/* * Copyright © 2011 Red Hat, Inc. * Copyright © 2011 Canonical Limited * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the licence, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . * * Author: Matthias Clasen * Ryan Lortie */ #include "config.h" #include "gtkmenushell.h" #include "gtkmenubar.h" #include "gtkmenu.h" #include "gtkseparatormenuitem.h" #include "gtkmodelmenuitem.h" #include "gtkapplicationprivate.h" #define MODEL_MENU_WIDGET_DATA "gtk-model-menu-widget-data" typedef struct { GMenuModel *model; GtkMenuShell *shell; guint update_idle; GSList *connected; gboolean with_separators; gint n_items; gchar *action_namespace; } GtkModelMenuBinding; static void gtk_model_menu_binding_items_changed (GMenuModel *model, gint position, gint removed, gint added, gpointer user_data); static void gtk_model_menu_binding_append_model (GtkModelMenuBinding *binding, GMenuModel *model, const gchar *action_namespace, gboolean with_separators); static void gtk_model_menu_binding_free (gpointer data) { GtkModelMenuBinding *binding = data; /* disconnect all existing signal handlers */ while (binding->connected) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (binding->connected->data, gtk_model_menu_binding_items_changed, binding); g_object_unref (binding->connected->data); binding->connected = g_slist_delete_link (binding->connected, binding->connected); } g_object_unref (binding->model); g_free (binding->action_namespace); g_slice_free (GtkModelMenuBinding, binding); } static void gtk_model_menu_binding_append_item (GtkModelMenuBinding *binding, GMenuModel *model, const gchar *action_namespace, gint item_index, gchar **heading) { GMenuModel *section; if ((section = g_menu_model_get_item_link (model, item_index, "section"))) { gchar *section_namespace = NULL; g_menu_model_get_item_attribute (model, item_index, "label", "s", heading); g_menu_model_get_item_attribute (model, item_index, "action-namespace", "s", §ion_namespace); if (action_namespace) { gchar *namespace = g_strjoin (".", action_namespace, section_namespace, NULL); gtk_model_menu_binding_append_model (binding, section, namespace, FALSE); g_free (namespace); } else { gtk_model_menu_binding_append_model (binding, section, section_namespace, FALSE); } g_free (section_namespace); g_object_unref (section); } else { GtkMenuItem *item; item = gtk_model_menu_item_new (model, item_index, action_namespace); gtk_menu_shell_append (binding->shell, GTK_WIDGET (item)); gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (item)); binding->n_items++; } } static void gtk_model_menu_binding_append_model (GtkModelMenuBinding *binding, GMenuModel *model, const gchar *action_namespace, gboolean with_separators) { gint n, i; g_signal_connect (model, "items-changed", G_CALLBACK (gtk_model_menu_binding_items_changed), binding); binding->connected = g_slist_prepend (binding->connected, g_object_ref (model)); /* Deciding if we should show a separator is a bit difficult. There * are two types of separators: * * - section headings (when sections have 'label' property) * * - normal separators automatically put between sections * * The easiest way to think about it is that a section usually has a * separator (or heading) immediately before it. * * There are three exceptions to this general rule: * * - empty sections don't get separators or headings * * - sections only get separators and headings at the toplevel of a * menu (ie: no separators on nested sections or in menubars) * * - the first section in the menu doesn't get a normal separator, * but it can get a header (if it's not empty) * * Unfortunately, we cannot simply check the size of the section in * order to determine if we should place a header: the section may * contain other sections that are themselves empty. Instead, we need * to append the section, and check if we ended up with any actual * content. If we did, then we need to insert before that content. * We use 'our_position' to keep track of this. */ n = g_menu_model_get_n_items (model); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { gint our_position = binding->n_items; gchar *heading = NULL; gtk_model_menu_binding_append_item (binding, model, action_namespace, i, &heading); if (with_separators && our_position < binding->n_items) { GtkWidget *separator = NULL; if (heading) { separator = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label (heading); gtk_widget_set_sensitive (separator, FALSE); } else if (our_position > 0) separator = gtk_separator_menu_item_new (); if (separator) { gtk_menu_shell_insert (binding->shell, separator, our_position); gtk_widget_show (separator); binding->n_items++; } } g_free (heading); } } static void gtk_model_menu_binding_populate (GtkModelMenuBinding *binding) { GList *children; /* remove current children */ children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (binding->shell)); while (children) { gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (binding->shell), children->data); children = g_list_delete_link (children, children); } binding->n_items = 0; /* add new items from the model */ gtk_model_menu_binding_append_model (binding, binding->model, binding->action_namespace, binding->with_separators); } static gboolean gtk_model_menu_binding_handle_changes (gpointer user_data) { GtkModelMenuBinding *binding = user_data; /* disconnect all existing signal handlers */ while (binding->connected) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (binding->connected->data, gtk_model_menu_binding_items_changed, binding); g_object_unref (binding->connected->data); binding->connected = g_slist_delete_link (binding->connected, binding->connected); } gtk_model_menu_binding_populate (binding); binding->update_idle = 0; g_object_unref (binding->shell); return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } static void gtk_model_menu_binding_items_changed (GMenuModel *model, gint position, gint removed, gint added, gpointer user_data) { GtkModelMenuBinding *binding = user_data; if (binding->update_idle == 0) { binding->update_idle = gdk_threads_add_idle (gtk_model_menu_binding_handle_changes, user_data); g_object_ref (binding->shell); } } /** * gtk_menu_shell_bind_model: * @menu_shell: a #GtkMenuShell * @model: (allow-none): the #GMenuModel to bind to or %NULL to remove * binding * @action_namespace: (allow-none): the namespace for actions in @model * @with_separators: %TRUE if toplevel items in @shell should have * separators between them * * Establishes a binding between a #GtkMenuShell and a #GMenuModel. * * The contents of @shell are removed and then refilled with menu items * according to @model. When @model changes, @shell is updated. * Calling this function twice on @shell with different @model will * cause the first binding to be replaced with a binding to the new * model. If @model is %NULL then any previous binding is undone and * all children are removed. * * @with_separators determines if toplevel items (eg: sections) have * separators inserted between them. This is typically desired for * menus but doesn't make sense for menubars. * * If @action_namespace is non-%NULL then the effect is as if all * actions mentioned in the @model have their names prefixed with the * namespace, plus a dot. For example, if the action "quit" is * mentioned and @action_namespace is "app" then the effective action * name is "app.quit". * * For most cases you are probably better off using * gtk_menu_new_from_model() or gtk_menu_bar_new_from_model() or just * directly passing the #GMenuModel to gtk_application_set_app_menu() or * gtk_application_set_menu_bar(). * * Since: 3.6 */ void gtk_menu_shell_bind_model (GtkMenuShell *shell, GMenuModel *model, const gchar *action_namespace, gboolean with_separators) { g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_MENU_SHELL (shell)); g_return_if_fail (model == NULL || G_IS_MENU_MODEL (model)); if (model) { GtkModelMenuBinding *binding; binding = g_slice_new (GtkModelMenuBinding); binding->model = g_object_ref (model); binding->shell = shell; binding->update_idle = 0; binding->connected = NULL; binding->with_separators = with_separators; binding->action_namespace = g_strdup (action_namespace); g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (shell), "gtk-model-menu-binding", binding, gtk_model_menu_binding_free); gtk_model_menu_binding_populate (binding); } else { GList *children; /* break existing binding */ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (shell), "gtk-model-menu-binding", NULL); /* remove all children */ children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (shell)); while (children) { gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (shell), children->data); children = g_list_delete_link (children, children); } } }