/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Andy Spencer * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "conf.h" /* Saved formattnig struct */ typedef struct line_t { char *group; char *name; char *key; char *value; char *text; int dirty; struct line_t *next; } line_t; /* Constat data */ static const char *booleans[] = { "false", "true" }; /* Setup info */ static char *filename; static parser_t parser; static int argc; static char **argv; /* Static data */ static line_t *settings; /* Parsing and saving */ static int wasfound; static int needsave; static char *lastgroup; static char *lastname; static char *lastkey; /* Helper functions */ static void conf_error(const char *value) { if (lastname) error("invalid value '%s' for %s.%s.%s", value, lastgroup, lastname, lastkey); else error("invalid value '%s' for %s.%s", value, lastgroup, lastkey); } static void set_value(const char *group, const char *name, const char *key, const char *value) { int ingroup = 0; line_t *groupend = NULL; line_t *fileend = NULL; /* Queue a save next time around */ needsave = 1; /* Look though for existing items */ for (line_t *line = settings; line; line = line->next) { /* Search for the correct group */ if (line->group) ingroup = match(line->group, group) && match(line->name, name); /* Set value */ if (ingroup && match(line->key, key)) { free(line->value); line->value = strcopy(value); line->dirty = 1; return; } /* Record positions for new keys */ if (ingroup && line->key && line->value) groupend = line; else fileend = line; } /* Create new items */ if (groupend) { /* Append to group */ line_t *line = new0(line_t); groupend->next = line; line->key = strcopy(key); line->value = strcopy(value); line->next = groupend->next; } else if (fileend) { /* Create new group */ line_t *blank = new0(line_t); line_t *header = new0(line_t); line_t *line = new0(line_t); fileend->next = blank; blank->next = header; header->group = strcopy(group); header->name = strcopy(name); header->next = line; line->key = strcopy(key); line->value = strcopy(value); } else { /* Create new file */ line_t *header = new0(line_t); line_t *line = new0(line_t); settings = header; header->group = strcopy(group); header->name = strcopy(name); header->next = line; line->key = strcopy(key); line->value = strcopy(value); } } /* Parsing functions */ static char *scan_white(char *src) { while (*src == ' ' || *src == '\t') src++; return src; } static char *scan_word(char *dst, char *src) { while (islower(*src)) *dst++ = *src++; *dst = '\0'; return src; } static char *scan_value(char *dst, char *src) { char *start = dst; while (*src != '#' && *src != '\0') *dst++ = *src++; do *dst-- = '\0'; while (dst > start && (*dst == ' ' || *dst == '\t')); return src; } static char *scan_quote(char *dst, char *src) { while (*src != '"' && *src != '\0') { if (*src == '\\') { switch (*++src) { case '\0': *dst++ = '\0'; break; case '\\': *dst++ = '\\'; src++; break; case 't': *dst++ = '\t'; src++; break; case 'r': *dst++ = '\r'; src++; break; case 'n': *dst++ = '\n'; src++; break; default: *dst++ = *src; src++; break; } } else { *dst++ = *src++; } } if (*src == '"') src++; *dst = '\0'; return src; } static void parse_line(line_t *dst, char *text, const char *file, int lnum) { char *chr = scan_white(text); if (*chr == '[') { dst->group = malloc(strlen(chr)+1); chr = scan_white(chr+1); chr = scan_word(dst->group, chr); chr = scan_white(chr); if (*chr == '"') { dst->name = malloc(strlen(chr)+1); chr = scan_quote(dst->name, chr+1); chr = scan_white(chr); } if (*chr != ']') error("parsing group at %s:%d,%d -- '%.8s..'", file, lnum, 1+chr-text, chr); } else if (islower(*chr)) { dst->key = malloc(strlen(chr)+1); chr = scan_white(chr); chr = scan_word(dst->key, chr); chr = scan_white(chr); if (*chr != '=') error("parsing key at %s:%d,%d -- '%.8s..'", file, lnum, 1+chr-text, chr); else chr++; chr = scan_white(chr); dst->value = malloc(strlen(chr)+1); if (*chr == '"') chr = scan_quote(dst->value, chr+1); else chr = scan_value(dst->value, chr); } else if (*chr != '#' && *chr != '\n' && *chr != '\0') { error("parsing file at %s:%d,%d -- '%.8s..'", file, lnum, 1+chr-text, chr); } } /* File I/O functions */ static void conf_load(const char *path, parser_t parser) { line_t *prev = NULL; char *group = NULL, *name = NULL; /* read the whole file */ int len; char *start = read_file(path, &len); if (!start) return; /* run parser */ int lnum; char *sol, *eol; for (lnum = 1, sol = start; sol < (start+len); lnum++, sol = eol+1) { eol = strchr(sol, '\n') ?: &start[len]; eol[0] = '\0'; /* update current group info */ line_t *line = new0(line_t); line->text = strcopy(sol); parse_line(line, sol, path, lnum); group = line->group ? line->group : group; name = line->group ? line->name : name; /* Parse dynamic groups */ if (line->group && line->name) { wasfound = 0; lastgroup = line->group; lastname = line->name; lastkey = NULL; parser(line->group, line->name, "", ""); if (!wasfound) error("unknown group: line %d - [%s \"%s\"]", lnum, group, name ?: ""); } /* Parse static key/value pairs */ if (group && line->key && line->value) { wasfound = 0; lastgroup = group; lastname = name; lastkey = line->key; parser(group, name?:"", line->key, line->value); if (!wasfound) error("unknown setting: line %d - %s.%s.%s = '%s'\n", lnum, group, name?:"", line->key, line->value); } /* debug printout */ printf("parse: %s.%s.%s = '%s'\n", group, name, line->key, line->value); /* save line formatting for the next write */ if (prev == NULL) settings = line; else prev->next = line; prev = line; } free(start); } void conf_save(const char *path) { FILE *fd = fopen(path, "wt+"); if (!fd) return; for (line_t *cur = settings; cur; cur = cur->next) { /* Output existing items */ if (cur->text && !cur->dirty) fprintf(fd, "%s\n", cur->text); /* Output group and name headers */ else if (cur->group && cur->name) fprintf(fd, "[%s \"%s\"]\n", cur->group, cur->name); /* Output group only headers */ else if (cur->group) fprintf(fd, "[%s]\n", cur->group); /* Output key/value pairs - todo: add quotes */ else if (cur->key && cur->value) fprintf(fd, "\t%s = %s\n", cur->key, cur->value); /* Output blank lines */ else fprintf(fd, "\n"); } fclose(fd); } /* Initialize */ void conf_setup(int _argc, char **_argv, const char *_name, parser_t _parser) { const char *home = getenv("HOME"); filename = alloc0(strlen(home) + 1 + strlen(_name) + 1); sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", home, _name); parser = _parser; argc = _argc; argv = _argv; } /* Initialize */ void conf_init(void) { conf_load(filename, parser); } /* Update */ void conf_sync(void) { if (needsave) conf_save(filename); needsave = 0; } /* Getters */ int get_enum(const char *value, const char **map, int n) { wasfound = 1; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (match(map[i], value)) return i; conf_error(value); return 0; } int get_bool(const char *value) { wasfound = 1; return get_enum(value, booleans, N_ELEMENTS(booleans)); } int get_number(const char *value) { wasfound = 1; errno = 0; int rval = atoi(value); if (errno) conf_error(value); return rval; } char *get_string(const char *value) { wasfound = 1; return (char*)value; } char *get_name(const char *name) { wasfound = 1; return (char*)name; } /* Setters */ void set_enum(const char *group, const char *name, const char *key, int value, const char **map, int n) { if (value >= 0 && value < n) set_value(group, name, key, map[value]); } void set_bool(const char *group, const char *name, const char *key, int value) { set_enum(group, name, key, value, booleans, N_ELEMENTS(booleans)); } void set_number(const char *group, const char *name, const char *key, int value) { char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", value); set_value(group, name, key, buf); } void set_string(const char *group, const char *name, const char *key, const char *value) { set_value(group, name, key, value); } void set_name(const char *group, const char *name, const char *value) { for (line_t *line = settings; line; line = line->next) { if (match(line->group, group) && match(line->name, name)) { free(line->name); line->name = strcopy(value); line->dirty = 1; break; } } } /* Config parser */ static const char *colors[] = {"red", "green", "blue"}; static int test_bin = 1; static int test_num = 42; static char *test_str = "str"; static int test_clr = 0; static void test_parser(const char *group, const char *name, const char *key, const char *value) { if (match(group, "test")) { if (match(key, "bin")) test_bin = get_bool(value); else if (match(key, "clr")) test_clr = get_enum(value, colors, N_ELEMENTS(colors)); else if (match(key, "num")) test_num = get_number(value); else if (match(key, "str")) test_str = get_string(value); } } void conf_test(void) { printf("conf_test:\n"); /* Read values from a file */ conf_load("data/test.rc", test_parser); printf("\nload:\n"); printf(" bin: %-8d\n", test_bin); printf(" clr: %-8s\n", colors[test_clr]); printf(" num: %-8d\n", test_num); printf(" str: %-8s\n", test_str); /* Update values */ set_bool ("test", 0, "bin", 1); set_enum ("test", 0, "clr", 2, colors, N_ELEMENTS(colors)); set_number("test", 0, "num", -9999); set_string("test", 0, "str", "hello"); set_string("test", 0, "new", "new0"); set_string("test", "new", "new", "new1"); set_string("new", 0, "newa", "new2"); set_string("new", 0, "newb", "new3"); set_string("new", "new", "newa", "new4"); set_string("new", "new", "newb", "new5"); set_name ("func", "name", "test"); /* Write back to file */ conf_save("data/test_out.rc"); }