Review Fabio Rossi's contribution, fetchmail-mda-fork.*, polish and merge. Return PS_ERROR, not PS_SYNTAX, on failures for preconnect/postconnect. Credit to Gene Heskett, 2012-07-31, fetchmail-users@ list. support SHA1 (and possibly other algorithm) finger prints (grarpamp, fetchmail-users 2012-06-23) add a "send test mail" mode, see message by Stanley Dziegiel in fetchmail-users, 2012-05-30 fix NUL generation (see 6.3.21 release) and possibly string length handling review retrieveerrorsemantic contribution to avoid mail loss (cf. POP3 LAST) clean up KPOP, SSL options fix versions in features.html (6.4 vs. 7.0) update README check for other 6.2/6.3-specific documentation merge libpwmd updates fix versions 7.0/6.4/6.3.20 in, want 7.0 for this release, and 8.0 for C++ SSL fixes: - write .man documentation, adjust FAQ (check diffs for what needs to be documented) - debug sslcertck default (gets disabled somehow) Debian #632479 - doesn't accept -f and --pidfile options when waking up BG daemon (watch out for idfile though!) - debug mode fix: one switch to kill running daemon and enable -Nvvv -d0 --nosyslog options - write email to flat files? (variant of bsmtp) - probably 8.0 stuff: IMAP sink - remove bouncemail feature? - validate addresses to avoid invalid address issues + consider if a bad-header interaction is desired