/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Andy Spencer * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /****************** * iso ball setup * ******************/ static double dist = 0.75; static gdouble distp(VolPoint *a, gdouble bx, gdouble by, gdouble bz) { return 1/((a->c.x-bx)*(a->c.x-bx) + (a->c.y-by)*(a->c.y-by) + (a->c.z-bz)*(a->c.z-bz)) * 0.10; //return 1-MIN(1,sqrt((a->c.x-bx)*(a->c.x-bx) + // (a->c.y-by)*(a->c.y-by) + // (a->c.z-bz)*(a->c.z-bz))); } static VolGrid *load_balls(float dist, int xs, int ys, int zs) { VolGrid *grid = vol_grid_new(xs, ys, zs); for (int x = 0; x < xs; x++) for (int y = 0; y < ys; y++) for (int z = 0; z < zs; z++) { VolPoint *point = vol_grid_get(grid, x, y, z); point->c.x = ((double)x/(xs-1)*2-1); point->c.y = ((double)y/(ys-1)*2-1); point->c.z = ((double)z/(zs-1)*2-1); point->value = distp(point, -dist, 0, 0) + distp(point, dist, 0, 0); point->value *= 100; } return grid; } /*************** * radar setup * ***************/ /* Load the radar into a Grits Volume */ static void _cart_to_sphere(VolCoord *out, VolCoord *in) { gdouble angle = in->x; gdouble dist = in->y; gdouble tilt = in->z; gdouble lx = sin(angle); gdouble ly = cos(angle); gdouble lz = sin(tilt); out->x = (ly*dist)/20000; out->y = (lz*dist)/10000-0.5; out->z = (lx*dist)/20000-1.5; } static VolGrid *load_radar(gchar *file, gchar *site) { /* Load radar file */ RSL_read_these_sweeps("all", NULL); Radar *rad = RSL_wsr88d_to_radar(file, site); Volume *vol = RSL_get_volume(rad, DZ_INDEX); RSL_sort_rays_in_volume(vol); /* Count dimensions */ Sweep *sweep = vol->sweep[0]; Ray *ray = sweep->ray[0]; gint nsweeps = vol->h.nsweeps; gint nrays = sweep->h.nrays/(1/sweep->h.beam_width)+1; gint nbins = ray->h.nbins /(1000/ray->h.gate_size); nbins = MIN(nbins, 100); /* Convert to VolGrid */ VolGrid *grid = vol_grid_new(nrays, nbins, nsweeps); gint rs, bs, val; gint si=0, ri=0, bi=0; for (si = 0; si < nsweeps; si++) { sweep = vol->sweep[si]; rs = 1.0/sweep->h.beam_width; for (ri = 0; ri < nrays; ri++) { /* TODO: missing rays, pick ri based on azimuth */ ray = sweep->ray[(ri*rs) % sweep->h.nrays]; bs = 1000/ray->h.gate_size; for (bi = 0; bi < nbins; bi++) { if (bi*bs >= ray->h.nbins) break; val = ray->h.f(ray->range[bi*bs]); if (val == BADVAL || val == RFVAL || val == APFLAG || val == NOECHO || val == NOTFOUND_H || val == NOTFOUND_V || val > 80) val = 0; VolPoint *point = vol_grid_get(grid, ri, bi, si); point->value = val; point->c.x = deg2rad(ray->h.azimuth); point->c.y = bi*bs*ray->h.gate_size + ray->h.range_bin1; point->c.z = deg2rad(ray->h.elev); } } } /* Convert to spherical coords */ for (si = 0; si < nsweeps; si++) for (ri = 0; ri < nrays; ri++) for (bi = 0; bi < nbins; bi++) { VolPoint *point = vol_grid_get(grid, ri, bi, si); if (point->c.y == 0) point->value = nan(""); else _cart_to_sphere(&point->c, &point->c); } return grid; } /********** * Common * **********/ static gboolean key_press(GritsTester *tester, GdkEventKey *event, GritsVolume *volume) { if (event->keyval == GDK_v) grits_volume_set_level(volume, volume->level-0.5); else if (event->keyval == GDK_V) grits_volume_set_level(volume, volume->level+0.5); else if (event->keyval == GDK_d) dist += 0.5; else if (event->keyval == GDK_D) dist -= 0.5; return FALSE; } /******** * Main * ********/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { gtk_init(&argc, &argv); GtkWidget *window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); GritsTester *tester = grits_tester_new(); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), GTK_WIDGET(tester)); gtk_widget_show_all(window); /* Grits Volume */ VolGrid *balls_grid = load_balls(dist, 50, 50, 50); GritsVolume *balls = grits_volume_new(balls_grid); balls->proj = GRITS_VOLUME_CARTESIAN; balls->disp = GRITS_VOLUME_SURFACE; balls->color[0] = (0.8)*0xff; balls->color[1] = (0.6)*0xff; balls->color[2] = (0.2)*0xff; balls->color[3] = (1.0)*0xff; grits_volume_set_level(balls, 50); grits_tester_add(tester, GRITS_OBJECT(balls)); g_signal_connect(tester, "key-press-event", G_CALLBACK(key_press), balls); /* Grits Volume */ //char *file = "/home/andy/.cache/grits/nexrad/level2/KGWX/KGWX_20101130_0459.raw"; //char *file = "/home/andy/.cache/grits/nexrad/level2/KTLX/KTLX_19990503_2351.raw"; //VolGrid *radar_grid = load_radar(file, "KTLX"); //GritsVolume *radar = grits_volume_new(radar_grid); //radar->proj = GRITS_VOLUME_SPHERICAL; //radar->disp = GRITS_VOLUME_SURFACE; //radar->color[0] = (0.8)*0xff; //radar->color[1] = (0.6)*0xff; //radar->color[2] = (0.2)*0xff; //radar->color[3] = (1.0)*0xff; //grits_volume_set_level(radar, 50); //grits_tester_add(tester, GRITS_OBJECT(radar)); //g_signal_connect(tester, "key-press-event", G_CALLBACK(key_press), radar); /* Go */ gtk_main(); return 0; }