/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Andy Spencer * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * SECTION:gis-http * @short_description: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol * * #GisHttp is a small wrapper around libsoup to provide data access using the * Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. Each #GisHttp should be associated with a * particular server or dataset, all the files downloaded for this dataset will * be cached together in $HOME.cache/libgis/ */ #include #include #include #include #include "gis-http.h" gchar *_get_cache_path(GisHttp *http, const gchar *local) { return g_build_filename(g_get_user_cache_dir(), PACKAGE, http->prefix, local, NULL); } /** * gis_http_new: * @prefix: The prefix in the cache to store the downloaded files. * For example: * "/nexrad/level2/". * * Create a new #GisHttp for the given prefix * * Returns: the new #GisHttp */ GisHttp *gis_http_new(const gchar *prefix) { g_debug("GisHttp: new - %s", prefix); GisHttp *http = g_new0(GisHttp, 1); http->soup = soup_session_sync_new(); http->prefix = g_strdup(prefix); g_object_set(http->soup, "user-agent", PACKAGE_STRING, NULL); return http; } /** * gis_http_free: * @http: the #GisHttp to free * * Frees resources used by @http and cancels any pending requests. */ void gis_http_free(GisHttp *http) { g_debug("GisHttp: free - %s", http->prefix); soup_session_abort(http->soup); g_object_unref(http->soup); g_free(http->prefix); g_free(http); } /* For passing data to the chunck callback */ struct _CacheInfo { FILE *fp; gchar *path; GisChunkCallback callback; gpointer user_data; }; /** * Append data to the file and call the users callback if they supplied one. */ static void _chunk_cb(SoupMessage *message, SoupBuffer *chunk, gpointer _info) { struct _CacheInfo *info = _info; if (!SOUP_STATUS_IS_SUCCESSFUL(message->status_code)) { g_warning("GisHttp: _chunk_cb - soup failed with %d", message->status_code); return; } if (!fwrite(chunk->data, chunk->length, 1, info->fp)) g_error("GisHttp: _chunk_cb - Unable to write data"); if (info->callback) { goffset cur = ftell(info->fp); goffset st=0, end=0, total=0; soup_message_headers_get_content_range(message->response_headers, &st, &end, &total); info->callback(info->path, cur, total, info->user_data); } } /** * gis_http_fetch: * @http: the #GisHttp connection to use * @uri: the URI to fetch * @local: the local name to give to the file * @mode: the update type to use when fetching data * @callback: callback to call when a chunk of data is received * @user_data: user data to pass to the callback * * Fetch a file from the cache. Whether the file is actually loaded from the * remote server depends on the value of @mode. * * Returns: The local path to the complete file */ /* TODO: use .part extentions and continue even when using GIS_ONCE */ gchar *gis_http_fetch(GisHttp *http, const gchar *uri, const char *local, GisCacheType mode, GisChunkCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { g_debug("GisHttp: fetch - %s mode=%d", local, mode); gchar *path = _get_cache_path(http, local); /* Unlink the file if we're refreshing it */ if (mode == GIS_REFRESH) g_remove(path); /* Do the cache if necessasairy */ if (!(mode == GIS_ONCE && g_file_test(path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) && mode != GIS_LOCAL) { g_debug("GisHttp: fetch - Caching file %s", local); /* Open the file for writting */ gchar *part = path; if (!g_file_test(path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) part = g_strdup_printf("%s.part", path); FILE *fp = fopen_p(part, "ab"); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); // "a" is broken on Windows, twice /* Make temp data */ struct _CacheInfo info = { .fp = fp, .path = path, .callback = callback, .user_data = user_data, }; /* Download the file */ SoupMessage *message = soup_message_new("GET", uri); if (message == NULL) g_error("message is null, cannot parse uri"); g_signal_connect(message, "got-chunk", G_CALLBACK(_chunk_cb), &info); soup_message_headers_set_range(message->request_headers, ftell(fp), -1); soup_session_send_message(http->soup, message); /* Close file */ fclose(fp); if (path != part && SOUP_STATUS_IS_SUCCESSFUL(message->status_code)) { g_rename(part, path); g_free(part); } /* Finished */ if (message->status_code == 416) { /* Range unsatisfiable, file already complete */ } else if (!SOUP_STATUS_IS_SUCCESSFUL(message->status_code)) { g_warning("GisHttp: done_cb - error copying file, status=%d\n" "\tsrc=%s\n" "\tdst=%s", message->status_code, uri, path); return NULL; } } /* TODO: free everything.. */ return path; } /** * gis_http_available: * @http: the #GisHttp connection to use * @filter: filter used to extract files from the index, or NULL * For example: "href=\"([^"]*)\"" * @cache: path to the local cache, or NULL to not search the cache * @extract: regex used to extract filenames from the page, should match the * filename as $1, or NULL to use /http="([^"])"/ * @index: path to the index page, or NULL to not search online * * Look through the cache and an HTTP index page for a list of available files. * The name of each file that matches the filter is added to the returned list. * * The list as well as the strings contained in it should be freed afterwards. * * Returns the list of matching filenames */ GList *gis_http_available(GisHttp *http, gchar *filter, gchar *cache, gchar *extract, gchar *index) { g_debug("GisHttp: available - %s~=%s %s~=%s", filter, cache, extract, index); GRegex *filter_re = g_regex_new(filter, 0, 0, NULL); GList *files = NULL; /* Add cached files */ if (cache) { const gchar *file; gchar *path = _get_cache_path(http, cache); GDir *dir = g_dir_open(path, 0, NULL); while ((file = g_dir_read_name(dir))) if (g_regex_match(filter_re, file, 0, NULL)) files = g_list_prepend(files, g_strdup(file)); g_free(path); g_dir_close(dir); } /* Add online files if online */ if (index) { gchar tmp[16]; g_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), ".index.%x", g_random_int()); gchar *path = gis_http_fetch(http, index, tmp, GIS_REFRESH, NULL, NULL); if (!path) return files; gchar *html; g_file_get_contents(path, &html, NULL, NULL); /* Match hrefs by default, this regex is not very accurate */ GRegex *extract_re = g_regex_new( extract ?: "href=\"([^\"]*)\"", 0, 0, NULL); GMatchInfo *info; g_regex_match(extract_re, html, 0, &info); while (g_match_info_matches(info)) { gchar *file = g_match_info_fetch(info, 1); if (g_regex_match(filter_re, file, 0, NULL)) files = g_list_prepend(files, file); else g_free(file); g_match_info_next(info, NULL); } g_regex_unref(extract_re); g_match_info_free(info); g_unlink(path); g_free(path); g_free(html); } g_regex_unref(filter_re); return files; }