%{ /* * rcfile_l.l -- lexer for the run control file * * For license terms, see the file COPYING in this directory. */ #include #include "fetchmail.h" #include "rcfile_y.h" int prc_lineno = 1; %} /* this doesn't work with Linux lex, see the INSTALL file */ %o 5000 %a 4000 %% set { return SET; } batchlimit { return BATCHLIMIT; } fetchlimit { return FETCHLIMIT; } logfile { return LOGFILE; } daemon { return DAEMON; } defaults { return DEFAULTS; } server { return POLL; } poll { return POLL; } skip { return SKIP; } aka { return AKA; } local(domains) { return LOCALDOMAINS; } proto(col)? { return PROTOCOL; } port { return PORT; } auth(enticate)? { return AUTHENTICATE; } kerberos_v4 { return KERBEROS4; } kerberos { return KERBEROS4; } timeout { return TIMEOUT;} envelope { return ENVELOPE; } user(name)? { return USERNAME; } pass(word)? { return PASSWORD; } folder(s) { return FOLDER; } smtp(host)? { return SMTPHOST; } mda { return MDA; } pre(connect) { return PRECONNECT; } interface { return INTERFACE; } monitor { return MONITOR; } is { return IS; } here { return HERE; } there { return THERE; } to { return TO; } = { return MAP; } "*" { return WILDCARD; } no/[kfrsdu ].* { return NO;} keep { return KEEP; } flush { return FLUSH; } fetchall { return FETCHALL; } rewrite { return REWRITE; } forcecr { return FORCECR; } stripcr { return STRIPCR; } dns { return DNS; } uidl { return UIDL; } limit { return LIMIT; } with {/* EMPTY */} and {/* EMPTY */} has {/* EMPTY */} wants {/* EMPTY */} options {/* EMPTY */} [;:,] {/* EMPTY */} (auto)|(AUTO) { yylval.proto = P_AUTO; return PROTO; } (pop2)|(POP2) { yylval.proto = P_POP2; return PROTO; } (pop3)|(POP3) { yylval.proto = P_POP3; return PROTO; } (imap)|(IMAP) { yylval.proto = P_IMAP; return PROTO; } (apop)|(APOP) { yylval.proto = P_APOP; return PROTO; } (etrn)|(ETRN) { yylval.proto = P_ETRN; return PROTO; } (kpop)|(KPOP) { return KPOP; } remote(folder)? { fprintf(stderr, "fetchmail: `remote' keyword is gone, use `folder'\n"); } (#.*)?\\?\n { prc_lineno++; } /* newline is ignored */ [0-9]+ { yylval.number = atoi(yytext); return NUMBER; } \"[^\"]*\" { char buf[POPBUFSIZE]; yytext[strlen(yytext)-1] = '\0'; escapes(yytext+1, buf); yylval.sval = (char *) xstrdup(buf); return STRING; } [^=;:, \t\r\n]+ { char buf[POPBUFSIZE]; escapes(yytext, buf); yylval.sval = (char *) xstrdup(buf); return STRING; } [ \t\r]+ ; /* whitespace */