# ChangeLog for x11-drivers/asus-switcheroo # Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 12 Feb 2012; Mike Gilbert files/switcheroo-to-nvidia.sh, files/switcheroo.rc: x11-drivers/asus-switcheroo: Remove svn:executable property. 16 Sep 2011; Nathan Phillip Brink asus-switcheroo-0_p20110814.ebuild: Relax kernel checks and increase life expectency. 20 Aug 2011; Nick Robbins (Nicias) +asus-switcheroo-0_p20110814.ebuild, metadata.xml: Updating to allow use of /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ and byo-switcheroo 19 May 2011; Nick Robbins (Nicias) +asus-switcheroo-0_p20110504.ebuild, +asus-switcheroo-9999.ebuild, +files/asus-switcheroo.conf-nvidia, +files/switcheroo.rc, +files/switcheroo-to-nvidia.sh, +files/xorg.conf-nvidia, +metadata.xml: New build for bug #366503