/* * Copyright (c) 2011, Andy Spencer * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "conf.h" #include "sys.h" #include "wm.h" /* Configuration */ static int BORDER = 2; static int NO_CAPTURE = 0; /* Internal structures */ struct win_sys { Window xid; Display *dpy; struct { int left, right, top, bottom; } strut; state_t state; }; typedef struct { Key_t key; int sym; } keymap_t; typedef enum { wm_proto, wm_focus, net_strut, natoms } atom_t; typedef enum { clr_focus, clr_unfocus, clr_urgent, ncolors } color_t; /* Global data */ static int running; static void *cache; static Atom atoms[natoms]; static int (*xerrorxlib)(Display *, XErrorEvent *); static unsigned long colors[ncolors]; static list_t *screens; /* Conversion functions */ static keymap_t key2sym[] = { {key_left , XK_Left }, {key_right , XK_Right}, {key_up , XK_Up }, {key_down , XK_Down }, {key_home , XK_Home }, {key_end , XK_End }, {key_pageup , XK_Prior}, {key_pagedown, XK_Next }, {key_f1 , XK_F1 }, {key_f2 , XK_F2 }, {key_f3 , XK_F3 }, {key_f4 , XK_F4 }, {key_f5 , XK_F5 }, {key_f6 , XK_F6 }, {key_f7 , XK_F7 }, {key_f8 , XK_F8 }, {key_f9 , XK_F9 }, {key_f10 , XK_F10 }, {key_f11 , XK_F11 }, {key_f12 , XK_F12 }, }; /* - Modifiers */ static mod_t x2mod(unsigned int state, int up) { return (mod_t){ .alt = !!(state & Mod1Mask ), .ctrl = !!(state & ControlMask), .shift = !!(state & ShiftMask ), .win = !!(state & Mod4Mask ), .up = up, }; } static unsigned int mod2x(mod_t mod) { return (mod.alt ? Mod1Mask : 0) | (mod.ctrl ? ControlMask : 0) | (mod.shift ? ShiftMask : 0) | (mod.win ? Mod4Mask : 0); } /* - Keycodes */ static Key_t x2key(KeySym sym) { keymap_t *km = map_getr(key2sym,sym); return km ? km->key : sym; } static KeySym key2x(Key_t key) { keymap_t *km = map_get(key2sym,key); return km ? km->sym : key; } static Key_t x2btn(int btn) { return btn + key_mouse0; } static int btn2x(Key_t key) { return key - key_mouse0; } /* - Pointers */ static ptr_t x2ptr(XEvent *_ev) { XKeyEvent *ev = &_ev->xkey; return (ptr_t){ev->x, ev->y, ev->x_root, ev->y_root}; } static Window getfocus(win_t *root, XEvent *event) { int revert; Window focus = PointerRoot; if (event->type == KeyPress || event->type == KeyRelease) XGetInputFocus(root->sys->dpy, &focus, &revert); if (focus == PointerRoot) focus = event->xkey.subwindow; if (focus == None) focus = event->xkey.window; return focus; } /* Strut functions * Struts are spaces at the edges of the screen that are used by * toolbars and statusbars such as dzen. */ static int strut_copy(win_t *to, win_t *from, int scale) { int left = from->sys->strut.left; int right = from->sys->strut.right; int top = from->sys->strut.top; int bottom = from->sys->strut.bottom; if (left == 0 && right == 0 && top == 0 && bottom == 0) return 0; to->x += scale*(left ); to->y += scale*(top ); to->w -= scale*(left+right); to->h -= scale*(top+bottom); return 1; } static int strut_add(win_t *root, win_t *win) { /* Get X11 strut data */ Atom ret_type; int ret_size; unsigned long ret_items, bytes_left; unsigned char *xdata; int status = XGetWindowProperty(win->sys->dpy, win->sys->xid, atoms[net_strut], 0L, 4L, False, XA_CARDINAL, &ret_type, &ret_size, &ret_items, &bytes_left, &xdata); if (status != Success || ret_size != 32 || ret_items != 4) return 0; win->sys->strut.left = ((int*)xdata)[0]; win->sys->strut.right = ((int*)xdata)[1]; win->sys->strut.top = ((int*)xdata)[2]; win->sys->strut.bottom = ((int*)xdata)[3]; for (list_t *cur = screens; cur; cur = cur->next) strut_copy(cur->data, win, 1); return strut_copy(root, win, 1); } static int strut_del(win_t *root, win_t *win) { for (list_t *cur = screens; cur; cur = cur->next) strut_copy(cur->data, win, -1); return strut_copy(root, win, -1); } /* Window functions */ static win_t *win_new(Display *dpy, Window xid) { XWindowAttributes attr; if (XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, xid, &attr)) if (attr.override_redirect) return NULL; win_t *win = new0(win_t); win->x = attr.x; win->y = attr.y; win->w = attr.width; win->h = attr.height; win->sys = new0(win_sys_t); win->sys->dpy = dpy; win->sys->xid = xid; printf("win_new: %p = %p, %d (%d,%d %dx%d)\n", win, dpy, (int)xid, win->x, win->y, win->w, win->h); return win; } static int win_cmp(const void *_a, const void *_b) { const win_t *a = _a, *b = _b; if (a->sys->dpy < b->sys->dpy) return -1; if (a->sys->dpy > b->sys->dpy) return 1; if (a->sys->xid < b->sys->xid) return -1; if (a->sys->xid > b->sys->xid) return 1; return 0; } static win_t *win_find(Display *dpy, Window xid, int create) { if (!dpy || !xid) return NULL; //printf("win_find: %p, %d\n", dpy, (int)xid); win_sys_t sys = {.dpy=dpy, .xid=xid}; win_t tmp = {.sys=&sys}; win_t **old = NULL, *new = NULL; if ((old = tfind(&tmp, &cache, win_cmp))) return *old; if (create && (new = win_new(dpy,xid))) tsearch(new, &cache, win_cmp); return new; } static void win_free(win_t *win) { free(win->sys); free(win); } static void win_remove(win_t *win) { tdelete(win, &cache, win_cmp); win_free(win); } static int win_viewable(win_t *win) { XWindowAttributes attr; if (XGetWindowAttributes(win->sys->dpy, win->sys->xid, &attr)) return attr.map_state == IsViewable; else return True; } /* Drawing functions */ static unsigned long get_color(Display *dpy, const char *name) { XColor color; int screen = DefaultScreen(dpy); Colormap cmap = DefaultColormap(dpy, screen); XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, name, &color, &color); return color.pixel; } /* Callbacks */ static void process_event(int type, XEvent *ev, win_t *root) { Display *dpy = root->sys->dpy; win_t *win = NULL; //printf("event: %d\n", type); /* Common data for all these events ... */ ptr_t ptr = {}; mod_t mod = {}; if (type == KeyPress || type == KeyRelease || type == ButtonPress || type == ButtonRelease || type == MotionNotify) { Window xid = getfocus(root, ev); if (!(win = win_find(dpy,xid,0))) return; ptr = x2ptr(ev); mod = x2mod(ev->xkey.state, type==KeyRelease||type==ButtonRelease); } /* Split based on event */ if (type == KeyPress) { while (XCheckTypedEvent(dpy, KeyPress, ev)); KeySym sym = XKeycodeToKeysym(dpy, ev->xkey.keycode, 0); printf("got key %c %hhx\n", x2key(sym), mod2int(mod)); wm_handle_key(win, x2key(sym), mod, ptr); } else if (type == KeyRelease) { //printf("release: %d\n", type); } else if (type == ButtonPress) { if (wm_handle_key(win, x2btn(ev->xbutton.button), mod, ptr)) XGrabPointer(dpy, ev->xbutton.root, True, PointerMotionMask|ButtonReleaseMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, None, CurrentTime); else { printf("resending event\n"); XSendEvent(win->sys->dpy, ev->xbutton.window, True, NoEventMask, ev); XSendEvent(win->sys->dpy, ev->xbutton.window, False, NoEventMask, ev); XSendEvent(win->sys->dpy, ev->xbutton.root, True, NoEventMask, ev); XSendEvent(win->sys->dpy, ev->xbutton.root, False, NoEventMask, ev); XSendEvent(win->sys->dpy, ev->xbutton.subwindow, True, NoEventMask, ev); XSendEvent(win->sys->dpy, ev->xbutton.subwindow, False, NoEventMask, ev); } } else if (type == ButtonRelease) { XUngrabPointer(dpy, CurrentTime); wm_handle_key(win, x2btn(ev->xbutton.button), mod, ptr); } else if (type == MotionNotify) { while (XCheckTypedEvent(dpy, MotionNotify, ev)); wm_handle_ptr(win, ptr); } else if (type == EnterNotify || type == LeaveNotify) { printf("enter: %d\n", type); key_t key = EnterNotify ? key_enter : key_leave; if ((win = win_find(dpy,ev->xcrossing.window,0))) wm_handle_key(win, key, MOD(), PTR()); } else if (type == FocusIn || type == FocusOut) { //printf("focus: %d\n", type); key_t key = FocusIn ? key_focus : key_unfocus; if ((win = win_find(dpy,ev->xfocus.window,0))) wm_handle_key(win, key, MOD(), PTR()); } else if (type == ConfigureNotify) { printf("configure: %d\n", type); } else if (type == MapNotify) { printf("map: %d\n", type); } else if (type == UnmapNotify) { if ((win = win_find(dpy,ev->xunmap.window,0)) && win->sys->state == st_show) { if (!strut_del(root, win)) wm_remove(win); else wm_update(); win->sys->state = st_hide; } } else if (type == DestroyNotify) { //printf("destroy: %d\n", type); if ((win = win_find(dpy,ev->xdestroywindow.window,0))) win_remove(win); } else if (type == ConfigureRequest) { XConfigureRequestEvent *cre = &ev->xconfigurerequest; printf("configure_req: %d - %x, (0x%lx) %dx%d @ %d,%d\n", type, (int)cre->window, cre->value_mask, cre->height, cre->width, cre->x, cre->y); XConfigureWindow(dpy, cre->window, cre->value_mask, &(XWindowChanges){ .x = cre->x, .y = cre->y, .width = cre->width, .height = cre->height, }); /* This seems necessary for, but causes flicker * there could be a better way to do this */ if ((win = win_find(dpy,ev->xmaprequest.window,0))) sys_move(win, win->x, win->y, win->w, win->h); } else if (type == MapRequest) { printf("map_req: %d\n", type); if ((win = win_find(dpy,ev->xmaprequest.window,1))) { if (!strut_add(root, win)) wm_insert(win); else wm_update(); } XMapWindow(dpy,ev->xmaprequest.window); } else { printf("unknown event: %d\n", type); } } static int xerror(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *err) { if (err->error_code == BadWindow || (err->request_code == X_SetInputFocus && err->error_code == BadMatch ) || (err->request_code == X_PolyText8 && err->error_code == BadDrawable) || (err->request_code == X_PolyFillRectangle && err->error_code == BadDrawable) || (err->request_code == X_PolySegment && err->error_code == BadDrawable) || (err->request_code == X_ConfigureWindow && err->error_code == BadMatch ) || (err->request_code == X_GrabButton && err->error_code == BadAccess ) || (err->request_code == X_GrabKey && err->error_code == BadAccess ) || (err->request_code == X_CopyArea && err->error_code == BadDrawable)) return 0; return xerrorxlib(dpy, err); } /******************** * System functions * ********************/ void sys_move(win_t *win, int x, int y, int w, int h) { //printf("sys_move: %p - %d,%d %dx%d\n", win, x, y, w, h); int b = 2*BORDER; win->x = x; win->y = y; win->w = MAX(w,1+b); win->h = MAX(h,1+b); w = MAX(w-b,1); h = MAX(h-b,1); XMoveResizeWindow(win->sys->dpy, win->sys->xid, x, y, w, h); /* Flush events, so moving window doesn't cause re-focus * There's probably a better way to do this */ XEvent ev; XSync(win->sys->dpy, False); while (XCheckMaskEvent(win->sys->dpy, EnterWindowMask|LeaveWindowMask, &ev)) printf("Skipping enter/leave event\n"); } void sys_raise(win_t *win) { //printf("sys_raise: %p\n", win); XRaiseWindow(win->sys->dpy, win->sys->xid); } void sys_focus(win_t *win) { //printf("sys_focus: %p\n", win); /* Set border on focused window */ static win_t *last = NULL; if (last) XSetWindowBorder(last->sys->dpy, last->sys->xid, colors[clr_unfocus]); XSetWindowBorder(win->sys->dpy, win->sys->xid, colors[clr_focus]); XSetWindowBorderWidth(win->sys->dpy, win->sys->xid, BORDER); last = win; /* Set actual focus */ XSetInputFocus(win->sys->dpy, win->sys->xid, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime); XSendEvent(win->sys->dpy, win->sys->xid, False, NoEventMask, &(XEvent){ .type = ClientMessage, .xclient.window = win->sys->xid, .xclient.message_type = atoms[wm_proto], .xclient.format = 32, .xclient.data.l[0] = atoms[wm_focus], .xclient.data.l[1] = CurrentTime, }); } void sys_show(win_t *win, state_t state) { win->sys->state = state; switch (state) { case st_show: printf("sys_show: show\n"); XMapWindow(win->sys->dpy, win->sys->xid); XSync(win->sys->dpy, False); return; case st_full: printf("sys_show: full\n"); return; case st_shade: printf("sys_show: shade\n"); return; case st_icon: printf("sys_show: icon\n"); return; case st_hide: printf("sys_show: hide\n"); XUnmapWindow(win->sys->dpy, win->sys->xid); return; } } void sys_watch(win_t *win, Key_t key, mod_t mod) { //printf("sys_watch: %p - %x %hhx\n", win, key, mod); XWindowAttributes attr; XGetWindowAttributes(win->sys->dpy, win->sys->xid, &attr); long mask = attr.your_event_mask; if (key_mouse0 <= key && key <= key_mouse7) XGrabButton(win->sys->dpy, btn2x(key), mod2x(mod), win->sys->xid, False, mod.up ? ButtonReleaseMask : ButtonPressMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, None); else if (key == key_enter) XSelectInput(win->sys->dpy, win->sys->xid, EnterWindowMask|mask); else if (key == key_leave) XSelectInput(win->sys->dpy, win->sys->xid, LeaveWindowMask|mask); else if (key == key_focus || key == key_unfocus) XSelectInput(win->sys->dpy, win->sys->xid, FocusChangeMask|mask); else XGrabKey(win->sys->dpy, XKeysymToKeycode(win->sys->dpy, key2x(key)), mod2x(mod), win->sys->xid, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); } void sys_unwatch(win_t *win, Key_t key, mod_t mod) { if (key_mouse0 <= key && key <= key_mouse7) XUngrabButton(win->sys->dpy, btn2x(key), mod2x(mod), win->sys->xid); } list_t *sys_info(win_t *win) { /* Use global copy of screens so we can add struts */ if (screens == NULL) { /* Add Xinerama screens */ int n = 0; XineramaScreenInfo *info = NULL; if (XineramaIsActive(win->sys->dpy)) info = XineramaQueryScreens(win->sys->dpy, &n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { win_t *screen = new0(win_t); screen->x = info[i].x_org; screen->y = info[i].y_org; screen->w = info[i].width; screen->h = info[i].height; screens = list_append(screens, screen); } } if (screens == NULL) { /* No xinerama support */ win_t *screen = new0(win_t); *screen = *win; screens = list_insert(NULL, screen); } return screens; } win_t *sys_init(void) { Display *dpy; Window xid; /* Load configuration */ BORDER = conf_get_int("main.border", BORDER); NO_CAPTURE = conf_get_int("main.no-capture", NO_CAPTURE); /* Open the display */ if (!(dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL))) error("Unable to get display"); if (!(xid = DefaultRootWindow(dpy))) error("Unable to get root window"); /* Setup X11 data */ atoms[wm_proto] = XInternAtom(dpy, "WM_PROTOCOLS", False); atoms[wm_focus] = XInternAtom(dpy, "WM_TAKE_FOCUS", False); atoms[net_strut] = XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_WM_STRUT", False); colors[clr_focus] = get_color(dpy, "#a0a0ff"); colors[clr_unfocus] = get_color(dpy, "#101066"); colors[clr_urgent] = get_color(dpy, "#ff0000"); printf("colors = #%06lx #%06lx #%06lx\n", colors[0], colors[1], colors[2]); /* Select window management events */ XSelectInput(dpy, xid, SubstructureRedirectMask|SubstructureNotifyMask); xerrorxlib = XSetErrorHandler(xerror); return win_find(dpy, xid, 1); } void sys_run(win_t *root) { /* Add each initial window */ if (!NO_CAPTURE) { unsigned int nkids; Window par, xid, *kids = NULL; if (XQueryTree(root->sys->dpy, root->sys->xid, &par, &xid, &kids, &nkids)) { for(int i = 0; i < nkids; i++) { win_t *win = win_find(root->sys->dpy, kids[i], 1); if (win && win_viewable(win) && !strut_add(root,win)) wm_insert(win); } XFree(kids); } wm_update(); // For struts } /* Main loop */ running = 1; while (running) { XEvent ev; XNextEvent(root->sys->dpy, &ev); process_event(ev.type, &ev, root); } } void sys_exit(void) { running = 0; } void sys_free(win_t *root) { XCloseDisplay(root->sys->dpy); while (screens) screens = list_remove(screens, screens, 1); tdestroy(cache, (void(*)(void*))win_free); }