

#include "rsl.h"
void RSL_sweep_to_gif(Sweep *s, char *outfile, int xdim, int ydim, float range);
void RSL_sweep_to_pict(Sweep *s, char *outfile, int xdim, int ydim, float range);
void RSL_sweep_to_pgm(Sweep *s, char *outfile, int xdim, int ydim, float range);
void RSL_sweep_to_ppm(Sweep *s, char *outfile, int xdim, int ydim, float range);


RSL_sweep_to_gif: Given a Sweep pointer, s, output a GIF image with the filename specified in outfile. This function calls RSL_sweep_to_cart to do the polar to cartesean mapping, then calls RSL_write_gif. When making images of velocity data, it may be necessary to call RSL_rebin_velocity_sweep to rebin the values from -nyquist to +nyquist.

RSL_sweep_to_pict: Identical to RSL_sweep_to_gif except it outputs a PICT file, by calling RSL_write_pict.

RSL_sweep_to_ppm: Identical to RSL_sweep_to_gif except it outputs a PICT file, by calling RSL_write_ppm.

RSL_sweep_to_pgm: Identical to RSL_sweep_to_gif except it outputs a PICT file, by calling RSL_write_pgm.

Efficiency note: The functions RSL_volume_to_gif and RSL_volume_to_pict. and any other output formats that may arrise, all function identically with the only difference being the output pipe command (ppmtogif, ppmtopict, etc.). Each routine performs a polar to cartesean mapping via RSL_sweep_to_cart, then calls the appropriate write function. If you plan to output many image formats at once, it will be wise to perform the polar to cartesean mapping once, then call RSL_write_gif, RSL_write_pict, etc. This could be done, for instance, in a function called RSL_volume_to_pict_and_gif. 

Return value


See also

RSL_rebin_velocity_ray, RSL_rebin_velocity_sweep, RSL_rebin_velocity_volume,
RSL_sweep_to_gif, RSL_sweep_to_pict, Vsweep_to_pgm, Vsweep_to_ppm,
RSL_load_color_table, RSL_load_green_table, RSL_load_red_table, RSL_load_blue_table,
RSL_load_refl_color_table, RSL_load_sw_color_table, RSL_load_vel_color_table,
RSL_volume_to_gif, RSL_volume_to_pict, RSL_volume_to_pgm, RSL_volume_to_ppm.
RSL_get_color_table, RSL_set_color_table.

Author: John H. Merritt