#include #include #include "util.h" #include "sys.h" #include "wm.h" #define MODKEY alt #define MARGIN 10 #define STACK 20 /* Loca types */ struct win_wm { list_t *col; // node in wm_cols list_t *row; // node in col->rows }; typedef enum { none, move, resize } drag_t; typedef enum { split, stack, max, tab } mode_t; typedef struct { int width; mode_t mode; win_t *focus; list_t *rows; } col_t; /* Mouse drag data */ static drag_t move_mode; static win_t *move_win; static ptr_t move_prev; /* Window management data */ static win_t *wm_focus; static list_t *wm_cols; static win_t *wm_root; /* Helper functions */ static void set_mode(win_t *win, mode_t mode) { if (!win->wm || !win->wm->col) return; col_t *col = win->wm->col->data; printf("set_mode: %p (%p), %d -> %d\n", win, col, col->mode, mode); col->mode = mode; if (col->mode == split) for (list_t *cur = col->rows; cur; cur = cur->next) { win_t *row = cur->data; row->h = wm_root->h; } wm_update(); } static void set_focus(win_t *win) { if (win->wm && win->wm->col) ((col_t*)win->wm->col->data)->focus = win; wm_focus = win; sys_focus(win); } static void set_move(drag_t drag, win_t *win, ptr_t ptr) { printf("set_move: %d - %p@%d,%d\n", drag, win, ptr.rx, ptr.ry); move_mode = drag; if (drag == move || drag == resize) { move_win = win; move_prev = ptr; } } static void print_txt(list_t *cols) { for (list_t *lcol = cols; lcol; lcol = lcol->next) { col_t *col = lcol->data; printf("col:\t <%-9p [%-19p] >%-9p - %dpx @ %d !!%p\n", ( lcol->prev ? lcol->prev->data : NULL ), col, ( lcol->next ? lcol->next->data : NULL ), col->width, col->mode, col->focus); for (list_t *lrow = col->rows; lrow; lrow = lrow->next) { win_t *win = lrow->data; printf(" win:\t^%-9p <%-9p [%p=%p] >%-9p - %4dpx focus=%d%d\n", win->wm->col->data, (win->wm->row->prev ? win->wm->row->prev->data : NULL), win->wm->row->data, win, (win->wm->row->next ? win->wm->row->next->data : NULL), win->h, col->focus == win, wm_focus == win); } } } static void cut_window(win_t *win) { list_t *lrow = win->wm->row; list_t *lcol = win->wm->col; col_t *col = lcol->data; col->focus = lrow->prev ? lrow->prev->data : lrow->next ? lrow->next->data : NULL; wm_focus = col->focus ? col->focus : lcol->prev ? ((col_t*)lcol->prev->data)->focus : lcol->next ? ((col_t*)lcol->next->data)->focus : NULL; col->rows = list_remove(col->rows, lrow); if (col->rows == NULL && (lcol->next || lcol->prev)) wm_cols = list_remove(wm_cols, lcol); } static void put_window(win_t *win, list_t *lcol) { if (lcol == NULL) lcol = wm_cols = list_insert(wm_cols, new0(col_t)); col_t *col = lcol->data; int nrows = list_length(col->rows); if (col->focus) { list_insert_after(col->focus->wm->row, win); win->wm->row = col->focus->wm->row->next; } else { col->rows = list_insert(col->rows, win); win->wm->row = col->rows; } win->wm->col = lcol; col->focus = win; wm_focus = win; win->h = wm_root->h / MAX(nrows,1); if (nrows == 0) { int ncols = list_length(wm_cols); col->width = wm_root->w / MAX(ncols-1,1); } } static void shift_window(win_t *win, int col, int row) { printf("shift_window: %p - %+d,%+d\n", win, col, row); print_txt(wm_cols); printf("shift_window: >>>\n"); if (row != 0) { list_t *src = win->wm->row, *dst = NULL; if (row < 0) dst = src->prev; if (row > 0) dst = src->next; if (src && dst) { printf("swap: %p <-> %p\n", src->data, dst->data); src->data = dst->data; dst->data = win; ((win_t*)src->data)->wm->row = src; ((win_t*)dst->data)->wm->row = dst; wm_update(); } } else { int onlyrow = !win->wm->row->prev && !win->wm->row->next; list_t *src = win->wm->col, *dst = NULL; if (col < 0) { if (!src->prev && !onlyrow) wm_cols = list_insert(wm_cols, new0(col_t)); dst = src->prev; } if (col > 0) { if (!src->next && !onlyrow) wm_cols = list_append(wm_cols, new0(col_t)); dst = src->next; } if (src && dst) { cut_window(win); put_window(win, dst); wm_update(); } } print_txt(wm_cols); } static void shift_focus(win_t *win, int col, int row) { printf("shift_focus: %p - %+d,%+d\n", win, col, row); list_t *node = NULL; int update = 0; if (row != 0) { if (row < 0) node = win->wm->row->prev; if (row > 0) node = win->wm->row->next; if (((col_t*)win->wm->col->data)->mode != split) update = 1; } else { if (col < 0) node = win->wm->col->prev; if (col > 0) node = win->wm->col->next; if (node) { col_t *col = node->data; node = col->focus->wm->row; } } if (node) set_focus(node->data); if (update) wm_update(); } /* Window management functions */ void wm_update(void) { int x=0, y=0; // Current window top-left position int tx=0, ty=0; // Total x/y size int mx=0, my=0; // Maximum x/y size (screen size) int sy=0; // Size of focused stack window /* Scale horizontally */ x = wm_root->x; mx = wm_root->w - (list_length(wm_cols)+1)*MARGIN; for (list_t *lx = wm_cols; lx; lx = lx->next) tx += ((col_t*)lx->data)->width; for (list_t *lx = wm_cols; lx; lx = lx->next) ((col_t*)lx->data)->width *= (float)mx / tx; /* Scale each column vertically */ for (list_t *lx = wm_cols; lx; lx = lx->next) { col_t *col = lx->data; ty = 0; for (list_t *ly = col->rows; ly; ly = ly->next) ty += ((win_t*)ly->data)->h; y = wm_root->y; my = wm_root->h - (list_length(col->rows)+1)*MARGIN; sy = my - (list_length(col->rows)-1)*STACK; for (list_t *ly = col->rows; ly; ly = ly->next) { win_t *win = ly->data; int height = 0; switch (col->mode) { case split: sys_move(win, x+MARGIN, y+MARGIN, col->width, win->h * ((float)my / ty)); height = win->h; break; case stack: height = col->focus == win ? sy : STACK; sys_move(win, x+MARGIN, y+MARGIN, col->width, height); break; case max: case tab: sys_move(win, x+MARGIN, 0+MARGIN, col->width, wm_root->h-2*MARGIN); if (col->focus == win) sys_raise(win); break; } y += height + MARGIN; } x += col->width + MARGIN; } } int wm_handle_key(win_t *win, Key_t key, mod_t mod, ptr_t ptr) { if (!win || win == wm_root) return 0; //printf("wm_handle_key: %p - %x %x\n", win, key, mod); /* Raise */ if (key == key_f2) return set_focus(win), 1; if (key == key_f4) return sys_raise(win), 1; if (key == key_f1 && mod.MODKEY) sys_raise(win); if (key == key_f12 && mod.MODKEY) print_txt(wm_cols); if (key_mouse0 <= key && key <= key_mouse7) sys_raise(win); /* Movement commands */ if (mod.MODKEY && mod.shift) { switch (key) { case 'h': return shift_window(win,-1, 0), 1; case 'j': return shift_window(win, 0,+1), 1; case 'k': return shift_window(win, 0,-1), 1; case 'l': return shift_window(win,+1, 0), 1; default: break; } } else if (mod.MODKEY) { switch (key) { case 'h': return shift_focus(win,-1, 0), 1; case 'j': return shift_focus(win, 0,+1), 1; case 'k': return shift_focus(win, 0,-1), 1; case 'l': return shift_focus(win,+1, 0), 1; default: break; } } /* Column mode commands */ if (mod.MODKEY) { switch (key) { case 'd': return set_mode(win, split), 1; case 's': return set_mode(win, stack), 1; case 'm': return set_mode(win, max), 1; case 't': return set_mode(win, tab), 1; default: break; } } /* Mouse movement */ if (key_mouse0 <= key && key <= key_mouse7 && mod.up) return set_move(none,win,ptr), 1; else if (key == key_mouse1 && mod.MODKEY) return set_move(move,win,ptr), 1; else if (key == key_mouse3 && mod.MODKEY) return set_move(resize,win,ptr), 1; /* Focus change */ if (key == key_enter || (key_mouse0 <= key && key <= key_mouse7)) set_focus(win); /* Reset focus after after focus change, * not sure what is causing the focus change in the first place * but preventing that would be a better solution */ if (key == key_focus) set_focus(wm_focus); return 0; } int wm_handle_ptr(win_t *cwin, ptr_t ptr) { //printf("wm_handle_ptr: %p - %d,%d %d,%d (%d) -- \n", // cwin, ptr.x, ptr.y, ptr.rx, ptr.ry, move_mode); if (move_mode == none) return 0; /* Tiling */ int dx = ptr.rx - move_prev.rx; int dy = ptr.ry - move_prev.ry; move_prev = ptr; if (move_mode == resize) { list_t *row = move_win->wm->row; list_t *col = move_win->wm->col; list_t *lower = row->next; list_t *right = col->next; if (lower) { ((win_t*)row->data)->h += dy; ((win_t*)lower->data)->h -= dy; } if (right) { ((col_t*)col->data)->width += dx; ((col_t*)right->data)->width -= dx; } wm_update(); } /* Floating */ //win_t *mwin = move_win; //int dx = ptr.rx - move_prev.rx; //int dy = ptr.ry - move_prev.ry; //move_prev = ptr; //if (move_mode == move) // sys_move(mwin, mwin->x+dx, mwin->y+dy, mwin->w, mwin->h); //else if (move_mode == resize) // sys_move(mwin, mwin->x, mwin->y, mwin->w+dx, mwin->h+dy); return 0; } void wm_insert(win_t *win) { printf("wm_insert: %p\n", win); print_txt(wm_cols); /* Initialize window */ win->wm = new0(win_wm_t); sys_watch(win, key_enter, MOD()); sys_watch(win, key_focus, MOD()); /* Add to screen */ list_t *lcol = wm_focus && wm_focus->wm ? wm_focus->wm->col : wm_cols; put_window(win, lcol); /* Arrange */ wm_update(); sys_focus(wm_focus); print_txt(wm_cols); } void wm_remove(win_t *win) { printf("wm_remove: %p - (%p,%p)\n", win, win->wm->col, win->wm->row); print_txt(wm_cols); cut_window(win); if (wm_focus) sys_focus(wm_focus); else sys_focus(wm_root); wm_update(); print_txt(wm_cols); } void wm_init(win_t *root) { printf("wm_init: %p\n", root); wm_root = root; sys_watch(root, key_f1, MOD(.MODKEY=1)); sys_watch(root, key_f12, MOD(.MODKEY=1)); sys_watch(root, key_mouse1, MOD(.MODKEY=1)); sys_watch(root, key_mouse3, MOD(.MODKEY=1)); sys_watch(root, key_enter, MOD()); sys_watch(root, key_focus, MOD()); Key_t keys_m[] = {'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'd', 's', 'm', 't'}; Key_t keys_s[] = {'h', 'j', 'k', 'l'}; for (int i = 0; i < countof(keys_m); i++) sys_watch(root, keys_m[i], MOD(.MODKEY=1)); for (int i = 0; i < countof(keys_s); i++) sys_watch(root, keys_s[i], MOD(.MODKEY=1,.shift=1)); for (int i = key_mouse1; i < key_mouse7; i++) sys_watch(root, i, MOD()); }