/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Andy Spencer * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "radar.h" #include "level2.h" #include "../aweather-location.h" GtkWidget *_gtk_check_label_new(const gchar *text, gboolean state, GCallback on_clicked, gpointer user_data) { GtkWidget *hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0); GtkWidget *check = gtk_check_button_new(); GtkWidget *label = gtk_label_new(text); gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(check), state); g_signal_connect_swapped(check , "clicked", G_CALLBACK(on_clicked), user_data); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), label, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_box_pack_end(GTK_BOX(hbox), check , FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show_all(hbox); return hbox; } void _gtk_bin_set_child(GtkBin *bin, GtkWidget *new) { GtkWidget *old = gtk_bin_get_child(bin); if (old) gtk_widget_destroy(old); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(bin), new); gtk_widget_show_all(new); } static gchar *_find_nearest(time_t time, GList *files, gsize offset, gchar *format) { g_debug("GisPluginRadar: _find_nearest ..."); time_t nearest_time = 0; char *nearest_file = NULL; struct tm tm = {}; for (GList *cur = files; cur; cur = cur->next) { gchar *file = cur->data; strptime(file+offset, format, &tm); if (ABS(time - mktime(&tm)) < ABS(time - nearest_time)) { nearest_file = file; nearest_time = mktime(&tm); } } g_debug("GisPluginRadar: _find_nearest = %s", nearest_file); if (nearest_file) return g_strdup(nearest_file); else return NULL; } /************** * RadarSites * **************/ typedef enum { STATUS_UNLOADED, STATUS_LOADING, STATUS_LOADED, } RadarSiteStatus; struct _RadarSite { /* Information */ city_t *city; GisMarker *marker; // Map marker for libgis gpointer *marker_ref; // Reference to maker /* Stuff from the parents */ GisViewer *viewer; GisHttp *http; GisPrefs *prefs; GtkWidget *pconfig; /* When loaded */ gboolean hidden; RadarSiteStatus status; // Loading status for the site GtkWidget *config; AWeatherLevel2 *level2; // The Level2 structure for the current volume gpointer level2_ref; // GisViewer reference to the added radar /* Internal data */ time_t time; // Current timestamp of the level2 gchar *message; // Error message set while updating guint time_id; // "time-changed" callback ID guint refresh_id; // "refresh" callback ID guint location_id; // "locaiton-changed" callback ID }; /* format: http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/data/nexrd2/raw/KABR/KABR_20090510_0323 */ void _site_update_loading(gchar *file, goffset cur, goffset total, gpointer _site) { RadarSite *site = _site; GtkWidget *progress_bar = gtk_bin_get_child(GTK_BIN(site->config)); double percent = (double)cur/total; gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(progress_bar), MIN(percent, 1.0)); gchar *msg = g_strdup_printf("Loading... %5.1f%% (%.2f/%.2f MB)", percent*100, (double)cur/1000000, (double)total/1000000); gtk_progress_bar_set_text(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(progress_bar), msg); g_free(msg); } gboolean _site_update_end(gpointer _site) { RadarSite *site = _site; if (site->message) { g_warning("GisPluginRadar: _update_end - %s", site->message); _gtk_bin_set_child(GTK_BIN(site->config), gtk_label_new(site->message)); } else { _gtk_bin_set_child(GTK_BIN(site->config), aweather_level2_get_config(site->level2)); } site->status = STATUS_LOADED; return FALSE; } gpointer _site_update_thread(gpointer _site) { RadarSite *site = _site; g_debug("GisPluginRadar: _site_update_thread - %s", site->city->code); site->message = NULL; gboolean offline = gis_viewer_get_offline(site->viewer); gchar *nexrad_url = gis_prefs_get_string(site->prefs, "aweather/nexrad_url", NULL); /* Find nearest volume (temporally) */ g_debug("GisPluginRadar: _site_update_thread - find nearest - %s", site->city->code); gchar *dir_list = g_strconcat(nexrad_url, "/", site->city->code, "/", "dir.list", NULL); GList *files = gis_http_available(site->http, "^K\\w{3}_\\d{8}_\\d{4}$", site->city->code, "\\d+ (.*)", (offline ? NULL : dir_list)); g_free(dir_list); gchar *nearest = _find_nearest(site->time, files, 5, "%Y%m%d_%H%M"); g_list_foreach(files, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_list_free(files); if (!nearest) { site->message = "No suitable files found"; goto out; } /* Fetch new volume */ g_debug("GisPluginRadar: _site_update_thread - fetch"); gchar *local = g_strconcat(site->city->code, "/", nearest, NULL); gchar *uri = g_strconcat(nexrad_url, "/", local, NULL); gchar *file = gis_http_fetch(site->http, uri, local, offline ? GIS_LOCAL : GIS_UPDATE, _site_update_loading, site); g_free(nexrad_url); g_free(nearest); g_free(local); g_free(uri); if (!file) { site->message = "Fetch failed"; goto out; } /* Load and add new volume */ g_debug("GisPluginRadar: _site_update_thread - load - %s", site->city->code); site->level2 = aweather_level2_new_from_file( site->viewer, colormaps, file, site->city->code); g_free(file); if (!site->level2) { site->message = "Load failed"; goto out; } GIS_OBJECT(site->level2)->hidden = site->hidden; site->level2_ref = gis_viewer_add(site->viewer, GIS_OBJECT(site->level2), GIS_LEVEL_WORLD, TRUE); out: g_idle_add(_site_update_end, site); return NULL; } void _site_update(RadarSite *site) { if (site->status == STATUS_LOADING) return; site->status = STATUS_LOADING; site->time = gis_viewer_get_time(site->viewer); g_debug("GisPluginRadar: _site_update %s - %d", site->city->code, (gint)site->time); /* Add a progress bar */ GtkWidget *progress = gtk_progress_bar_new(); gtk_progress_bar_set_text(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(progress), "Loading..."); _gtk_bin_set_child(GTK_BIN(site->config), progress); /* Remove old volume */ g_debug("GisPluginRadar: _site_update - remove - %s", site->city->code); if (site->level2_ref) { gis_viewer_remove(site->viewer, site->level2_ref); site->level2_ref = NULL; } /* Fork loading right away so updating the * list of times doesn't take too long */ g_thread_create(_site_update_thread, site, FALSE, NULL); } /* RadarSite methods */ void radar_site_unload(RadarSite *site) { if (site->status != STATUS_LOADED) return; // Abort if it's still loading g_debug("GisPluginRadar: radar_site_unload %s", site->city->code); if (site->time_id) g_signal_handler_disconnect(site->viewer, site->time_id); if (site->refresh_id) g_signal_handler_disconnect(site->viewer, site->refresh_id); /* Remove tab */ if (site->config) gtk_widget_destroy(site->config); /* Remove radar */ if (site->level2_ref) { gis_viewer_remove(site->viewer, site->level2_ref); site->level2_ref = NULL; } site->status = STATUS_UNLOADED; } void radar_site_toggle(RadarSite *site) { site->hidden = !site->hidden; if (site->level2) { GIS_OBJECT(site->level2)->hidden = site->hidden; gtk_widget_queue_draw(GTK_WIDGET(site->viewer)); } } void radar_site_load(RadarSite *site) { g_debug("GisPluginRadar: radar_site_load %s", site->city->code); /* Add tab page */ site->config = gtk_alignment_new(0, 0, 1, 1); gtk_notebook_append_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(site->pconfig), site->config, _gtk_check_label_new(site->city->name, !site->hidden, G_CALLBACK(radar_site_toggle), site)); gtk_widget_show_all(site->config); /* Set up radar loading */ site->time_id = g_signal_connect_swapped(site->viewer, "time-changed", G_CALLBACK(_site_update), site); site->refresh_id = g_signal_connect_swapped(site->viewer, "refresh", G_CALLBACK(_site_update), site); _site_update(site); } void _site_on_location_changed(GisViewer *viewer, gdouble lat, gdouble lon, gdouble elev, gpointer _site) { static gdouble min_dist = EARTH_R / 20; RadarSite *site = _site; /* Calculate distance, could cache xyz values */ gdouble eye_xyz[3], site_xyz[3]; lle2xyz(lat, lon, elev, &eye_xyz[0], &eye_xyz[1], &eye_xyz[2]); lle2xyz(site->city->pos.lat, site->city->pos.lon, site->city->pos.elev, &site_xyz[0], &site_xyz[1], &site_xyz[2]); gdouble dist = distd(site_xyz, eye_xyz); /* Load or unload the site if necessasairy */ if (dist <= min_dist && dist < elev*1.25 && site->status == STATUS_UNLOADED) radar_site_load(site); else if (dist > 2*min_dist && site->status != STATUS_UNLOADED) radar_site_unload(site); } gboolean _site_add_marker(gpointer _site) { RadarSite *site = _site; site->marker = gis_marker_new(site->city->name); GIS_OBJECT(site->marker)->center = site->city->pos; GIS_OBJECT(site->marker)->lod = EARTH_R*site->city->lod; site->marker_ref = gis_viewer_add(site->viewer, GIS_OBJECT(site->marker), GIS_LEVEL_OVERLAY, FALSE); return FALSE; } RadarSite *radar_site_new(city_t *city, GtkWidget *pconfig, GisViewer *viewer, GisPrefs *prefs, GisHttp *http) { RadarSite *site = g_new0(RadarSite, 1); site->viewer = g_object_ref(viewer); site->prefs = g_object_ref(prefs); site->http = http; site->city = city; site->pconfig = pconfig; /* Add marker */ g_idle_add_full(G_PRIORITY_LOW, _site_add_marker, site, NULL); /* Connect signals */ site->location_id = g_signal_connect(viewer, "location-changed", G_CALLBACK(_site_on_location_changed), site); return site; } void radar_site_free(RadarSite *site) { radar_site_unload(site); gis_viewer_remove(site->viewer, site->marker_ref); if (site->location_id) g_signal_handler_disconnect(site->viewer, site->location_id); g_object_unref(site->viewer); g_object_unref(site->prefs); g_free(site); } /************** * RadarConus * **************/ #define CONUS_NORTH 50.406626367301044 #define CONUS_WEST -127.620375523875420 #define CONUS_WIDTH 3400.0 #define CONUS_HEIGHT 1600.0 #define CONUS_DEG_PER_PX 0.017971305190311 struct _RadarConus { GisViewer *viewer; GisHttp *http; GtkWidget *config; time_t time; const gchar *message; GStaticMutex loading; gchar *path; GisTile *tile[2]; gpointer *tile_ref[2]; guint time_id; // "time-changed" callback ID guint refresh_id; // "refresh" callback ID }; void _conus_update_loading(gchar *file, goffset cur, goffset total, gpointer _conus) { RadarConus *conus = _conus; GtkWidget *progress_bar = gtk_bin_get_child(GTK_BIN(conus->config)); double percent = (double)cur/total; gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(progress_bar), MIN(percent, 1.0)); gchar *msg = g_strdup_printf("Loading... %5.1f%% (%.2f/%.2f MB)", percent*100, (double)cur/1000000, (double)total/1000000); gtk_progress_bar_set_text(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(progress_bar), msg); g_free(msg); } /* Copy images to graphics memory */ static void _conus_update_end_copy(GisTile *tile, guchar *pixels) { if (!tile->data) { tile->data = g_new0(guint, 1); glGenTextures(1, tile->data); } guint *tex = tile->data; glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, *tex); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, 2048, 2048, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL); glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 1,1, CONUS_WIDTH/2,CONUS_HEIGHT, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels); tile->coords.n = 1.0/(CONUS_WIDTH/2); tile->coords.w = 1.0/ CONUS_HEIGHT; tile->coords.s = tile->coords.n + CONUS_HEIGHT / 2048.0; tile->coords.e = tile->coords.w + (CONUS_WIDTH/2) / 2048.0; glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP); glFlush(); } /* Split the pixbuf into east and west halves (with 2K sides) * Also map the pixbuf's alpha values */ static void _conus_update_end_split(guchar *pixels, guchar *west, guchar *east, gint width, gint height, gint pxsize) { g_debug("GisPluginRadar: _conus_update_end_split"); guchar *out[] = {west,east}; const guchar alphamap[][4] = { {0x04, 0xe9, 0xe7, 0x30}, {0x01, 0x9f, 0xf4, 0x60}, {0x03, 0x00, 0xf4, 0x90}, }; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { gint subx = x % (width/2); gint idx = x / (width/2); guchar *src = &pixels[(y*width+x)*pxsize]; guchar *dst = &out[idx][(y*(width/2)+subx)*4]; if (src[0] > 0xe0 && src[1] > 0xe0 && src[2] > 0xe0) { dst[3] = 0x00; } else { dst[0] = src[0]; dst[1] = src[1]; dst[2] = src[2]; dst[3] = 0xff; for (int j = 0; j < G_N_ELEMENTS(alphamap); j++) if (src[0] == alphamap[j][0] && src[1] == alphamap[j][1] && src[2] == alphamap[j][2]) dst[3] = alphamap[j][3]; } } } gboolean _conus_update_end(gpointer _conus) { RadarConus *conus = _conus; g_debug("GisPluginRadar: _conus_update_end"); /* Check error status */ if (conus->message) { g_warning("GisPluginRadar: _conus_update_end - %s", conus->message); _gtk_bin_set_child(GTK_BIN(conus->config), gtk_label_new(conus->message)); goto out; } /* Load and pixbuf */ GError *error = NULL; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(conus->path, &error); guchar *pixels = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(pixbuf); gint width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width(pixbuf); gint height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height(pixbuf); gint pxsize = gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha(pixbuf) ? 4 : 3; /* Split pixels into east/west parts */ guchar *pixels_west = g_malloc(4*(width/2)*height); guchar *pixels_east = g_malloc(4*(width/2)*height); _conus_update_end_split(pixels, pixels_west, pixels_east, width, height, pxsize); g_object_unref(pixbuf); /* Copy pixels to graphics memory */ _conus_update_end_copy(conus->tile[0], pixels_west); _conus_update_end_copy(conus->tile[1], pixels_east); g_free(pixels_west); g_free(pixels_east); /* Update GUI */ gchar *label = g_path_get_basename(conus->path); _gtk_bin_set_child(GTK_BIN(conus->config), gtk_label_new(label)); gtk_widget_queue_draw(GTK_WIDGET(conus->viewer)); g_free(label); out: g_free(conus->path); g_static_mutex_unlock(&conus->loading); return FALSE; } gpointer _conus_update_thread(gpointer _conus) { RadarConus *conus = _conus; conus->message = NULL; /* Find nearest */ g_debug("GisPluginRadar: _conus_update_thread - nearest"); gboolean offline = gis_viewer_get_offline(conus->viewer); gchar *conus_url = "http://radar.weather.gov/Conus/RadarImg/"; GList *files = gis_http_available(conus->http, "^Conus_[^\"]*_N0Ronly.gif$", "", NULL, (offline ? NULL : conus_url)); gchar *nearest = _find_nearest(conus->time, files, 6, "%Y%m%d_%H%M"); g_list_foreach(files, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_list_free(files); if (!nearest) { conus->message = "No suitable files"; goto out; } /* Fetch the image */ g_debug("GisPluginRadar: _conus_update_thread - fetch"); gchar *uri = g_strconcat(conus_url, nearest, NULL); conus->path = gis_http_fetch(conus->http, uri, nearest, GIS_ONCE, _conus_update_loading, conus); g_free(nearest); g_free(uri); if (!conus->path) { conus->message = "Fetch failed"; goto out; } out: g_debug("GisPluginRadar: _conus_update_thread - done"); g_idle_add(_conus_update_end, conus); return NULL; } void _conus_update(RadarConus *conus) { if (!g_static_mutex_trylock(&conus->loading)) return; conus->time = gis_viewer_get_time(conus->viewer); g_debug("GisPluginRadar: _conus_update - %d", (gint)conus->time); /* Add a progress bar */ GtkWidget *progress = gtk_progress_bar_new(); gtk_progress_bar_set_text(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(progress), "Loading..."); _gtk_bin_set_child(GTK_BIN(conus->config), progress); g_thread_create(_conus_update_thread, conus, FALSE, NULL); } void radar_conus_toggle(RadarConus *conus) { GIS_OBJECT(conus->tile[0])->hidden = !GIS_OBJECT(conus->tile[0])->hidden; GIS_OBJECT(conus->tile[1])->hidden = !GIS_OBJECT(conus->tile[1])->hidden; gtk_widget_queue_draw(GTK_WIDGET(conus->viewer)); } RadarConus *radar_conus_new(GtkWidget *pconfig, GisViewer *viewer, GisHttp *http) { RadarConus *conus = g_new0(RadarConus, 1); conus->viewer = g_object_ref(viewer); conus->http = http; conus->config = gtk_alignment_new(0, 0, 1, 1); g_static_mutex_init(&conus->loading); gdouble south = CONUS_NORTH - CONUS_DEG_PER_PX*CONUS_HEIGHT; gdouble east = CONUS_WEST + CONUS_DEG_PER_PX*CONUS_WIDTH; gdouble mid = CONUS_WEST + CONUS_DEG_PER_PX*CONUS_WIDTH/2; conus->tile[0] = gis_tile_new(NULL, CONUS_NORTH, south, mid, CONUS_WEST); conus->tile[1] = gis_tile_new(NULL, CONUS_NORTH, south, east, mid); conus->tile[0]->zindex = 2; conus->tile[1]->zindex = 1; conus->tile_ref[0] = gis_viewer_add(viewer, GIS_OBJECT(conus->tile[0]), GIS_LEVEL_WORLD, TRUE); conus->tile_ref[1] = gis_viewer_add(viewer, GIS_OBJECT(conus->tile[1]), GIS_LEVEL_WORLD, TRUE); conus->time_id = g_signal_connect_swapped(viewer, "time-changed", G_CALLBACK(_conus_update), conus); conus->refresh_id = g_signal_connect_swapped(viewer, "refresh", G_CALLBACK(_conus_update), conus); gtk_notebook_append_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(pconfig), conus->config, _gtk_check_label_new("Conus", TRUE, G_CALLBACK(radar_conus_toggle), conus)); _conus_update(conus); return conus; } void radar_conus_free(RadarConus *conus) { g_signal_handler_disconnect(conus->viewer, conus->time_id); g_signal_handler_disconnect(conus->viewer, conus->refresh_id); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { GisTile *tile = conus->tile[i]; gpointer ref = conus->tile_ref[i]; if (tile->data) { glDeleteTextures(1, tile->data); g_free(tile->data); } gis_viewer_remove(conus->viewer, ref); } g_object_unref(conus->viewer); g_free(conus); } /****************** * GisPluginRadar * ******************/ static void _draw_hud(GisCallback *callback, gpointer _self) { /* TODO */ GisPluginRadar *self = GIS_PLUGIN_RADAR(_self); if (!self->colormap) return; g_debug("GisPluginRadar: _draw_hud"); /* Print the color table */ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW ); glLoadIdentity(); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); glBegin(GL_QUADS); int i; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { glColor4ubv(self->colormap->data[i]); glVertex3f(-1.0, (float)((i ) - 256/2)/(256/2), 0.0); // bot left glVertex3f(-1.0, (float)((i+1) - 256/2)/(256/2), 0.0); // top left glVertex3f(-0.9, (float)((i+1) - 256/2)/(256/2), 0.0); // top right glVertex3f(-0.9, (float)((i ) - 256/2)/(256/2), 0.0); // bot right } glEnd(); } /* Methods */ GisPluginRadar *gis_plugin_radar_new(GisViewer *viewer, GisPrefs *prefs) { /* TODO: move to constructor if possible */ g_debug("GisPluginRadar: new"); GisPluginRadar *self = g_object_new(GIS_TYPE_PLUGIN_RADAR, NULL); self->viewer = viewer; self->prefs = prefs; /* Load HUD */ GisCallback *hud_cb = gis_callback_new(_draw_hud, self); self->hud_ref = gis_viewer_add(viewer, GIS_OBJECT(hud_cb), GIS_LEVEL_HUD, FALSE); /* Load Conus */ self->conus = radar_conus_new(self->config, self->viewer, self->conus_http); /* Load radar sites */ for (city_t *city = cities; city->type; city++) { if (city->type != LOCATION_CITY) continue; RadarSite *site = radar_site_new(city, self->config, self->viewer, self->prefs, self->sites_http); g_hash_table_insert(self->sites, city->code, site); } return self; } static GtkWidget *gis_plugin_radar_get_config(GisPlugin *_self) { GisPluginRadar *self = GIS_PLUGIN_RADAR(_self); return self->config; } /* GObject code */ static void gis_plugin_radar_plugin_init(GisPluginInterface *iface); G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE(GisPluginRadar, gis_plugin_radar, G_TYPE_OBJECT, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE(GIS_TYPE_PLUGIN, gis_plugin_radar_plugin_init)); static void gis_plugin_radar_plugin_init(GisPluginInterface *iface) { g_debug("GisPluginRadar: plugin_init"); /* Add methods to the interface */ iface->get_config = gis_plugin_radar_get_config; } static void gis_plugin_radar_init(GisPluginRadar *self) { g_debug("GisPluginRadar: class_init"); /* Set defaults */ self->sites_http = gis_http_new(G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "nexrad" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "level2" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S); self->conus_http = gis_http_new(G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "nexrad" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "conus" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S); self->sites = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, (GDestroyNotify)radar_site_free); self->config = gtk_notebook_new(); gtk_notebook_set_tab_pos(GTK_NOTEBOOK(self->config), GTK_POS_LEFT); } static void gis_plugin_radar_dispose(GObject *gobject) { g_debug("GisPluginRadar: dispose"); GisPluginRadar *self = GIS_PLUGIN_RADAR(gobject); gis_viewer_remove(self->viewer, self->hud_ref); radar_conus_free(self->conus); /* Drop references */ G_OBJECT_CLASS(gis_plugin_radar_parent_class)->dispose(gobject); } static void gis_plugin_radar_finalize(GObject *gobject) { g_debug("GisPluginRadar: finalize"); GisPluginRadar *self = GIS_PLUGIN_RADAR(gobject); /* Free data */ gis_http_free(self->conus_http); gis_http_free(self->sites_http); g_hash_table_destroy(self->sites); gtk_widget_destroy(self->config); G_OBJECT_CLASS(gis_plugin_radar_parent_class)->finalize(gobject); } static void gis_plugin_radar_class_init(GisPluginRadarClass *klass) { g_debug("GisPluginRadar: class_init"); GObjectClass *gobject_class = (GObjectClass*)klass; gobject_class->dispose = gis_plugin_radar_dispose; gobject_class->finalize = gis_plugin_radar_finalize; }