# ChangeLog for media-libs/swfdec # Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 24 Jun 2007; Jakub Moc swfdec-0.4.5.ebuild: Nuke redundant src_unpack, pointless blurb in pkg_setup and do not dodoc COPYING INSTALL 18 May 2007; Jakub Moc swfdec-0.4.4.ebuild: Nuke redundant einfo, do not dodoc INSTALL COPYING 17 May 2007; Aryix (aryixb) swfdec-0.4.4.ebuild: add RESTRICT=test 17 May 2007; Aryix (aryixb) +swfdec-0.4.4.ebuild, +metadata.xml: Initial commit swfdec, thanks to Jaime Martin