.radinfo.site_name, 8); memcpy(&radar->h.city, "????", 4); memcpy(&radar->h.state,"AU", 2); radar->h.latd = vol.radinfo.latitude.degree; radar->h.latm = vol.radinfo.latitude.minute; radar->h.lats = vol.radinfo.latitude.second; /* Is there a problem with the minutes/seconds when negative? * The degree/minute/sec all should have the same sign. */ if (radar->h.latd < 0) { if (radar->h.latm > 0) radar->h.latm *= -1; if (radar->h.lats > 0) radar->h.lats *= -1; } radar->h.lond = vol.radinfo.longitude.degree; radar->h.lonm = vol.radinfo.longitude.minute; radar->h.lons = vol.radinfo.longitude.second; if (radar->h.lond < 0) { if (radar->h.lonm > 0) radar->h.lonm *= -1; if (radar->h.lons > 0) radar->h.lons *= -1; } radar->h.height = vol.radinfo.antenna_height; radar->h.spulse = 0; radar->h.lpulse = 0; /* iterate for each sweep in radar volume */ /* Determine which field types exist. The array 'q' is a boolean to * force one print messages, if requested. * * Well, I tried looping through all the rays and examining aray->flags., * but, it turns out that these flags bounce around, ie. toggle, for * fields that don't really exist. Therefore, I cannot just logically OR * the field flags together to determine which fields exist -- is this * a bug when the file was created? * * What I've seen in lass2uf is to examine the first ray of the first sweep, * but, I think that is unreliable too, due to the above finding. * * The solution, now, is to examine the existance of OFFSET values. * This seems to be consistant, throughout the volume. * The OFFSET is really what is used, anyway, to extract the data. */ memset(q, 0, sizeof(q)); for (i=0; inumrays; j++) { aray = ptr->ray[j]; for (k=0; koffset[k] != 0 && !q[rsl_index[k]]) { /* From RSL_select_fields */ if (rsl_qfield[rsl_index[k]] == 1) q[rsl_index[k]]=1; } } } } if (radar_verbose_flag) fprintf(stderr,"\n Fields are (Lassen nomenclature):"); for (k=0; kv[i] = RSL_new_volume(vol.numsweeps); radar->v[i]->h.f = RSL_f_list[i]; radar->v[i]->h.invf = RSL_invf_list[i]; if (radar_verbose_flag) fprintf(stderr," %s", RSL_ftype[i]); if (k >= 2 && radar_verbose_flag) fprintf(stderr," "); /* Alignment. */ } } if (radar_verbose_flag) fprintf(stderr,"\n"); for(j=0;jh.nvolumes; j++) { for(i=0;i<(int)vol.numsweeps;i++) { if (rsl_qsweep != NULL) { if (i > rsl_qsweep_max) break; if (rsl_qsweep[i] == 0) continue; } ptr = vol.index[i]; if (radar->v[j]) { radar->v[j]->sweep[i] = RSL_new_sweep(ptr->numrays); /* 'period' is a flag for different calibrations */ lassen_load_sweep(radar->v[j]->sweep[i], i, j, period, ptr); } } } radar = RSL_prune_radar(radar); return radar; } #else Radar *RSL_lassen_to_radar(char *infile) { fprintf(stderr, "LASSEN is not installed in this version of RSL.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Reinstall RSL w/ -DHAVE_LASSEN in the Makefile.\n"); return NULL; } #endif