<% #include "html.h" %> <% /* Global functions */ %> <% void print_header(void) { %> Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 <% } %> <% void print_nav(const page_t *page, const page_t *cur) { %> <% const char *class = page == cur ? " class=\"cur\"" : ""; %> ><%= page->name %> <% } %> <% void print_screen(char *name) { %> <%= name %> <% } %> <% void print_page(const page_t *page) { %> AWeather<% if (page->name) printf(" - %s", page->name); %> <% if (page->desc) { %> <% } %>


<% page->print(); %>
<% } %> <% /* Normal Pages */ %> <% void print_about(void) { %>

AWeather is a free/open source application which has been designed to integrate and visualize high-quality meteorological data using an interactive Virtual Globe interface suitable for a wide range of users including weather enthusiasts, academics, and professionals. It is designed to provide more information than is typically available from weather widgets and simple desktop applications. At the same time, it strives to be simpler and easier to use than existing meteorological software packages such as GEMPAK and IDV.





AWeather is free software licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL. As such, it can be used by any individuals or organizations without any license fees or royalties.

<% } %> <% void print_news(void) { %>

Now that it's spring again, progress on AWeather is continuing.

AWeather 0.5 released: Forked RSL: Update: AWeather 0.5 is also compatible with the newly released RSL v1.41
Started work on this new website. Lots of progress in AWeather as well:
AWeather 0.4.1:
AWeather 0.4:
AWeather 0.3.0 released, based on libgis but still rather buggy.
AWeather 0.2.3 (maintenance release).
Added a Application menu entry and a few build/runtime fixes.
The source repository has been migrated to Git. A lot of progress is being made on libgis, which is now able to display a virtual globe using data from NASA servers.

See also: AWeather's gitweb

<% } %> <% void print_screenshots(void) { %>

AWeather provides a consistent user interface that allows the user to zoom in from a high level view of the entire Earth down to regional and mesoscale views.

<% } %> <% void print_download(void) { %>

Stable releases

While AWeather won't be considered stable until version 1.0, these are as close to stable as you can get until then

Unstable releases

Pre-releases, betas, and other hazardous software

Check out the files directory for any potential updates

Pre-releases are labeled with a -p0 and are mainly built for testing the Windows packages

Development code

Development code is available from Git (and gitweb: AWeather, Grits, RSL)

git clone <%= GIT_AWEATHER %>
git clone <%= GIT_GRITS %>
git clone <%= GIT_RSL %>
<% } %> <% void print_development(void) { %>

The AWeather development wiki is the main resource for development material.

Bug report and feature requests

List of current issues

Add a new issue

How to contribute?

Architecture Overview

Building AWeather

See the install wiki page for more details

<% } %> <% void print_grits(void) { %>

Grits is a Virtual Globe library developed along side AWeather, but desigend to be usable by other program as well. It is differentiated from other Virtual Globes such as Google Earth, NASA World Wind, and KDE Marble in that it is developed primairily as a library that is used by other programs, such as AWeather, rather than providing it's own user interface.

<% } %> <% void print_rsl(void) { %>

Radar Software Library

AWeather has at times needed a custom version of the TRMM Radar Software Library for accessing Level-II radar files. However, most of the changes have since been incorporated into RSL Version 1.41, which can also be used with AWeather. Some remaining changes exist though and are mostly related to code organization and compiler warnings.


NASA/TRMM version

AWeather's version

<% } %> <% /* Footer Pages */ %> <% void print_contact(void) { %>


Questions? Comments? Trouble compiling AWeather?

Issue Tracker (sign in to add a new issue)
Andy Spencer
<% } %> <% /* Special Pages */ %> <% void print_index(void) { %>

AWeather is a free real-time weather data viewer designed for weather enthusiasts. AWeather is not a weather widget/dockapp that displays a pre-computed forecast. It is designed to be an easy to use program that integrates a variety of meteorological data in simple unified interface; see the about page for more details.

<% print_screen("meso"); %>
Download AWeather <%= VERSION %> Download <% } %> <% void print_notfound(void) { %>

Error 404 - Page Not found!

This page does not exist!

If Andy screwed up, feel free to tell him, otherwise, go away

<% } %> <% void print_sitemap(const page_t **pages) { %> <% for (int i = 0; pages[i]; i++) { %> <% for (int j = 0; pages[i][j].link; j++) { %> <% if (pages[i][j].prio >= 0) { %> <%% "%s%s", PREFIX, pages[i][j].link %> <%% "%3.1f", pages[i][j].prio %> <% } } } %> <% } %>