/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Andy Spencer * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "radar.h" #include "level2.h" #include "../aweather-location.h" /* Drawing functions */ static void _draw_hud(GisCallback *callback, gpointer _self) { GisPluginRadar *self = GIS_PLUGIN_RADAR(_self); if (!self->colormap) return; g_debug("GisPluginRadar: _draw_hud"); /* Print the color table */ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW ); glLoadIdentity(); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); glBegin(GL_QUADS); int i; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { glColor4ubv(self->colormap->data[i]); glVertex3f(-1.0, (float)((i ) - 256/2)/(256/2), 0.0); // bot left glVertex3f(-1.0, (float)((i+1) - 256/2)/(256/2), 0.0); // top left glVertex3f(-0.9, (float)((i+1) - 256/2)/(256/2), 0.0); // top right glVertex3f(-0.9, (float)((i ) - 256/2)/(256/2), 0.0); // bot right } glEnd(); } /*************** * GUI loading * ***************/ /* Clear the config area */ static void _load_gui_clear(GisPluginRadar *self) { GtkWidget *child = gtk_bin_get_child(GTK_BIN(self->config_body)); if (child) gtk_widget_destroy(child); } /* Setup a loading screen in the tab */ static void _load_gui_pre(GisPluginRadar *self) { g_debug("GisPluginRadar: _load_gui_pre"); /* Set up progress bar */ _load_gui_clear(self); GtkWidget *vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 10); gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(vbox), 10); self->progress_bar = gtk_progress_bar_new(); self->progress_label = gtk_label_new("Loading radar..."); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), self->progress_bar, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), self->progress_label, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(self->config_body), vbox); gtk_widget_show_all(self->config_body); } /* Update pogress bar of loading screen */ static void _load_gui_update(char *path, goffset cur, goffset total, gpointer _self) { GisPluginRadar *self = GIS_PLUGIN_RADAR(_self); double percent = (double)cur/total; //g_debug("GisPluginRadar: cache_chunk_cb - %lld/%lld = %.2f%%", // cur, total, percent*100); gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(self->progress_bar), MIN(percent, 1.0)); gchar *msg = g_strdup_printf("Loading radar... %5.1f%% (%.2f/%.2f MB)", percent*100, (double)cur/1000000, (double)total/1000000); gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(self->progress_label), msg); g_free(msg); } /* Update pogress bar of loading screen */ static void _load_gui_error(GisPluginRadar *self, gchar *error) { gchar *msg = g_strdup_printf( "GisPluginRadar: error loading radar - %s", error); g_warning("%s", msg); _load_gui_clear(self); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(self->config_body), gtk_label_new(msg)); gtk_widget_show_all(self->config_body); g_free(msg); } /* Clear loading screen and add sweep selectors */ static void _on_sweep_clicked(GtkRadioButton *button, gpointer _self); static void _load_gui_success(GisPluginRadar *self, AWeatherLevel2 *level2) { Radar *radar = level2->radar; g_debug("GisPluginRadar: _load_gui_success - %p", radar); /* Clear existing items */ _load_gui_clear(self); gdouble elev; guint rows = 1, cols = 1, cur_cols; gchar row_label_str[64], col_label_str[64], button_str[64]; GtkWidget *row_label, *col_label, *button = NULL, *elev_box = NULL; GtkWidget *table = gtk_table_new(rows, cols, FALSE); for (guint vi = 0; vi < radar->h.nvolumes; vi++) { Volume *vol = radar->v[vi]; if (vol == NULL) continue; rows++; cols = 1; elev = 0; /* Row label */ g_snprintf(row_label_str, 64, "%s:", vol->h.type_str); row_label = gtk_label_new(row_label_str); gtk_label_set_use_markup(GTK_LABEL(row_label), TRUE); gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(row_label), 1, 0.5); gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), row_label, 0,1, rows-1,rows, GTK_FILL,GTK_FILL, 5,0); for (guint si = 0; si < vol->h.nsweeps; si++) { Sweep *sweep = vol->sweep[si]; if (sweep == NULL || sweep->h.elev == 0) continue; if (sweep->h.elev != elev) { cols++; elev = sweep->h.elev; /* Column label */ g_object_get(table, "n-columns", &cur_cols, NULL); if (cols > cur_cols) { g_snprintf(col_label_str, 64, "%.2f°", elev); col_label = gtk_label_new(col_label_str); gtk_label_set_use_markup(GTK_LABEL(col_label), TRUE); gtk_widget_set_size_request(col_label, 50, -1); gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), col_label, cols-1,cols, 0,1, GTK_FILL,GTK_FILL, 0,0); } elev_box = gtk_hbox_new(TRUE, 0); gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), elev_box, cols-1,cols, rows-1,rows, GTK_FILL,GTK_FILL, 0,0); } /* Button */ g_snprintf(button_str, 64, "%3.2f", elev); button = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget( GTK_RADIO_BUTTON(button), button_str); gtk_widget_set_size_request(button, -1, 26); //button = gtk_radio_button_new_from_widget(GTK_RADIO_BUTTON(button)); //gtk_widget_set_size_request(button, -1, 22); g_object_set(button, "draw-indicator", FALSE, NULL); gtk_box_pack_end(GTK_BOX(elev_box), button, TRUE, TRUE, 0); g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(button), "level2", (gpointer)level2); g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(button), "type", (gpointer)vi); g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(button), "elev", (gpointer)(int)(elev*100)); g_signal_connect(button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(_on_sweep_clicked), self); } } gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(self->config_body), table); gtk_widget_show_all(table); } static gchar *_download_radar(GisPluginRadar *self, const gchar *site, const gchar *time) { g_debug("GisPluginRadar: _download_radar - %s, %s", site, time); /* format: http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/data/nexrd2/raw/KABR/KABR_20090510_0323 */ gchar *base = gis_prefs_get_string(self->prefs, "aweather/nexrad_url", NULL); gchar *local = g_strdup_printf("%s/%s_%s", site, site, time); gchar *uri = g_strconcat(base, "/", local, NULL); GisCacheType mode = gis_viewer_get_offline(self->viewer) ? GIS_LOCAL : GIS_UPDATE; gchar *file = gis_http_fetch(self->http, uri, local, mode, _load_gui_update, self); g_free(base); g_free(local); g_free(uri); return file; } struct SetRadarData { GisPluginRadar *self; gchar *site; gchar *time; }; static gpointer _set_radar_cb(gpointer _data) { g_debug("GisPluginRadar: _set_radar_cb"); struct SetRadarData *data = _data; GisPluginRadar *self = data->self; _load_gui_pre(self); if (self->radar) { gis_viewer_remove(self->viewer, self->radar); self->radar = NULL; } gchar *file = _download_radar(self, data->site, data->time); if (!file) { _load_gui_error(self, "Download failed"); goto out; } AWeatherLevel2 *level2 = aweather_level2_new_from_file( self->viewer, colormaps, file, data->site); if (!level2) { _load_gui_error(self, "Loading radar failed"); //g_remove(file); goto out; } self->colormap = level2->sweep_colors; self->radar = gis_viewer_add(self->viewer, GIS_OBJECT(level2), GIS_LEVEL_WORLD, TRUE); _load_gui_success(self, level2); out: g_free(file); g_free(data->site); g_free(data->time); g_free(data); g_mutex_unlock(self->load_mutex); return NULL; } static void _set_radar(GisPluginRadar *self, const gchar *site, const gchar *time) { if (!site || !time) return; struct SetRadarData *data = g_new(struct SetRadarData, 1); data->self = self; data->site = g_strdup(site); data->time = g_strdup(time); if (g_mutex_trylock(self->load_mutex)) g_thread_create(_set_radar_cb, data, FALSE, NULL); } /************* * Callbacks * *************/ static void _on_sweep_clicked(GtkRadioButton *button, gpointer _self) { GisPluginRadar *self = GIS_PLUGIN_RADAR(_self); AWeatherLevel2 *level2 = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(button), "level2"); gint type = (gint)g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(button), "type"); gint elev = (gint)g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(button), "elev"); aweather_level2_set_sweep(level2, type, (float)elev/100); self->colormap = level2->sweep_colors; } static void _on_time_changed(GisViewer *viewer, const char *time, gpointer _self) { g_debug("GisPluginRadar: _on_time_changed"); GisPluginRadar *self = GIS_PLUGIN_RADAR(_self); self->cur_time = g_strdup(time); _set_radar(self, self->cur_site, self->cur_time); } static void _on_location_changed(GisViewer *viewer, gdouble lat, gdouble lon, gdouble elev, gpointer _self) { g_debug("GisPluginRadar: _on_location_changed"); GisPluginRadar *self = GIS_PLUGIN_RADAR(_self); gdouble min_dist = EARTH_R / 5; city_t *city, *min_city = NULL; for (city = cities; city->type; city++) { if (city->type != LOCATION_CITY) continue; gdouble city_loc[3] = {}; gdouble eye_loc[3] = {lat, lon, elev}; lle2xyz(city->lat, city->lon, city->elev, &city_loc[0], &city_loc[1], &city_loc[2]); lle2xyz(lat, lon, elev, &eye_loc[0], &eye_loc[1], &eye_loc[2]); gdouble dist = distd(city_loc, eye_loc); if (dist < min_dist) { min_dist = dist; min_city = city; } } static city_t *last_city = NULL; if (min_city && min_city != last_city){ self->cur_site = min_city->code; _set_radar(self, self->cur_site, self->cur_time); } last_city = min_city; } /*********** * Methods * ***********/ GisPluginRadar *gis_plugin_radar_new(GisViewer *viewer, GisPrefs *prefs) { /* TODO: move to constructor if possible */ g_debug("GisPluginRadar: new"); GisPluginRadar *self = g_object_new(GIS_TYPE_PLUGIN_RADAR, NULL); self->viewer = viewer; self->prefs = prefs; self->time_changed_id = g_signal_connect(viewer, "time-changed", G_CALLBACK(_on_time_changed), self); self->location_changed_id = g_signal_connect(viewer, "location-changed", G_CALLBACK(_on_location_changed), self); for (city_t *city = cities; city->type; city++) { if (city->type != LOCATION_CITY) continue; g_debug("Adding marker for %s %s", city->code, city->label); GisMarker *marker = gis_marker_new(city->label); gis_point_set_lle(gis_object_center(GIS_OBJECT(marker)), city->lat, city->lon, city->elev); GIS_OBJECT(marker)->lod = EARTH_R/2; gis_viewer_add(self->viewer, GIS_OBJECT(marker), GIS_LEVEL_OVERLAY, FALSE); } GisCallback *hud_cb = gis_callback_new(_draw_hud, self); gis_viewer_add(viewer, GIS_OBJECT(hud_cb), GIS_LEVEL_HUD, FALSE); return self; } static GtkWidget *gis_plugin_radar_get_config(GisPlugin *_self) { GisPluginRadar *self = GIS_PLUGIN_RADAR(_self); return self->config_body; } /**************** * GObject code * ****************/ /* Plugin init */ static void gis_plugin_radar_plugin_init(GisPluginInterface *iface); G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE(GisPluginRadar, gis_plugin_radar, G_TYPE_OBJECT, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE(GIS_TYPE_PLUGIN, gis_plugin_radar_plugin_init)); static void gis_plugin_radar_plugin_init(GisPluginInterface *iface) { g_debug("GisPluginRadar: plugin_init"); /* Add methods to the interface */ iface->get_config = gis_plugin_radar_get_config; } /* Class/Object init */ static void gis_plugin_radar_init(GisPluginRadar *self) { g_debug("GisPluginRadar: class_init"); /* Set defaults */ self->http = gis_http_new("/nexrad/level2/"); self->config_body = gtk_alignment_new(0, 0, 1, 1); self->load_mutex = g_mutex_new(); gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(self->config_body), 5); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(self->config_body), gtk_label_new("No radar loaded")); } static void gis_plugin_radar_dispose(GObject *gobject) { g_debug("GisPluginRadar: dispose"); GisPluginRadar *self = GIS_PLUGIN_RADAR(gobject); g_signal_handler_disconnect(self->viewer, self->time_changed_id); /* Drop references */ G_OBJECT_CLASS(gis_plugin_radar_parent_class)->dispose(gobject); } static void gis_plugin_radar_finalize(GObject *gobject) { g_debug("GisPluginRadar: finalize"); GisPluginRadar *self = GIS_PLUGIN_RADAR(gobject); /* Free data */ gis_http_free(self->http); g_mutex_free(self->load_mutex); G_OBJECT_CLASS(gis_plugin_radar_parent_class)->finalize(gobject); } static void gis_plugin_radar_class_init(GisPluginRadarClass *klass) { g_debug("GisPluginRadar: class_init"); GObjectClass *gobject_class = (GObjectClass*)klass; gobject_class->dispose = gis_plugin_radar_dispose; gobject_class->finalize = gis_plugin_radar_finalize; }