/* NASA/TRMM, Code 910.1. This is the TRMM Office Radar Software Library. Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 John H. Merritt Space Applications Corporation Vienna, Virginia This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------- * Image generation functions: * * void RSL_load_color_table(char *infile, char buffer[256], int *ncolors); * void RSL_load_red_table(char *infile); * void RSL_load_green_table(char *infile); * void RSL_load_blue_table(char *infile); * void RSL_load_refl_color_table(); * void RSL_load_vel_color_table(); * void RSL_load_sw_color_table(); * void RSL_load_height_color_table(); * void RSL_load_rainfall_color_table(); * void RSL_bscan_ray(FILE *fp, Ray *r); * void RSL_bscan_sweep(Sweep *s, char *outfile); * void RSL_bscan_volume(Volume *v, char *basename); * unsigned char *RSL_sweep_to_cart(Sweep *s, int xdim, int ydim, float range); * unsigned char *RSL_rhi_sweep_to_cart(Sweep *s, int xdim, int ydim, float range, int vert_scale); * void RSL_write_gif(char *outfile, unsigned char *image, int xdim, int ydim, char c_table[256][3]); * void RSL_write_pict(char *outfile, unsigned char *image, int xdim, int ydim, char c_table[256][3]); * void RSL_write_ppm(char *outfile, unsigned char *image, int xdim, int ydim, char c_table[256][3]); * void RSL_write_pgm(char *outfile, unsigned char *image, int xdim, int ydim); * void RSL_sweep_to_gif(Sweep *s, char *outfile, int xdim, int ydim, float range); * void RSL_rhi_sweep_to_gif(Sweep *s, char *outfile, int xdim, int ydim, float range, int vert_scale); * void RSL_sweep_to_pict(Sweep *s, char *outfile, int xdim, int ydim, float range); * void RSL_sweep_to_ppm(Sweep *s, char *outfile, int xdim, int ydim, float range); * void RSL_sweep_to_pgm(Sweep *s, char *outfile, int xdim, int ydim, float range); * void RSL_volume_to_gif(Volume *v, char *basename, int xdim, int ydim, float range); * void RSL_volume_to_pict(Volume *v, char *basename, int xdim, int ydim, float range); * void RSL_volume_to_ppm(Volume *v, char *basename, int xdim, int ydim, float range); * void RSL_volume_to_pgm(Volume *v, char *basename, int xdim, int ydim, float range); * void RSL_rebin_velocity_ray(Ray *r); * void RSL_rebin_velocity_sweep(Sweep *s); * void RSL_rebin_velocity_volume(Volume *v); * void RSL_rebin_zdr_ray(Ray *r); * void RSL_rebin_zdr_sweep(Sweep *s); * void RSL_rebin_zdr_volume(Volume *v); */ #include #include #include "rsl.h" extern FILE *popen(const char *, const char *); extern int pclose(FILE *stream); extern int radar_verbose_flag; static char color_table[256][3]; static int ncolors = 0; /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* RSL_load_color_table */ /* */ /* By: John Merritt */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /* April 7, 1994 */ /**********************************************************************/ void RSL_load_color_table(char *infile, char buffer[256], int *num_colors) { FILE *fp; fp = fopen(infile, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { perror(infile); exit(-1); } *num_colors = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), 256, fp); (void)fclose(fp); } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* RSL_set_color_table */ /* */ /* By: John Merritt */ /* SM&A Corporation */ /* Jan 21, 1999 */ /**********************************************************************/ void RSL_set_color_table(int icolor, char buffer[256], int ncolors) { int i; /* In RSL: Red table=RSL_RED_TABLE, * green table=RSL_GREEN_TABLE, * blue table=RSL_BLUE_TABLE. */ for (i=0; i /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* RSL_load_refl_color_table */ /* RSL_load_vel_color_table */ /* RSL_load_sw_color_table */ /* RSL_load_zdr_color_table */ /* RSL_load_rainfall_color_table */ /* */ /* By: John Merritt */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /* April 7, 1994 */ /**********************************************************************/ void RSL_load_refl_color_table() { char buffer[256]; char *fnames[3] = { REFL_RED_FILE, REFL_GREEN_FILE, REFL_BLUE_FILE }; int i, igun; for (igun=0; igun<3; igun++) { RSL_load_color_table(fnames[igun], buffer, &ncolors); for (i=0; ih.nbins); f = r->h.f; for (i=0; ih.nbins; i++) if (f(r->range[i]) != BADVAL) { if (f(r->range[i]) >= 0) outvect[i] = (unsigned char) f(r->range[i]); } else outvect[i] = (unsigned char) (255 + f(r->range[i])); for(i=0; ih.nbins; i++) if (fwrite(color_table[outvect[i]], sizeof(char), 3, fp) != 3) fprintf(stderr, "RSL_bscan_ray: short write\n"); } void RSL_bscan_sweep(Sweep *s, char *outfile) { int i, j, nrecs, nbins; Ray *first_ray; FILE *fp; if (s == NULL) return; fp = fopen(outfile,"wb"); if (fp == NULL) { perror(outfile); return; } first_ray = RSL_get_first_ray_of_sweep(s); nrecs = s->h.nrays; nbins = first_ray->h.nbins; fprintf(fp, "P6\n# %s\n%d %d\n255\n",outfile, nbins, nrecs); outvect = NULL; outvect = (unsigned char *) calloc(nbins, sizeof(unsigned char)); if (outvect == NULL) { perror((char *)outvect); return; } /* Now, write the bscan. */ for (j=0; jh.nrays; j++) { if (s->ray[j]) RSL_bscan_ray(s->ray[j], fp); else { memset(outvect, 0, nbins); for(i=0; ih.nsweeps; i++) { (void)sprintf(outfile,"bscan.%2.2d.ppm", i); RSL_bscan_sweep(v->sweep[i], outfile); if (radar_verbose_flag) fprintf(stderr,"Output: %s\n", outfile); } free (outfile); } /**********************************************************************/ /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Volume to cartesean GIF */ /* (polar to cartesean) */ /* */ /* By: John Merritt */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /* April 7, 1994 */ /**********************************************************************/ /**********************************************************************/ #include /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* RSL_sweep_to_cart */ /* */ /* By: John Merritt */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /* April 7, 1994 */ /**********************************************************************/ unsigned char *RSL_sweep_to_cart(Sweep *s, int xdim, int ydim, float range) { /* Range specifies the maximum range to load that points into the image. */ int x, y; float azim, r; float val; int the_index; Ray *ray; float beam_width; static unsigned char *cart_image = NULL; if (s == NULL) return NULL; if (xdim != ydim || ydim < 0 || xdim < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "(xdim=%d) != (ydim=%d) or either negative.\n", xdim, ydim); return NULL; } cart_image = (unsigned char *) calloc(xdim*ydim, sizeof(unsigned char)); beam_width = s->h.beam_width/2.0 * 1.2; if (beam_width == 0) beam_width = 1.2; /* Sane image generation. */ for (y=-ydim/2; y=0 && x<0) /* Quad: 2 */ azim += 180; /* Radar is clockwise increasing. */ azim = -azim; azim -= 90.0; if (azim < 0) azim += 360.0; r = (float)sqrt((double)x*x + (double)y*y); if (ydim < xdim) r *= range/(.5*ydim); else r *= range/(.5*xdim); if (r > range) val = BADVAL; else { ray = RSL_get_closest_ray_from_sweep(s, azim, beam_width); val = RSL_get_value_from_ray(ray, r); } the_index = (y+ydim/2)*ydim + (xdim-1)-(x+xdim/2); if (val == BADVAL || val == NOTFOUND_V || val == NOTFOUND_H) cart_image[the_index] = (unsigned char) 0; else if (val >= 0) cart_image[the_index] = (unsigned char) val; else cart_image[the_index] = (unsigned char) (256+val); } return cart_image; } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* RSL_rhi_sweep_to_cart */ /* */ /* A modified version of RSL_sweep_to_cart() */ /* -> Handles rhi (vertical) sweeps */ /* Kolander */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /* July 27, 1995 */ /**********************************************************************/ unsigned char *RSL_rhi_sweep_to_cart(Sweep *s, int xdim, int ydim, float range, int vert_scale) { int x, y, xx, yy, i, j; float angle, r; float val; int the_index; static unsigned char *rhi_cart_image = NULL; static unsigned char *buffer = NULL; if (s == NULL) return NULL; if (buffer == NULL) buffer = (unsigned char *)calloc(xdim*ydim, sizeof(unsigned char)); if (rhi_cart_image == NULL) rhi_cart_image = (unsigned char *)calloc(xdim*ydim, sizeof(unsigned char)); memset(buffer, (unsigned char)0, xdim*ydim); memset(rhi_cart_image, (unsigned char)0, xdim*ydim); for (y=0; y range) val = BADVAL; else val = RSL_get_value_from_sweep(s, angle, r); /* A vertical sweep extends from 0 deg to perhaps 25 deg in elevation. For proper orientation of a displayed rhi vertical sweep: 1. reflect image about the line y=x . 2. translate image downward so that radar site is located at the bottom left corner of the image. The sweep will then extend upward from the bottom of the image. */ xx = y; /* reflection about line y=x */ yy = x; /* reflection about line y=x */ the_index = (ydim - 1 - yy)*xdim + xx; if (val == BADVAL || val == NOTFOUND_V || val == NOTFOUND_H) buffer[the_index] = (unsigned char) 0; else if (val >= 0) buffer[the_index] = (unsigned char) val; else buffer[the_index] = (unsigned char) (256+val); } /* To see details in the sweep, it is customary to scale the image so that the scale of the vertical axis is 5 or 10 times the scale of the horizontal axis. Copy each row of pixel values from buffer[] a constant multiple number of times into rhi_cart_image[], in order to vertically expand the image. */ for (j=0; j /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* RSL_write_gif */ /* */ /* By: John Merritt */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /* April 7, 1994 */ /**********************************************************************/ void RSL_write_gif(char *outfile, unsigned char *image, int xdim, int ydim, char c_table[256][3]) { int i; int nbytes; char pipecmd[300]; FILE *fpipe; if (image == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "No image for file %s\n", outfile); return; } fpipe = NULL; nbytes = xdim*ydim; (void)sprintf(pipecmd, "ppmtogif > %s 2>/dev/null", outfile); fpipe = popen(pipecmd, "wb"); /* Global FILE * */ if (fpipe == NULL) { perror("RSL_write_gif1"); return; } if (fprintf(fpipe, "P6\n# %s\n%d %d\n255\n",outfile, xdim, ydim) < 0) { perror("RSL_write_gif2"); pclose(fpipe); return; } for (i=0; i %s 2>/dev/null", outfile); fpipe = popen(pipecmd, "wb"); /* Global FILE * */ fprintf(fpipe, "P6\n# %s\n%d %d\n255\n",outfile, xdim, ydim); for (i=0; i %s.gz 2>/dev/null", outfile); fpipe = popen(pipecmd, "wb"); /* Global FILE * */ fprintf(fpipe, "P5\n# %s\n%d %d\n255\n",outfile, xdim, ydim); if (fwrite(image, sizeof(char), nbytes, fpipe) != nbytes) fprintf(stderr, "RSL_write_pgm: short write\n"); (void)pclose(fpipe); /* The following is commented and is for non compressed. */ #ifdef COMPILE nbytes = xdim*ydim; fpipe = fopen(outfile, "wb"); /* Global FILE * */ fprintf(fpipe, "P5\n# %s\n%d %d\n255\n",outfile, xdim, ydim); (void)fwrite(image, sizeof(char), nbytes, fpipe); (void)fclose(fpipe); #endif } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* RSL_sweep_to_gif */ /* */ /* By: John Merritt */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /* April 7, 1994 */ /**********************************************************************/ void RSL_sweep_to_gif(Sweep *s, char *outfile, int xdim, int ydim, float range) { /* Currently range is not used. */ unsigned char *cart_image; /* Assumes the color table is already loaded. */ if (s == NULL) return; if (ncolors == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "No colors in color table. Load color table first.\n"); return; } cart_image = RSL_sweep_to_cart(s, xdim, ydim, range); RSL_write_gif(outfile, cart_image, xdim, ydim, color_table); free(cart_image); } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* RSL_rhi_sweep_to_gif */ /* */ /* Slightly modified version of RSL_sweep_to_gif() */ /* */ /* By: Kolander */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /* July 27, 1995 */ /**********************************************************************/ void RSL_rhi_sweep_to_gif(Sweep *s, char *outfile, int xdim, int ydim, float range, int vert_scale) { unsigned char *cart_image; /* Assumes the color table is already loaded. */ if (s == NULL) return; if (ncolors == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "No colors in color table. Load color table first.\n"); return; } cart_image = RSL_rhi_sweep_to_cart(s, xdim, ydim, range, vert_scale); RSL_write_gif(outfile, cart_image, xdim, ydim, color_table); free(cart_image); } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* RSL_sweep_to_pict */ /* */ /* By: John Merritt */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /* April 7, 1994 */ /**********************************************************************/ void RSL_sweep_to_pict(Sweep *s, char *outfile, int xdim, int ydim, float range) { /* Currently range is not used. */ unsigned char *cart_image; /* Assumes the color table is already loaded. */ if (s == NULL) return; if (ncolors == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "No colors in color table. Load color table first.\n"); return; } cart_image = RSL_sweep_to_cart(s, xdim, ydim, range); RSL_write_pict(outfile, cart_image, xdim, ydim, color_table); free(cart_image); } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* RSL_sweep_to_ppm */ /* */ /* By: John Merritt */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /* April 7, 1994 */ /**********************************************************************/ void RSL_sweep_to_ppm(Sweep *s, char *outfile, int xdim, int ydim, float range) { /* Currently range is not used. */ unsigned char *cart_image; /* Assumes the color table is already loaded. */ if (s == NULL) return; if (ncolors == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "No colors in color table. Load color table first.\n"); return; } cart_image = RSL_sweep_to_cart(s, xdim, ydim, range); RSL_write_ppm(outfile, cart_image, xdim, ydim, color_table); free(cart_image); } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* RSL_sweep_to_pgm */ /* */ /* By: John Merritt */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /* April 7, 1994 */ /**********************************************************************/ void RSL_sweep_to_pgm(Sweep *s, char *outfile, int xdim, int ydim, float range) { /* Currently range is not used. */ unsigned char *cart_image; if (s == NULL) return; cart_image = RSL_sweep_to_cart(s, xdim, ydim, range); RSL_write_pgm(outfile, cart_image, xdim, ydim); free(cart_image); } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* RSL_volume_to_gif */ /* */ /* By: John Merritt */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /* April 7, 1994 */ /**********************************************************************/ void RSL_volume_to_gif(Volume *v, char *basename, int xdim, int ydim, float range) { /* * Make a xdim by ydim cartesean image. Center of radar is xdim/2,ydim/2. */ int i; char outfile[100]; unsigned char *cart_image; if (v == NULL) return; if (ncolors == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "No colors in color table. Load color table first.\n"); return; } /* * Sweep 0 has Reflectivity only. * Sweep 1 has Velocity and Spectrum width, No Reflectivity. * Sweep > 1 any. * */ for (i=0; ih.nsweeps; i++) { (void)sprintf(outfile,"%s.%2.2d.gif", basename, i); /* File name: sweep.[0-10] */ if (v->sweep[i] == NULL) continue; cart_image = RSL_sweep_to_cart(v->sweep[i], xdim, ydim, range); if (radar_verbose_flag) fprintf(stderr,"==> Sweep %d of %d\n",i, v->h.nsweeps); if (cart_image != NULL) { RSL_write_gif(outfile, cart_image, xdim, ydim, color_table); printf("%s\n", outfile); free (cart_image); } else { if (radar_verbose_flag) fprintf(stderr,"No image. cart_image for sweep %d is NULL.\n", i); } } } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* RSL_volume_to_pict */ /* */ /* By: John Merritt */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /* April 7, 1994 */ /**********************************************************************/ void RSL_volume_to_pict(Volume *v, char *basename, int xdim, int ydim, float range) { /* * Make a xdim by ydim cartesean image. Center of radar is xdim/2,ydim/2. */ int i; char outfile[100]; unsigned char *cart_image; if (v == NULL) return; if (ncolors == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "No colors in color table. Load color table first.\n"); return; } /* * Sweep 0 has Reflectivity only. * Sweep 1 has Velocity and Spectrum width, No Reflectivity. * Sweep > 1 any. * */ for (i=0; ih.nsweeps; i++) { cart_image = RSL_sweep_to_cart(v->sweep[i], xdim, ydim, range); if (radar_verbose_flag) fprintf(stderr,"==> Sweep %d of %d\n",i, v->h.nsweeps); (void)sprintf(outfile,"%s.%2.2d.pict", basename, i); /* File name: sweep.[0-10] */ if (cart_image != NULL) { RSL_write_pict(outfile, cart_image, xdim, ydim, color_table); if (radar_verbose_flag) fprintf(stderr,"Wrote: %s\n", outfile); free (cart_image); } else { if (radar_verbose_flag) fprintf(stderr,"No image. cart_image for sweep %d is NULL.\n", i); } } } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* RSL_volume_to_ppm */ /* */ /* By: John Merritt */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /* April 7, 1994 */ /**********************************************************************/ void RSL_volume_to_ppm(Volume *v, char *basename, int xdim, int ydim, float range) { /* * Make a xdim by ydim cartesean image. Center of radar is xdim/2,ydim/2. */ int i; char outfile[100]; unsigned char *cart_image; if (v == NULL) return; if (ncolors == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "No colors in color table. Load color table first.\n"); return; } /* * Sweep 0 has Reflectivity only. * Sweep 1 has Velocity and Spectrum width, No Reflectivity. * Sweep > 1 any. * */ for (i=0; ih.nsweeps; i++) { cart_image = RSL_sweep_to_cart(v->sweep[i], xdim, ydim, range); if (radar_verbose_flag) fprintf(stderr,"==> Sweep %d of %d\n",i, v->h.nsweeps); (void)sprintf(outfile,"%s.%2.2d.ppm", basename, i); /* File name: sweep.[0-10] */ if (cart_image != NULL) { RSL_write_ppm(outfile, cart_image, xdim, ydim, color_table); if (radar_verbose_flag) fprintf(stderr,"Wrote: %s\n", outfile); free (cart_image); } else { if (radar_verbose_flag) fprintf(stderr,"No image. cart_image for sweep %d is NULL.\n", i); } } } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* RSL_volume_to_pgm */ /* */ /* By: John Merritt */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /* April 7, 1994 */ /**********************************************************************/ void RSL_volume_to_pgm(Volume *v, char *basename, int xdim, int ydim, float range) { /* * Make a xdim by ydim cartesean image. Center of radar is xdim/2,ydim/2. */ int i; char outfile[100]; unsigned char *cart_image; /* * Sweep 0 has Reflectivity only. * Sweep 1 has Velocity and Spectrum width, No Reflectivity. * Sweep > 1 any. * */ if (v == NULL) return; for (i=0; ih.nsweeps; i++) { cart_image = RSL_sweep_to_cart(v->sweep[i], xdim, ydim, range); if (radar_verbose_flag) fprintf(stderr,"==> Sweep %d of %d\n",i, v->h.nsweeps); (void)sprintf(outfile,"%s.%2.2d.pgm", basename, i); /* File name: sweep.[0-10] */ if (cart_image != NULL) { RSL_write_pgm(outfile, cart_image, xdim, ydim); if (radar_verbose_flag) fprintf(stderr,"Wrote: %s\n", outfile); free (cart_image); } else { if (radar_verbose_flag) fprintf(stderr,"No image. cart_image for sweep %d is NULL.\n", i); } } } /***********************************************************************/ /* */ /* RSL_rebin_velocity_ray */ /* RSL_rebin_velocity_sweep */ /* RSL_rebin_velocity_volume */ /* */ /* By: John Merritt */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /* April 30, 1994 */ /* */ /***********************************************************************/ void RSL_rebin_velocity_ray(Ray *r) { /* Rebin the velocity data to the range -nyquist, +nyquist. * 14 bins are created centered at 0. It sets the proper color look up * indexes. This function modifies Ray r. */ int i; float nyquist; float val /* val1 */; int ncbins = 15; /* Number of color bins */ float (*f)(Range x); Range (*invf)(float x); if (r == NULL) return; nyquist = r->h.nyq_vel; if (nyquist == 0.0) { fprintf(stderr, "RSL_rebin_velocity_ray: nyquist == 0.0\n"); fprintf(stderr, "RSL_rebin_velocity_ray: Unable to rebin.\n"); return; } f = r->h.f; invf = r->h.invf; for (i=0; ih.nbins; i++) { val = f(r->range[i]); if (val == RFVAL) { val = 16; } else if (val != BADVAL) { /* Okay, we want to shift the data to positive values then we re-scale them by the number of color bins/nyquist */ val = (int)(val/nyquist*(ncbins/2) + 1.0 + ncbins/2); } else { val = 0; } r->range[i] = invf(val); } } void RSL_rebin_velocity_sweep(Sweep *s) { /* Rebin the velocity data to the range -nyquist, +nyquist. * 14 bins are created centered at 0. It sets the proper color look up * indexes. This function modifies Sweep s. Use this function prior * RSL_sweep_to_cart. The binning is done in RSL_rebin_velocity_ray. */ int i; if (s == NULL) return; for (i=0; ih.nrays; i++) RSL_rebin_velocity_ray(s->ray[i]); } void RSL_rebin_velocity_volume(Volume *v) { /* Rebin the velocity data to the range -nyquist, +nyquist. * 14 bins are created centered at 0. It sets the proper color look up * indexes. This function modifies Volume v. Use this function prior * RSL_sweep_to_cart. The binning is done in RSL_rebin_velocity_ray. */ int i; if (v == NULL) return; for (i=0; ih.nsweeps; i++) RSL_rebin_velocity_sweep(v->sweep[i]); } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* RSL_carpi_to_cart */ /* */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /* 17 Mar 1997 */ /**********************************************************************/ unsigned char *RSL_carpi_to_cart(Carpi *carpi, int xdim, int ydim, float range) { /* Converts carpi data from the native RSL 1_ or 2_byte format to unsigned char format for image generation. Also reverses the row order of the data so that displayed images come out right side up. */ int i, j, cart_index; unsigned char *cart_image = NULL; float val; if (carpi == NULL) return NULL; cart_image = (unsigned char *) calloc(xdim*ydim, sizeof(unsigned char)); for (j=0; jf(carpi->data[j][i]); if (val == BADVAL || val == NOTFOUND_V || val == NOTFOUND_H) cart_image[cart_index] = (unsigned char) 0; else if (val >= 0) cart_image[cart_index] = (unsigned char) val; else cart_image[cart_index] = (unsigned char) (256+val); /*2's complement.*/ } return(cart_image); } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* RSL_carpi_to_gif */ /* */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /* 17 Mar 1997 */ /**********************************************************************/ void RSL_carpi_to_gif(Carpi *carpi, char *outfile, int xdim, int ydim, float range) { /* Currently range is not used. */ unsigned char *cart_image; /* Assumes the color table is already loaded. */ if (carpi == NULL) return; if (ncolors == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "No colors in color table. Load color table first.\n"); return; } cart_image = RSL_carpi_to_cart(carpi, xdim, ydim, range); RSL_write_gif(outfile, cart_image, xdim, ydim, color_table); free(cart_image); } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* RSL_carpi_to_pict */ /* */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /* 17 Mar 1997 */ /**********************************************************************/ void RSL_carpi_to_pict(Carpi *carpi, char *outfile, int xdim, int ydim, float range) { /* Currently range is not used. */ unsigned char *cart_image; /* Assumes the color table is already loaded. */ if (carpi == NULL) return; if (ncolors == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "No colors in color table. Load color table first.\n"); return; } cart_image = RSL_carpi_to_cart(carpi, xdim, ydim, range); RSL_write_pict(outfile, cart_image, xdim, ydim, color_table); free(cart_image); } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* RSL_carpi_to_ppm */ /* */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /* 17 Mar 1997 */ /**********************************************************************/ void RSL_carpi_to_ppm(Carpi *carpi, char *outfile, int xdim, int ydim, float range) { /* Currently range is not used. */ unsigned char *cart_image; /* Assumes the color table is already loaded. */ if (carpi == NULL) return; if (ncolors == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "No colors in color table. Load color table first.\n"); return; } cart_image = RSL_carpi_to_cart(carpi, xdim, ydim, range); RSL_write_ppm(outfile, cart_image, xdim, ydim, color_table); free(cart_image); } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* RSL_carpi_to_pgm */ /* */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /* 17 Mar 1997 */ /**********************************************************************/ void RSL_carpi_to_pgm(Carpi *carpi, char *outfile, int xdim, int ydim, float range) { /* Currently range is not used. */ unsigned char *cart_image; /* Assumes the color table is already loaded. */ if (carpi == NULL) return; if (ncolors == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "No colors in color table. Load color table first.\n"); return; } cart_image = RSL_carpi_to_cart(carpi, xdim, ydim, range); RSL_write_pgm(outfile, cart_image, xdim, ydim); free(cart_image); } /**********************************************************************/ /* RSL_rebin_volume */ /* More generic version of RSL_rebin_velocity. Allows for centering */ /* +/- field like zdr or vel around zero. Width is the 1/2 width of */ /* what is to be centered; e.g., +/- 5, width=5. */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /* July 13, 1997 */ /**********************************************************************/ void RSL_rebin_ray(Ray *r, int width) { int i; float nyquist, val; int ncbins = 15; /* Number of color bins */ float (*f)(Range x); Range (*invf)(float x); if (r == NULL) return; nyquist = width; if (nyquist == 0.0) { fprintf(stderr, "RSL_rebin_ray: nyquist == 0.0\n"); fprintf(stderr, "RSL_rebin_ray: Unable to rebin.\n"); return; } f = r->h.f; invf = r->h.invf; for (i=0; ih.nbins; i++) { val = f(r->range[i]); if (val == width+1) { val = ncbins + 1; } else if (val != BADVAL) { /* Okay, we want to shift the data to positive values then we re-scale them by the number of color bins/nyquist */ val = (int)(val/nyquist*(ncbins/2) + 1.0 + ncbins/2); } else { val = 0; } r->range[i] = invf(val); } } void RSL_rebin_sweep(Sweep *s, int width) { int i; if (s == NULL) return; for (i=0; ih.nrays; i++) RSL_rebin_ray(s->ray[i], width); } void RSL_rebin_volume(Volume *v, int width) { int i; if (v == NULL) return; for (i=0; ih.nsweeps; i++) RSL_rebin_sweep(v->sweep[i], width); } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* RSL_rebin_zdr_volume, _sweep, _ray */ /* */ /* Space Applications Corporation */ /**********************************************************************/ /* Maps valid zdr values from the real set [-6.0, 10.0] onto the set of integers {0, 1, 2, ..., 35}, which forms the set of indices into the zdr color table. Used in conjunction with gif image generation of zdr sweeps. Color coding: ------------- -6.0 <= zdr < -4.0 --> black -4.0 <= zdr < -2.0 --> gray -2.0 <= zdr < 0.0 --> blue 0.0 <= zdr < 2.0 --> green 2.0 <= zdr < 4.0 --> orange 4.0 <= zdr < 6.0 --> red 6.0 <= zdr < 8.0 --> pink 8.0 <= zdr < 10.0 --> white Space Applications Corporation July 13, 1997 */ void RSL_rebin_zdr_ray(Ray *r) { int i; float val; float (*f)(Range x); Range (*invf)(float x); if (r == NULL) return; f = r->h.f; invf = r->h.invf; for (i=0; ih.nbins; i++) { val = f(r->range[i]); if ((val >= -6.0) && (val < 8.4)) val = (floor) ((val + 6.0) * 2.5); else if (val < 10.0) val = 35.0; /* Make all these white. */ else val = 0; /* invalid zdr value */ r->range[i] = invf(val); } } void RSL_rebin_zdr_sweep(Sweep *s) { int i; if (s == NULL) return; for (i=0; ih.nrays; i++) RSL_rebin_zdr_ray(s->ray[i]); } void RSL_rebin_zdr_volume(Volume *v) { int i; if (v == NULL) return; for (i=0; ih.nsweeps; i++) RSL_rebin_zdr_sweep(v->sweep[i]); }