typedef struct {
  int   month;  /* Begin time for this Cappi; month (1-12). */
  int   day;    /* Begin time for this Cappi; day (1-31). */
  int   year;   /* Begin time for this Cappi; year (eg. 1993). */
  int   hour;   /* Begin date for this Cappi; hour (0-23). */
  int   minute; /* Begin date for this Cappi; minute (0-59).*/
  float sec;    /* Begin date for this Cappi; second + fraction of  second. */ 
  float height;      /* Height for this Cappi. */
  float lat;
  float lon;         /* Lat/lon of lower left corner of Carpi. */
  int field_type;
  char radar_type[50]; /* Value of Constant radar->h.radar_type */ 
  int interp_method; /* ??? string describing interpolation method. */
  Er_loc *loc;       /* elevation and range coordinate array */
  Sweep *sweep;      /* Pointers to rays of data */
} Cappi;