/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Andy Spencer * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "conf.h" #include "types.h" #include "sys.h" #include "wm.h" /* Configuration */ static int border = 2; static int stack = 25; static int no_capture = 0; /* Internal structures */ typedef struct { int left; int right; int top; int bottom; } strut_t; struct win_sys { xcb_window_t xcb; // xcb window id xcb_event_mask_t events; // currently watch events strut_t strut; // toolbar struts state_t state; // window state if not mapped xcb_window_t parent; // transient for window int mapped; // window is managed by wm int managed; // window is managed by wm }; /* Global data */ static xcb_connection_t *conn; static xcb_ewmh_connection_t ewmh; static xcb_key_symbols_t *keysyms; static xcb_colormap_t colormap; static xcb_window_t root; static xcb_event_mask_t events; static list_t *screens; static list_t *struts; static void *cache; static unsigned int grabbed; static int running; static xcb_window_t control; static xcb_pixmap_t clr_focus; static xcb_pixmap_t clr_unfocus; static xcb_pixmap_t clr_urgent; static xcb_atom_t wm_protos; static xcb_atom_t wm_delete; static xcb_atom_t wm_nhints; /************************ * Conversion functions * ************************/ /* State names */ static char *state_map[] = { [ST_HIDE ] "hide ", [ST_SHOW ] "show ", [ST_FULL ] "full ", [ST_MAX ] "max ", [ST_SHADE] "shade", [ST_ICON ] "icon ", [ST_CLOSE] "close", }; /* Key presses */ static struct { event_t ev; xcb_keysym_t sym; } keysym_map[] = { { EV_LEFT, 0xFF51 }, { EV_RIGHT, 0xFF53 }, { EV_UP, 0xFF52 }, { EV_DOWN, 0xFF54 }, { EV_HOME, 0xFF50 }, { EV_END, 0xFF57 }, { EV_PAGEUP, 0xFF55 }, { EV_PAGEDOWN, 0xFF56 }, { EV_F1, 0xFFBE }, { EV_F2, 0xFFBF }, { EV_F3, 0xFFC0 }, { EV_F4, 0xFFC1 }, { EV_F5, 0xFFC2 }, { EV_F6, 0xFFC3 }, { EV_F7, 0xFFC4 }, { EV_F8, 0xFFC5 }, { EV_F9, 0xFFC6 }, { EV_F10, 0xFFC7 }, { EV_F11, 0xFFC8 }, { EV_F12, 0xFFC9 }, }; /************************ * Conversion functions * ************************/ static xcb_keycode_t *event_to_keycodes(event_t ev) { xcb_keycode_t *codes = NULL; /* Get keysym */ xcb_keysym_t keysym = map_get(keysym_map, ev, ev, sym, ev); /* Get keycodes */ if (!(codes = xcb_key_symbols_get_keycode(keysyms, keysym))) warn("no keycode found for %d->%d", ev, keysym); return codes; } static event_t keycode_to_event(xcb_keycode_t code) { /* Get keysym */ xcb_keysym_t keysym = xcb_key_symbols_get_keysym(keysyms, code, 0); /* Get event */ return map_get(keysym_map, sym,keysym, ev,keysym); } /* Button presses */ static event_t button_to_event(xcb_button_t btn) { return EV_MOUSE0 + btn; } static xcb_button_t event_to_button(event_t ev) { return ev - EV_MOUSE0; } /* Modifier masks */ static xcb_mod_mask_t mod_to_mask(mod_t mod) { xcb_mod_mask_t mask = 0; if (mod.alt) mask |= XCB_MOD_MASK_1; if (mod.ctrl) mask |= XCB_MOD_MASK_CONTROL; if (mod.shift) mask |= XCB_MOD_MASK_SHIFT; if (mod.win) mask |= XCB_MOD_MASK_4; return mask; } static mod_t mask_to_mod(xcb_mod_mask_t mask, int up) { mod_t mod = { .up = up }; if (mask & XCB_MOD_MASK_1) mod.alt = 1; if (mask & XCB_MOD_MASK_CONTROL) mod.ctrl = 1; if (mask & XCB_MOD_MASK_SHIFT) mod.shift = 1; if (mask & XCB_MOD_MASK_4) mod.win = 1; return mod; } /* Mouse pointers */ static ptr_t list_to_ptr(int16_t *list) { ptr_t ptr = {}; if (list) { ptr.rx = list[0]; // root_x ptr.ry = list[1]; // root_y ptr.x = list[2]; // event_x ptr.y = list[3]; // event_y } return ptr; } /******************** * Window functions * ********************/ static int win_cmp(const void *_a, const void *_b) { const win_t *a = _a; const win_t *b = _b; if (a->sys->xcb < b->sys->xcb) return -1; if (a->sys->xcb > b->sys->xcb) return 1; return 0; } static win_t *win_get(xcb_window_t xcb) { win_sys_t sys = { .xcb = xcb }; win_t key = { .sys = &sys }; win_t **win = tfind(&key, &cache, win_cmp); if (!win) { warn("no window for %u", xcb); return NULL; } return *win; } static win_t *win_new(xcb_window_t xcb) { win_t *win = new0(win_t); win->sys = new0(win_sys_t); win->sys->xcb = xcb; win_t **old = tfind(win, &cache, win_cmp); if (old) { warn("duplicate window for %u\n", xcb); free(win->sys); free(win); return *old; } tsearch(win, &cache, win_cmp); printf("win_new: xcb=%-8u -> win=%p\n", win->sys->xcb, win); return win; } static void win_free(win_t *win) { printf("win_free: xcb=%-8u -> win=%p\n", win->sys->xcb, win); free(win->sys); free(win); } static void win_add_strut(win_t *win) { win->type = TYPE_TOOLBAR; for (list_t *cur = screens; cur; cur = cur->next) { win_t *screen = cur->data; strut_t *strut = &win->sys->strut; screen->x += strut->left; screen->y += strut->top; screen->w -= strut->left + strut->right; screen->h -= strut->top + strut->bottom; } struts = list_insert(struts, win); } static void win_del_strut(win_t *win) { list_t *link = list_find(struts, win); if (!link) return; for (list_t *cur = screens; cur; cur = cur->next) { win_t *screen = cur->data; strut_t *strut = &win->sys->strut; screen->x -= strut->left; screen->y -= strut->top; screen->w += strut->left + strut->right; screen->h += strut->top + strut->bottom; } struts = list_remove(struts, link, 0); } /**************** * XCB Wrappers * ****************/ static void *do_query_tree(xcb_window_t xcb, xcb_window_t **kids, int *nkids) { xcb_query_tree_cookie_t cookie = xcb_query_tree(conn, xcb); if (!cookie.sequence) return warn("do_query_tree: %d - bad cookie", xcb), NULL; xcb_query_tree_reply_t *reply = xcb_query_tree_reply(conn, cookie, NULL); if (!reply) return warn("do_query_tree: %d - no reply", xcb), NULL; *nkids = xcb_query_tree_children_length(reply); *kids = xcb_query_tree_children(reply); printf("do_query_tree: %d - n=%d\n", xcb, *nkids); return reply; } static int do_get_geometry(xcb_window_t xcb, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h) { xcb_get_geometry_cookie_t cookie = xcb_get_geometry(conn, xcb); if (!cookie.sequence) return warn("do_get_geometry: %d - bad cookie", xcb); xcb_get_geometry_reply_t *reply = xcb_get_geometry_reply(conn, cookie, NULL); if (!reply) return warn("do_get_geometry: %d - no reply", xcb); printf("do_get_geometry: %d - %dx%d @ %d,%d\n", xcb, reply->width, reply->height, reply->x, reply->y); *x = reply->x; *y = reply->y; *w = reply->width; *h = reply->height; free(reply); return 1; } static int do_get_window_attributes(xcb_window_t xcb, int *override, int *mapped) { xcb_get_window_attributes_cookie_t cookie = xcb_get_window_attributes(conn, xcb); if (!cookie.sequence) return warn("do_get_window_attributes: %d - bad cookie", xcb); xcb_get_window_attributes_reply_t *reply = xcb_get_window_attributes_reply(conn, cookie, NULL); if (!reply) return warn("do_get_window_attributes: %d - no reply ", xcb); printf("do_get_window_attributes: %d - %d\n", xcb, reply->override_redirect); *override = reply->override_redirect; *mapped = reply->map_state != XCB_MAP_STATE_UNMAPPED; free(reply); return 1; } static int do_xinerama_check(void) { const xcb_query_extension_reply_t *data = xcb_get_extension_data(conn, &xcb_xinerama_id); if (!data || !data->present) return warn("do_xinerama_check: no ext"); xcb_xinerama_is_active_cookie_t cookie = xcb_xinerama_is_active(conn); if (!cookie.sequence) return warn("do_xinerama_check: no cookie"); xcb_xinerama_is_active_reply_t *reply = xcb_xinerama_is_active_reply(conn, cookie, NULL); if (!reply) return warn("do_xinerama_check: no reply"); printf("do_xinerama_check: %d\n", reply->state); int state = reply->state; free(reply); return state; } static void *do_query_screens(xcb_xinerama_screen_info_t **info, int *ninfo) { xcb_xinerama_query_screens_cookie_t cookie = xcb_xinerama_query_screens(conn); if (!cookie.sequence) return warn("do_query_screens: bad cookie"), NULL; xcb_xinerama_query_screens_reply_t *reply = xcb_xinerama_query_screens_reply(conn, cookie, NULL); if (!reply) return warn("do_query_screens: no reply"), NULL; *ninfo = xcb_xinerama_query_screens_screen_info_length(reply); *info = xcb_xinerama_query_screens_screen_info(reply); printf("do_query_screens: %d screens\n", *ninfo); return reply; } static int do_get_input_focus(void) { xcb_get_input_focus_cookie_t cookie = xcb_get_input_focus(conn); if (!cookie.sequence) return warn("do_get_input_focus: bad cookie"); xcb_get_input_focus_reply_t *reply = xcb_get_input_focus_reply(conn, cookie, NULL); if (!reply) return warn("do_get_input_focus: no reply"); int focus = reply->focus; free(reply); return focus; } static xcb_atom_t do_intern_atom(const char *name) { xcb_intern_atom_cookie_t cookie = xcb_intern_atom(conn, 0, strlen(name), name); if (!cookie.sequence) return warn("do_intern_atom: bad cookie"); xcb_intern_atom_reply_t *reply = xcb_intern_atom_reply(conn, cookie, NULL); if (!reply) return warn("do_intern_atom: no reply"); xcb_atom_t atom = reply->atom; free(reply); return atom; } static char *do_get_atom_name(xcb_atom_t atom) { xcb_get_atom_name_cookie_t cookie = xcb_get_atom_name(conn, atom); if (!cookie.sequence) return warn("do_get_atom_name: bad cookie"), NULL; xcb_get_atom_name_reply_t *reply = xcb_get_atom_name_reply(conn, cookie, NULL); if (!reply) return warn("do_get_atom_name: no reply"), NULL; char *name = xcb_get_atom_name_name(reply); int len = xcb_get_atom_name_name_length(reply); char *str = strndup(name, len); free(reply); return str; } static int do_ewmh_init_atoms(void) { xcb_intern_atom_cookie_t *cookies = xcb_ewmh_init_atoms(conn, &ewmh); if (!cookies) return warn("do_ewmh_init_atoms: no cookies"); int status = xcb_ewmh_init_atoms_replies(&ewmh, cookies, NULL); if (!status) return warn("do_ewmh_init_atoms: no status"); return status; } static int do_get_type(xcb_window_t xcb, type_t *type) { xcb_get_property_cookie_t cookie = xcb_ewmh_get_wm_window_type(&ewmh, xcb); if (!cookie.sequence) return warn("do_get_type: bad cookie"); xcb_ewmh_get_atoms_reply_t reply; if (!xcb_ewmh_get_wm_window_type_reply(&ewmh, cookie, &reply, NULL)) return warn("do_get_type: no reply"); type_t prev = *type; for (int i = 0; i < reply.atoms_len; i++) { if (reply.atoms[i] == ewmh._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK) *type = TYPE_TOOLBAR; if (reply.atoms[i] == ewmh._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR) *type = TYPE_TOOLBAR; if (reply.atoms[i] == ewmh._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG) *type = TYPE_DIALOG; } printf("do_get_type: %d -> %d\n", prev, *type); return 1; } static int do_get_icccm_state(xcb_window_t xcb, state_t *state) { xcb_get_property_cookie_t cookie; cookie = xcb_icccm_get_wm_normal_hints(conn, xcb); if (!cookie.sequence) return warn("do_get_icccm_state: bad cookie1"); xcb_size_hints_t sizes; if (!xcb_icccm_get_wm_normal_hints_reply(conn, cookie, &sizes, NULL)) return warn("do_get_icccm_state: no sizes"); state_t prev = *state; printf("do_get_icccm_state: %s -> %s\n", state_map[prev], state_map[*state]); return 1; } static int do_get_ewmh_state(xcb_window_t xcb, state_t *state) { xcb_get_property_cookie_t cookie; cookie = xcb_ewmh_get_wm_state(&ewmh, xcb); if (!cookie.sequence) return warn("do_get_ewmh_state: bad cookie2"); xcb_ewmh_get_atoms_reply_t states; if (!xcb_ewmh_get_wm_state_reply(&ewmh, cookie, &states, NULL)) return warn("do_get_ewmh_state: no reply2"); state_t prev = *state; for (int i = 0; i < states.atoms_len; i++) if (states.atoms[i] == ewmh._NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN) *state = ST_FULL; printf("do_get_ewmh_state: %s -> %s\n", state_map[prev], state_map[*state]); return 1; } static int do_get_strut(xcb_window_t xcb, strut_t *strut) { xcb_get_property_cookie_t cookie = xcb_ewmh_get_wm_strut(&ewmh, xcb); if (!cookie.sequence) return warn("do_get_strut: bad cookie"); xcb_ewmh_get_extents_reply_t ext = {}; int status = xcb_ewmh_get_wm_strut_reply(&ewmh, cookie, &ext, NULL); if (!status) return warn("do_get_strut: no status"); strut->left = ext.left; strut->right = ext.right; strut->top = ext.top; strut->bottom = ext.bottom; return ext.left || ext.right || ext.top || ext.bottom; } static int do_get_transient(xcb_window_t xcb, xcb_window_t *parent) { xcb_get_property_cookie_t cookie; cookie = xcb_icccm_get_wm_transient_for(conn, xcb); if (!cookie.sequence) return warn("do_get_transient: bad cookie"); if (!xcb_icccm_get_wm_transient_for_reply(conn, cookie, parent, NULL)) return warn("do_get_transient: no sizes"); printf("do_get_transient: %d -> %d\n", xcb, *parent); return 1; } static xcb_pixmap_t do_alloc_color(uint32_t rgb) { uint16_t r = (rgb & 0xFF0000) >> 8; uint16_t g = (rgb & 0x00FF00); uint16_t b = (rgb & 0x0000FF) << 8; xcb_alloc_color_cookie_t cookie = xcb_alloc_color(conn, colormap, r, g, b); if (!cookie.sequence) return warn("do_alloc_color: bad cookie"); xcb_alloc_color_reply_t *reply = xcb_alloc_color_reply(conn, cookie, NULL); if (!reply) return warn("do_alloc_color: no reply"); printf("do_alloc_color: %06x -> %06x\n", rgb, reply->pixel); xcb_pixmap_t pixel = reply->pixel; free(reply); return pixel; } static void do_grab_pointer(xcb_event_mask_t mask) { if (!grabbed) xcb_grab_pointer(conn, 0, root, mask, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC, 0, 0, XCB_CURRENT_TIME); grabbed++; } static void do_ungrab_pointer(void) { grabbed--; if (!grabbed) xcb_ungrab_pointer(conn, XCB_CURRENT_TIME); } static void do_configure_window(xcb_window_t xcb, int x, int y, int w, int h, int b, int s, int r) { int table[][2] = { { x, XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_X }, { y, XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_Y }, { w, XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_WIDTH }, { h, XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_HEIGHT }, { b, XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_BORDER_WIDTH }, { s, XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_SIBLING }, { r, XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_STACK_MODE }, }; uint16_t mask = 0; uint32_t list[countof(table)]; for (int i=0,j=0; i < countof(table); i++) { if (table[i][0] >= 0) { list[j++] = table[i][0]; mask |= table[i][1]; } } xcb_configure_window(conn, xcb, mask, list); } static int do_client_message(xcb_window_t xcb, xcb_atom_t atom) { /* Get protocols */ xcb_get_property_cookie_t cookie = xcb_icccm_get_wm_protocols(conn, xcb, wm_protos); if (!cookie.sequence) return warn("do_client_message: %d - bad cookie", xcb); xcb_icccm_get_wm_protocols_reply_t protos = {}; if (!xcb_icccm_get_wm_protocols_reply(conn, cookie, &protos, NULL)) return warn("do_client_message: %d - no reply", xcb); /* Search for the atom */ int found = 0; for (int i = 0; i < protos.atoms_len; i++) if (protos.atoms[i] == atom) found = 1; xcb_icccm_get_wm_protocols_reply_wipe(&protos); if (!found) return warn("do_client_message: %d - no atom", xcb); /* Send the message */ xcb_client_message_event_t msg = { .response_type = XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE, .format = 32, .window = xcb, .type = wm_protos, .data.data32[0] = atom, .data.data32[1] = XCB_CURRENT_TIME, }; xcb_send_event(conn, 0, xcb, XCB_EVENT_MASK_NO_EVENT, (const char *)&msg); return 1; } /************************** * Window Manager Helpers * **************************/ /* Send event info */ static int send_event(event_t ev, xcb_window_t ewin) { win_t *win = win_get(ewin); do_grab_pointer(0); int status = wm_handle_event(win, ev, MOD(), PTR()); do_ungrab_pointer(); return status; } /* Send event info */ static int send_event_info(event_t ev, xcb_mod_mask_t mask, int up, int16_t *pos, xcb_window_t rwin, xcb_window_t ewin, xcb_window_t cwin) { xcb_window_t xcb = ewin == rwin ? cwin : ewin; win_t *win = win_get(xcb); mod_t mod = mask_to_mod(mask, up); ptr_t ptr = list_to_ptr(pos); do_grab_pointer(0); int status = wm_handle_event(win, ev, mod, ptr); do_ungrab_pointer(); return status; } /* Send pointer motion info */ static int send_pointer(int16_t *pos, xcb_window_t rwin, xcb_window_t ewin, xcb_window_t cwin) { xcb_window_t xcb = ewin == rwin ? cwin : ewin; win_t *win = win_get(xcb); ptr_t ptr = list_to_ptr(pos); do_grab_pointer(0); int status = wm_handle_ptr(win, ptr); do_ungrab_pointer(); return status; } /* Send window state info */ static void send_manage(win_t *win, int managed) { if (win->sys->managed == managed) return; if (managed) wm_insert(win); else wm_remove(win); win->sys->managed = managed; } /* Send window state info */ static void send_state(win_t *win, state_t next) { if (!win->sys->managed) return; if (!win->sys->mapped) return; if (win->state == next) return; state_t prev = win->state; win->state = next; wm_handle_state(win, prev, next); } /********************** * X11 Event Handlers * **********************/ /* Specific events */ static void on_key_event(xcb_key_press_event_t *event, int up) { printf("on_key_event: xcb=%-8u\n", event->event); xcb_window_t focus = do_get_input_focus(); event_t ev = keycode_to_event(event->detail); send_event_info(ev, event->state, up, &event->root_x, event->root, focus, event->child); } static void on_button_event(xcb_button_press_event_t *event, int up) { printf("on_button_event: xcb=%-8u\n", event->event); event_t ev = button_to_event(event->detail); if (!send_event_info(ev, event->state, up, &event->root_x, event->root, event->event, event->child)) xcb_allow_events(conn, XCB_ALLOW_REPLAY_POINTER, event->time); else if (!up) do_grab_pointer(XCB_EVENT_MASK_POINTER_MOTION | XCB_EVENT_MASK_BUTTON_RELEASE); else do_ungrab_pointer(); } static void on_motion_notify(xcb_motion_notify_event_t *event) { printf("on_motion_notify: xcb=%-8u - %d,%d / %d.%d\n", event->event, event->event_x, event->event_y, event->root_x, event->root_y); send_pointer(&event->root_x, event->root, event->event, event->child); } static void on_enter_notify(xcb_enter_notify_event_t *event) { if (event->mode != XCB_NOTIFY_MODE_NORMAL) return; printf("on_enter_notify: xcb=%-8u\n", event->event); send_event_info(EV_ENTER, event->state, 0, &event->root_x, event->root, event->event, event->child); } static void on_leave_notify(xcb_leave_notify_event_t *event) { if (event->mode != XCB_NOTIFY_MODE_NORMAL) return; printf("on_leave_notify: xcb=%-8u\n", event->event); send_event_info(EV_LEAVE, event->state, 0, &event->root_x, event->root, event->event, event->child); } static void on_focus_in(xcb_focus_in_event_t *event) { if (event->mode != XCB_NOTIFY_MODE_NORMAL && event->mode != XCB_NOTIFY_MODE_WHILE_GRABBED) return; printf("on_focus_in: xcb=%-8u mode=%d\n", event->event, event->mode); xcb_change_window_attributes(conn, event->event, XCB_CW_BORDER_PIXEL, &clr_focus); if (event->mode == XCB_NOTIFY_MODE_NORMAL) send_event(EV_FOCUS, event->event); } static void on_focus_out(xcb_focus_out_event_t *event) { if (event->mode != XCB_NOTIFY_MODE_NORMAL && event->mode != XCB_NOTIFY_MODE_WHILE_GRABBED) return; printf("on_focus_out: xcb=%-8u mode=%d\n", event->event, event->mode); xcb_change_window_attributes(conn, event->event, XCB_CW_BORDER_PIXEL, &clr_unfocus); if (event->mode == XCB_NOTIFY_MODE_NORMAL) send_event(EV_UNFOCUS, event->event); } static void on_create_notify(xcb_create_notify_event_t *event) { printf("on_create_notify: xcb=%-8u\n", event->window); win_t *win = win_new(event->window); win->x = event->x; win->y = event->y; win->w = event->width; win->h = event->height; win->sys->state = ST_SHOW; win->sys->events = XCB_EVENT_MASK_PROPERTY_CHANGE; xcb_change_window_attributes(conn, event->window, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, &win->sys->events); if (!event->override_redirect) send_manage(win, 1); if (do_get_transient(event->window, &win->sys->parent)) win->parent = win_get(win->sys->parent); } static void on_destroy_notify(xcb_destroy_notify_event_t *event) { win_t *win = win_get(event->window); printf("on_destroy_notify: xcb=%-8u -> win=%p\n", event->window, win); if (!win) return; send_manage(win, 0); tdelete(win, &cache, win_cmp); win_free(win); } static void on_unmap_notify(xcb_unmap_notify_event_t *event) { win_t *win = win_get(event->window); printf("on_unmap_notify: xcb=%-8u -> win=%p\n", event->window, win); if (!win) return; win_del_strut(win); send_state(win, ST_HIDE); win->sys->mapped = 0; } static void on_map_notify(xcb_map_notify_event_t *event) { win_t *win = win_get(event->window); printf("on_map_notify: xcb=%-8u -> win=%p\n", event->window, win); if (!win) return; win->sys->mapped = 1; send_state(win, win->sys->state); } static void on_map_request(xcb_map_request_event_t *event) { win_t *win = win_get(event->window); printf("on_map_request: xcb=%-8u -> win=%p\n", event->window, win); if (!win) return; win->sys->mapped = 1; send_state(win, win->sys->state); xcb_map_window(conn, win->sys->xcb); if (!win->sys->managed) sys_move(win, win->x, win->y, win->w, win->h); } static void on_configure_request(xcb_configure_request_event_t *event) { win_t *win = win_get(event->window); printf("on_configure_request: xcb=%-8u -> win=%p -- %dx%d @ %d,%d\n", event->window, win, event->width, event->height, event->x, event->y); if (!win) return; printf("on_configure_request: xcb=%-8u -> win=%p << %dx%d @ %d,%d\n", event->window, win, win->w, win->h, win->x, win->y); if (!win->sys->managed) { win->x = event->x; win->y = event->y; win->w = event->width; win->h = event->height; } xcb_configure_notify_event_t resp = { .response_type = XCB_CONFIGURE_NOTIFY, .event = win->sys->xcb, .window = win->sys->xcb, .x = win->x, .y = win->y, .width = win->w, .height = win->h, .border_width = border, }; xcb_send_event(conn, 0, win->sys->xcb, XCB_EVENT_MASK_STRUCTURE_NOTIFY, (const char *)&resp); } static void on_property_notify(xcb_property_notify_event_t *event) { win_t *win = win_get(event->window); char *name = do_get_atom_name(event->atom); printf("on_property_notify: xcb=%-8u -> win=%p - %s\n", event->window, win, name); if (name) free(name); if (!win) return; /* Check window type */ if (event->atom == ewmh._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE) do_get_type(event->window, &win->type); /* Check struts */ if (event->atom == ewmh._NET_WM_STRUT) if (do_get_strut(win->sys->xcb, &win->sys->strut)) win_add_strut(win); /* Check transient for */ if (event->atom == XCB_ATOM_WM_TRANSIENT_FOR) if (do_get_transient(event->window, &win->sys->parent)) win->parent = win_get(win->sys->parent); /* Check window state */ if (event->atom == wm_nhints) if (do_get_icccm_state(event->window, &win->sys->state)) send_state(win, win->sys->state); if (event->atom == ewmh._NET_WM_STATE) if (do_get_ewmh_state(event->window, &win->sys->state)) send_state(win, win->sys->state); } static void on_client_message(xcb_client_message_event_t *event) { win_t *win = win_get(event->window); char *name = do_get_atom_name(event->type); printf("on_client_message: xcb=%-8u -> win=%p - %s=[%d,%d,%d,%d]\n", event->window, win, name, event->data.data32[0], event->data.data32[1], event->data.data32[2], event->data.data32[3]); if (name) free(name); if (!win) return; /* Exit request */ if (event->window == control && event->type == wm_protos && event->data.data32[0] == wm_delete) { printf("on_client_message: shutdown request"); running = 0; } /* Close request */ if (event->type == ewmh._NET_CLOSE_WINDOW) { printf("on_client_message: close request"); sys_show(win, ST_CLOSE); } /* Fullscreen request */ if ((event->type == ewmh._NET_WM_STATE) && (event->data.data32[1] == ewmh._NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN || event->data.data32[2] == ewmh._NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN)) { printf("on_client_message: fullscreen request"); int full = win->state == ST_FULL; switch (event->data.data32[0]) { case XCB_EWMH_WM_STATE_REMOVE: full = 0; break; case XCB_EWMH_WM_STATE_ADD: full = 1; break; case XCB_EWMH_WM_STATE_TOGGLE: full ^= 1; break; } win->sys->state = full ? ST_FULL : ST_SHOW; send_state(win, win->sys->state); sys_show(win, win->sys->state); } } /* Generic Event */ static void on_event(xcb_generic_event_t *event) { int type = XCB_EVENT_RESPONSE_TYPE(event); switch (type) { /* Input handling */ case XCB_KEY_PRESS: on_key_event((xcb_key_press_event_t *)event, 0); break; case XCB_KEY_RELEASE: on_key_event((xcb_key_release_event_t *)event, 1); break; case XCB_BUTTON_PRESS: on_button_event((xcb_button_press_event_t *)event, 0); break; case XCB_BUTTON_RELEASE: on_button_event((xcb_button_release_event_t *)event, 1); break; case XCB_MOTION_NOTIFY: on_motion_notify((xcb_motion_notify_event_t *)event); break; case XCB_ENTER_NOTIFY: on_enter_notify((xcb_enter_notify_event_t *)event); break; case XCB_LEAVE_NOTIFY: on_leave_notify((xcb_leave_notify_event_t *)event); break; case XCB_FOCUS_IN: on_focus_in((xcb_focus_in_event_t *)event); break; case XCB_FOCUS_OUT: on_focus_out((xcb_focus_out_event_t *)event); break; /* Window management */ case XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY: on_create_notify((xcb_create_notify_event_t *)event); break; case XCB_DESTROY_NOTIFY: on_destroy_notify((xcb_destroy_notify_event_t *)event); break; case XCB_UNMAP_NOTIFY: on_unmap_notify((xcb_unmap_notify_event_t *)event); break; case XCB_MAP_NOTIFY: on_map_notify((xcb_map_notify_event_t *)event); break; case XCB_MAP_REQUEST: on_map_request((xcb_map_request_event_t *)event); break; case XCB_CONFIGURE_REQUEST: on_configure_request((xcb_configure_request_event_t *)event); break; case XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY: on_property_notify((xcb_property_notify_event_t *)event); break; case XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE: on_client_message((xcb_client_message_event_t *)event); break; /* Unknown events */ default: printf("on_event: %d:%02X -> %s\n", XCB_EVENT_SENT(event) != 0, XCB_EVENT_RESPONSE_TYPE(event), xcb_event_get_label(type) ?: "unknown_event"); break; } } /******************** * System functions * ********************/ void sys_move(win_t *win, int x, int y, int w, int h) { printf("sys_move: %p - %dx%d @ %d,%d\n", win, w, h, x, y); int b = 2*border; win->x = x; win->y = y; win->w = MAX(w,1+b); win->h = MAX(h,1+b); w = MAX(w-b,1); h = MAX(h-b,1); do_configure_window(win->sys->xcb, x, y, w, h, -1, -1, -1); } void sys_raise(win_t *win) { printf("sys_raise: %p\n", win); uint16_t mask = XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_STACK_MODE; uint32_t list = XCB_STACK_MODE_ABOVE; xcb_configure_window(conn, win->sys->xcb, mask, &list); for (list_t *cur = struts; cur; cur = cur->next) xcb_configure_window(conn, ((win_t*)cur->data)->sys->xcb, mask, &list); } void sys_focus(win_t *win) { printf("sys_focus: %p\n", win); xcb_window_t xcb = win ? win->sys->xcb : root; xcb_set_input_focus(conn, XCB_INPUT_FOCUS_POINTER_ROOT, xcb, XCB_CURRENT_TIME); } void sys_show(win_t *win, state_t state) { printf("sys_show: %p - %s -> %s\n", win, state_map[win->state], state_map[state]); xcb_window_t xcb = win ? win->sys->xcb : root; /* Find screen */ win_t full, max; if (state == ST_FULL || state == ST_MAX) { for (list_t *cur = screens; cur; cur = cur->next) { full = max = *(win_t*)cur->data; if (win->x >= max.x && win->x <= max.x+max.w && win->y >= max.y && win->y <= max.y+max.h) break; } for (list_t *cur = struts; cur; cur = cur->next) { strut_t *strut = &((win_t*)cur->data)->sys->strut; full.x -= strut->left; full.y -= strut->top; full.w += strut->left + strut->right; full.h += strut->top + strut->bottom; } } /* Change window state */ switch (state) { case ST_HIDE: xcb_unmap_window(conn, xcb); break; case ST_SHOW: xcb_map_window(conn, xcb); do_configure_window(xcb, win->x, win->y, MAX(win->w - 2*border, 1), MAX(win->h - 2*border, 1), border, -1, -1); break; case ST_FULL: xcb_map_window(conn, xcb); do_configure_window(xcb, full.x, full.y, full.w, full.h, 0, -1, XCB_STACK_MODE_ABOVE); break; case ST_MAX: xcb_map_window(conn, xcb); do_configure_window(xcb, max.x, max.y, MAX(max.w - 2*border, 1), MAX(max.h - 2*border, 1), border, -1, XCB_STACK_MODE_ABOVE); break; case ST_SHADE: xcb_map_window(conn, xcb); do_configure_window(xcb, -1, -1, -1, stack, border, -1, -1); break; case ST_ICON: xcb_map_window(conn, xcb); do_configure_window(xcb, -1, -1, 100, 100, border, -1, -1); break; case ST_CLOSE: if (!do_client_message(xcb, wm_delete)) xcb_kill_client(conn, xcb); break; } /* Update state */ win->sys->state = win->state = state; } void sys_watch(win_t *win, event_t ev, mod_t mod) { printf("sys_watch: %p - 0x%X,0x%X\n", win, ev, mod2int(mod)); xcb_window_t xcb = win ? win->sys->xcb : root; xcb_event_mask_t *mask = win ? &win->sys->events : &events; xcb_mod_mask_t mods = 0; xcb_button_t btn = 0; xcb_keycode_t *code = 0; switch (ev) { case EV_ENTER: *mask |= XCB_EVENT_MASK_ENTER_WINDOW; xcb_change_window_attributes(conn, xcb, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, mask); break; case EV_LEAVE: *mask |= XCB_EVENT_MASK_LEAVE_WINDOW; xcb_change_window_attributes(conn, xcb, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, mask); break; case EV_FOCUS: case EV_UNFOCUS: *mask |= XCB_EVENT_MASK_FOCUS_CHANGE; xcb_change_window_attributes(conn, xcb, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, mask); break; case EV_MOUSE0...EV_MOUSE7: btn = event_to_button(ev); mods = mod_to_mask(mod); *mask |= mod.up ? XCB_EVENT_MASK_BUTTON_RELEASE : XCB_EVENT_MASK_BUTTON_PRESS; xcb_grab_button(conn, 0, xcb, *mask, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC, 0, 0, btn, mods); break; default: code = event_to_keycodes(ev); mods = mod_to_mask(mod); for (int i = 0; code && code[i] != XCB_NO_SYMBOL; i++) xcb_grab_key(conn, 1, xcb, mods, code[i], XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC); free(code); break; } } void sys_unwatch(win_t *win, event_t ev, mod_t mod) { printf("sys_unwatch: %p - 0x%X,0x%X\n", win, ev, mod2int(mod)); } list_t *sys_info(void) { printf("sys_info\n"); if (screens == NULL && do_xinerama_check()) { /* Add Xinerama screens */ int ninfo = 0; xcb_xinerama_screen_info_t *info = NULL; void *reply = do_query_screens(&info, &ninfo); for (int i = 0; i < ninfo; i++) { win_t *screen = new0(win_t); screen->x = info[i].x_org; screen->y = info[i].y_org; screen->w = info[i].width; screen->h = info[i].height; screens = list_insert(screens, screen); printf("sys_info: xinerama screen - %dx%d @ %d,%d\n", screen->w, screen->h, screen->x, screen->y); } free(reply); } if (screens == NULL) { /* No xinerama support */ const xcb_setup_t *setup = xcb_get_setup(conn); xcb_screen_t *geom = xcb_setup_roots_iterator(setup).data; win_t *screen = new0(win_t); screen->w = geom->width_in_pixels; screen->h = geom->height_in_pixels; screens = list_insert(screens, screen); printf("sys_info: root screen - %dx%d\n", screen->w, screen->h); } return screens; } void sys_init(void) { printf("sys_init\n"); xcb_void_cookie_t cookie; xcb_generic_error_t *err; /* Load configuration */ stack = conf_get_int("main.stack", stack); border = conf_get_int("main.border", border); no_capture = conf_get_int("main.no-capture", no_capture); /* Connect to display */ if (!(conn = xcb_connect(NULL, NULL))) error("xcb connect failed"); if (xcb_connection_has_error(conn)) error("xcb connection has errors"); /* Get root window */ const xcb_setup_t *setup = xcb_get_setup(conn); xcb_screen_iterator_t iter = xcb_setup_roots_iterator(setup); root = iter.data->root; colormap = iter.data->default_colormap; /* Request substructure redirect */ events = XCB_EVENT_MASK_SUBSTRUCTURE_REDIRECT | XCB_EVENT_MASK_SUBSTRUCTURE_NOTIFY; cookie = xcb_change_window_attributes_checked(conn, root, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, &events); if ((err = xcb_request_check(conn, cookie))) error("another window manager is already running"); /* Setup X Atoms */ wm_protos = do_intern_atom("WM_PROTOCOLS"); wm_delete = do_intern_atom("WM_DELETE_WINDOW"); wm_nhints = do_intern_atom("WM_NORMAL_HINTS"); if (!wm_protos || !wm_delete || !wm_nhints) error("unable to setup atoms"); /* Setup EWMH connection */ if (!do_ewmh_init_atoms()) error("ewmh setup failed"); xcb_ewmh_set_supported(&ewmh, 0, 82, &ewmh._NET_SUPPORTED); /* Set EWMH wm window */ uint32_t override = 1; control = xcb_generate_id(conn); printf("control window: %d\n", control); cookie = xcb_create_window_checked(conn, 0, control, root, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, XCB_CW_OVERRIDE_REDIRECT, &override); if ((err = xcb_request_check(conn, cookie))) error("can't create control window"); cookie = xcb_ewmh_set_wm_name_checked(&ewmh, control, 5, "wmpus"); if ((err = xcb_request_check(conn, cookie))) error("can't set wm name"); cookie = xcb_ewmh_set_supporting_wm_check_checked(&ewmh, root, control); if ((err = xcb_request_check(conn, cookie))) error("can't set control window"); /* Setup for for ST_CLOSE */ xcb_set_close_down_mode(conn, XCB_CLOSE_DOWN_DESTROY_ALL); /* Allocate key symbols */ if (!(keysyms = xcb_key_symbols_alloc(conn))) error("cannot allocate key symbols"); /* Read color information */ clr_focus = do_alloc_color(0xFF6060); clr_unfocus = do_alloc_color(0xD8D8FF); clr_urgent = do_alloc_color(0xFF0000); } void sys_run(void) { printf("sys_run\n"); /* Add each initial window */ if (!no_capture) { int nkids = 0; xcb_window_t *kids = NULL; void *reply = do_query_tree(root, &kids, &nkids); for(int i = 0; i < nkids; i++) { int override=0, mapped=0; if (kids[i] == control) continue; win_t *win = win_new(kids[i]); if (do_get_strut(win->sys->xcb, &win->sys->strut)) win_add_strut(win); do_get_geometry(kids[i], &win->x, &win->y, &win->w, &win->h); do_get_window_attributes(kids[i], &override, &mapped); printf(" found %-8u %dx%d @ %d,%d --%s%s\n", kids[i], win->w, win->h, win->x, win->y, override ? " override" : "", mapped ? " mapped" : ""); state_t state = mapped ? ST_SHOW : ST_HIDE; win->sys->mapped = mapped; do_get_type(kids[i], &win->type); do_get_icccm_state(kids[i], &state); do_get_ewmh_state(kids[i], &state); send_manage(win, !override); send_state(win, state); } free(reply); xcb_flush(conn); } /* Main loop */ running = 1; while (running) { int status; xcb_generic_event_t *event; if (!(event = xcb_wait_for_event(conn))) break; on_event(event); free(event); if (!(status = xcb_flush(conn))) break; } } void sys_exit(void) { printf("sys_exit\n"); xcb_client_message_event_t msg = { .response_type = XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE, .format = 32, .window = control, .type = wm_protos, .data.data32[0] = wm_delete, .data.data32[1] = XCB_CURRENT_TIME, }; xcb_send_event(conn, 0, control, XCB_EVENT_MASK_NO_EVENT, (const char *)&msg); xcb_flush(conn); } void sys_free(void) { printf("sys_free\n"); xcb_void_cookie_t cookie; xcb_generic_error_t *err; /* unregister wm */ cookie = xcb_delete_property_checked(conn, root, ewmh._NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK); if ((err = xcb_request_check(conn, cookie))) warn("can't remove control window"); cookie = xcb_destroy_window_checked(conn, control); if ((err = xcb_request_check(conn, cookie))) warn("can't destroy control window"); /* close connection */ xcb_ewmh_connection_wipe(&ewmh); xcb_key_symbols_free(keysyms); xcb_disconnect(conn); /* free local data */ while (screens) screens = list_remove(screens, screens, 1); tdestroy(cache, (void(*)(void*))win_free); }