# ChangeLog for media-video/palantir # Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ *palantir-2.7 (10 Jul 2010) 10 Jul 2010; Michał Górny (sedzimir) -files/2.6-makefile.patch, -palantir-2.6.ebuild, +palantir-2.7.ebuild, -files/palantir.conf.sample, files/palantir.init: Version bump with almost rewritten ebuild. Replace the Makefile patch and bundled config file with appropriate sed calls and make arguments. Use 'make install'. Unbundle libgsm. Cleanup the init.d script and make it POSIX-compliant. 07 May 2007; Ali Polatel (hawking) palantir-2.6.ebuild: adjusted DESCRIPTION 08 Jul 2006; Tiziano Müller ChangeLog: New ebuild for bug 126282 (server)