# ChangeLog for sys-cluster/globus # Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 15 Aug 2009; John (EBo) David files/22globus, files/globus-init.d: updated globus init.d script 15 Aug 2009; John (EBo) David files/22globus, files/globus-init.d: updated globus init.d script 15 Aug 2009; John (EBo) David +files/22globus, +globus-4.2.1.ebuild, +files/gaa_test.patch, +files/globus-init.d, +files/gwd_open.patch, +metadata.xml: New Ebuild for bug 51149 thanks to Tommy[D], sedzimir and the people over at sunrise 15 Aug 2009; John (EBo) David +files/22globus, +globus-4.2.1.ebuild, +files/gaa_test.patch, +files/globus-init.d, +files/gwd_open.patch, +metadata.xml: New Ebuild for bug 51149 thanks to Tommy[D], sedzimir and the people over at sunrise