#include "mbed.h" #include "TSISensor.h" // Touch Sensor #include "MAG3110.h" // Magnetic Sensor #include "MMA8451Q.h" // AcceleroMeter #define MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS (0x1d<<1) // acc sensor address #define TIME_ACCURACY 0.1 #define LIGHT_SNS_DEFAULT 1 // default collecting interval in seconds #define ACC_SNS_DEFAULT 1 #define MAG_SNS_DEFAULT 1 #define TOUCH_SNS_DEFAULT 1 // Define Devices & Pins MMA8451Q accSensor(PTE25, PTE24, MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS); TSISensor touchSensor; MAG3110 magSensor(PTE25, PTE24); Serial serial(USBTX, USBRX); Ticker clock1; AnalogIn lightSensor(PTE22); // Global Variables // Initial interval: in seconds float lightTmr = LIGHT_SNS_DEFAULT; float accTmr = ACC_SNS_DEFAULT; float magTmr = MAG_SNS_DEFAULT; float touchTmr = TOUCH_SNS_DEFAULT; bool lightEnable = true; bool accEnable = true; bool magEnable = true; bool touchEnable = true; void clock1_interrupt(); void serialRx_interrupt(); void sendLightInfo(); void sendAccInfo(); void sendMagInfo(); void sendTouchInfo(); int main() { // Initialization // Interruption Declarations clock1.attach(&clock1_interrupt, TIME_ACCURACY); // maximun accuracy be 0.1s serial.attach(&serialRx_interrupt, Serial::RxIrq); // receive interrupt for serialS serial.baud(921600); magSensor.begin(); serial.printf("\r\n============= Start of the program ============\r\n"); while(1){ wait(3); } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------- ## Receive Interruption of the Serial ## -> used to receive & process user command -> and configure the board accordingly ---------------------------------------------------------------*/ void serialRx_interrupt(){ clock1.detach(); // close the interrupt serial.printf("\r\n"); // Receive the Serial Input float interval; char buffer[255]; char temp[255]; char ch = serial.getc(); int i; for (i=0 ; ch!='\n' && ch!='\r'; i++){ serial.putc(ch); buffer[i] = ch; if (ch==127){ // BackSpace i--; i--; } ch = serial.getc(); } buffer[i] = '\0'; serial.printf("\r\nBUFFER: %s %d\r\n", buffer,i); // TODO: buffer -> lower case // Process the Serial Input // Set-Interval Command if (strstr(buffer, "set")!=NULL && strstr(buffer, "int")!= NULL){ sscanf(buffer, "%*[^0123456789.]%s", temp); // find the number in buffer sscanf(temp, "%f", &interval); // translate into float if (interval<0.1 || interval>5){ interval = 1; } if (strstr(buffer, "acc")){ accTmr = interval; } if (strstr(buffer, "mag")){ magTmr = interval; } if (strstr(buffer, "light")){ lightTmr = interval; } if (strstr(buffer, "touch")){ touchTmr = interval; } } // Stop Command else if (strstr(buffer, "stop")!= NULL){ serial.printf("STOP\r\n"); if (strstr(buffer, "acc")){ accEnable = false; accTmr = ACC_SNS_DEFAULT; } if (strstr(buffer, "mag")){ magEnable = false; magTmr = MAG_SNS_DEFAULT; } if (strstr(buffer, "light")){ lightEnable = false; lightTmr = LIGHT_SNS_DEFAULT; } if (strstr(buffer, "touch")){ touchEnable = false; touchTmr = TOUCH_SNS_DEFAULT; } } // Start Command else if (strstr(buffer, "start")!=NULL){ if (strstr(buffer, "acc") && !accEnable){ accEnable = true; accTmr = ACC_SNS_DEFAULT; } if (strstr(buffer, "mag") && !magEnable){ magEnable = true; magTmr = MAG_SNS_DEFAULT; } if (strstr(buffer, "light") && !lightEnable){ lightEnable = true; lightTmr = LIGHT_SNS_DEFAULT; } if (strstr(buffer, "touch") && !touchEnable){ touchEnable = true; touchTmr = TOUCH_SNS_DEFAULT; } } clock1.attach(&clock1_interrupt,0.1); } void clock1_interrupt(){ static int accCnt; static int magCnt; static int lightCnt; static int touchCnt; accCnt++; magCnt++; lightCnt++; touchCnt++; // TODO: send data through Serial if (lightEnable && (lightCnt<0 || lightCnt>=lightTmr/TIME_ACCURACY)){ sendLightInfo(); lightCnt = 0; } if (magEnable && (magCnt<0 || magCnt>=magTmr/TIME_ACCURACY)){ sendMagInfo(); magCnt = 0; } if (touchEnable && (touchCnt<0 || touchCnt>=touchTmr/TIME_ACCURACY)){ sendTouchInfo(); touchCnt = 0; } if (accEnable && (accCnt<0 || accCnt>=accTmr/TIME_ACCURACY)){ sendAccInfo(); accCnt = 0; } } void sendLightInfo(){ serial.printf("[LGT] Light Intensity=%f\r\n", lightSensor.read()); } void sendAccInfo(){ // get acc data float accX = accSensor.getAccX(); float accY = accSensor.getAccY(); float accZ = accSensor.getAccZ(); // send acc data serial.printf("[ACC] accX=%-2.4f accY=%-2.4f accZ=%-2.4f\r\n",accX,accY,accZ); } void sendTouchInfo(){ // get data float touchForce = touchSensor.readPercentage(); float distance = touchSensor.readDistance(); // send data serial.printf("[TCH] Force=%0.4f Distance=%2.2f\r\n", touchForce, distance); } void sendMagInfo(){ // get data int magX, magY, magZ; magSensor.getValues(&magX, &magY, &magZ); // send data serial.printf("[MAG] magX=%d magY=%d magZ=%d\r\n",magX,magY,magZ); }