#!/usr/bin/env python # Written by Alec Warner for the Gentoo Foundation 2008 # This code is hereby placed into the public domain. """Craws an ebuild repository for local use flags and generates documentation. This module attempts to read metadata.xml files in an ebuild repository and uses the xml tags to generate a set of documentation for local USE flags. It is a non-goal of this script to validate XML contents. CAVEATS: TEXT, , , TEXT. is difficult to parse into text and requires icky rules; see _GetTextFromNode for the nasty details. """ __author__ = "Alec Warner " import errno import logging import optparse import os import re import sys from xml.dom import minidom from xml.parsers import expat METADATA_XML = 'metadata.xml' class RepositoryError(Exception): """Basic Exception for repository problems.""" pass def FindMetadataFiles(repo_path, category_path, output=sys.stdout): """Locate metadata files in repo_path. Args: repo_path: path to repository. category_path: path to a category file (None is ok). output: file-like object to write output to. Returns: Nothing. Raises; RepositoryError. """ profile_path = os.path.join(repo_path, 'profiles') logging.info('path to profile is: %s' % profile_path) categories = GetCategories(profile_path, category_path) packages = [] for cat in categories: cat_path = os.path.join(repo_path, cat) logging.debug('path to category %s is %s' % (cat, cat_path)) try: tmp_pkgs = GetPackages(cat_path) except OSError, e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: logging.error('skipping %s because it was not in %s' % (cat, repo_path)) pkg_paths = [os.path.join(cat_path, pkg) for pkg in tmp_pkgs] packages.extend(pkg_paths) total = len(packages) for num, pkg_path in enumerate(packages): metadata_path = os.path.join(pkg_path, METADATA_XML) logging.info('processing %s (%s/%s)' % (metadata_path, num, total)) f = open(metadata_path, 'rb') metadata = GetLocalFlagInfoFromMetadataXml(f) pkg_split = pkg_path.split('/') for k, v in metadata.iteritems(): output.write('%s/%s:%s - %s\n' % (pkg_split[-2] ,pkg_split[-1], k, v)) def _GetTextFromNode(node): """Given an XML node, try to turn all it's children into text. Args: node: a Node instance. Returns: some text. This function has a few tweaks 'children' and 'base_children' which attempt to aid the parser in determining where to insert spaces. Nodes that have no children are 'raw text' nodes that do not need spaces. Nodes that have children are 'complex' nodes (often nodes) that usually require a trailing space to ensure sane output. NOTE: The above comment is now bullocks as the regex handles spacing; I may remove the 'children' crap in a future release but it works for now. Strip out \n and \t as they are not valid in use.local.desc. """ if node.nodeValue: children = 0 data = node.nodeValue whitespace = re.compile('\s+') data = whitespace.sub(' ', data) return (data, children) else: desc = '' base_children = 1 for child in node.childNodes: child_desc, children = _GetTextFromNode(child) desc += child_desc return (desc, base_children) def GetLocalFlagInfoFromMetadataXml(metadata_file): """Determine use.local.desc information from metadata files. Args: metadata_file: a file-like object holding metadata.xml """ d = {} try: dom_tree = minidom.parseString(metadata_file.read()) except expat.ExpatError, e: logging.error('%s (in file: %s)' % (e, metadata_file)) return d flag_tags = dom_tree.getElementsByTagName('flag') for flag in flag_tags: use_flag = flag.getAttribute('name') desc, unused_children = _GetTextFromNode(flag) desc.strip() d[use_flag] = desc return d def GetPackages(cat_path): """Return a list of packages for a given category.""" files = os.listdir(cat_path) func = lambda f: f != METADATA_XML and f != 'CVS' and f != '.svn' files = filter(func, files) return files def GetCategories(profile_path, categories_path): """Return a set of categories for a given repository. Args: profile_path: path to profiles/ dir of a repository. Returns: a list of categories. Raises: RepositoryError. """ if not categories_path: categories_path = os.path.join(profile_path, 'categories') try: f = open(categories_path, 'rb') except (IOError, OSError), e: raise RepositoryError('Problem while opening %s: %s' % ( categories_path, e)) categories = [cat.strip() for cat in f.readlines()] return categories def GetOpts(): """Simple Option Parsing.""" parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('-r', '--repo_path', help=('path to repository from ' 'which the documentation will be generated.')) parser.add_option('-c', '--category_file', help=('path to a category', 'file if repo_path lacks a profile/category file')) opts, unused_args = parser.parse_args() if not opts.repo_path: parser.error('--repo_path is a required option') logging.debug('REPO_PATH is %s' % opts.repo_path) return (opts, unused_args) def Main(): """Main.""" opts, unused_args = GetOpts() FindMetadataFiles(opts.repo_path, opts.category_file) if __name__ == '__main__': Main()