# ChangeLog for sci-chemistry/hoomd # Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 12 Feb 2012; Mike Gilbert hoomd-0.9.2.ebuild, hoomd-9999.ebuild: Indent with tabs. 07 Apr 2011; Ross Smith (gaurdro) -hoomd-, +hoomd-0.9.2.ebuild: Version bump for hoomd. 16 Mar 2011; Ross Smith (gaurdro) +hoomd-9999.ebuild: new ebuild for bug 357021, thanks Tommy[D], mgorny and the rest of the sunrise devs 15 Mar 2011; Ross Smith (gaurdro) hoomd- Fixed unescaped characters in pkg_setup 15 Mar 2011; Ross Smith (gaurdro) hoomd-, +hoomd- fixed errors in hoomd ebuild. Thanks ato mgorny for the review 13 Mar 2011; Ross Smith (gaurdro) +hoomd-, +metadata.xml: New Ebuild for bug 357021. Thanks to the sunrise devs for their help