/* Prototype stuff for parsing Level-II data */ /* * TODO: ARGG, the packet sizses are all wrong.. * Check sizes of decompressed bzip files * Split things back up to seperate files * The second bzip contains different size packets? */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "level2.h" level2_packet_t **level2_split_packets(char *data, int *num_packets, int data_size) { int packet_i = 0; level2_packet_t *packet = (level2_packet_t *)data; int max_packets = 128; level2_packet_t **packets = malloc(sizeof(level2_packet_t *)*max_packets); while ((void *)packet < (void *)(data+data_size)) { /* Increase packets size if necessasairy */ if (packet_i >= max_packets) { max_packets *= 2; packets = realloc(packets, sizeof(level2_packet_t *)*max_packets); } /* Fix byte order for packet */ packet->size = g_ntohs(packet->size); packet->seq = g_ntohs(packet->seq); // TODO: Convert the rest of the bytes /* Save packet location */ packets[packet_i] = packet; /* Increment packet and packet_i */ // new = old + CTM + 2*size + fcs //packet = (level2_packet_t *)( ((char *)packet) + 12 + 2*packet->size + 4 ); packet++; packet_i++; } packets = realloc(packets, sizeof(level2_packet_t *)*packet_i); *num_packets = packet_i; return packets; } level2_packet_t *level2_decompress(char *raw_data, int *num_packets) { /* Read header */ FILE *fd = fopen(raw_data, "r"); if (fd == NULL) error(1, errno, "Error opening files `%s'", raw_data); level2_header_t header; if (1 != fread(&header, sizeof(level2_header_t), 1, fd)) error(1, errno, "Error reading header"); /* Decompress the bzips * store the entire sequence starting at data * cur_data is for each individual bzip and is the last chunk of data */ char *data = NULL; int data_size = 0; // size of previously decmpressed data char *bz2 = NULL; // temp buf for bzipped data unsigned int _bz2_size = 0; while ((int)_bz2_size >= 0) { if (1 != fread(&_bz2_size, 4, 1, fd)) break; //error(1, errno, "Error reading _bz2_size, pos=%x", (unsigned int)ftell(fd)); _bz2_size = g_ntohl(_bz2_size); int bz2_size = abs(_bz2_size); /* Read data */ if (NULL == (bz2 = (char *)realloc(bz2, bz2_size))) error(1, errno, "cannot allocate `%d' bytes for buffer", bz2_size); if (bz2_size != fread(bz2, 1, bz2_size, fd)) error(1, errno, "error reading from input file"); /* Decompress on individual bzip to the end of the sequence */ unsigned int cur_data_size = 1<<17; int status = BZ_OUTBUFF_FULL; while (status == BZ_OUTBUFF_FULL) { cur_data_size *= 2; data = realloc(data, data_size + cur_data_size); status = BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress(data + data_size, &cur_data_size, bz2, bz2_size, 0, 0); } if (status != BZ_OK) error(1, 1, "Error decompressing data"); data_size += cur_data_size; // Add current chunk to decompressed data /* Debug */ printf("data_size = %d, cur_data_size = %d\n", data_size, cur_data_size); } data = realloc(data, data_size); // free unused space at the end return (level2_packet_t *)data; //return level2_split_packets(data, num_packets, data_size); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 2) { printf("usage: %s \n", argv[0]); return 0; } int num_packets; level2_packet_t *packets = level2_decompress(argv[1], &num_packets); printf("read %d packets\n", num_packets); //FILE *output = fopen("output.dat", "w+"); //fwrite(packets[i], 1, 18470816, output); //fclose(output); FILE *output = fopen("output.dat", "w+"); int i; for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { printf("packet: size=%x, seq=%d\n", g_ntohs(packets[i].size), g_ntohs(packets[i].seq)); fwrite("################", 1, 16, output); fwrite(packets+i, 1, sizeof(level2_packet_t), output); } fclose(output); return 0; }