/* GTK - The GIMP Toolkit * gtkfilechooserentry.c: Entry with filename completion * Copyright (C) 2003, Red Hat, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "gtkfilechooserentry.h" #include #include "gtkcelllayout.h" #include "gtkcellrenderertext.h" #include "gtkentry.h" #include "gtkfilesystemmodel.h" #include "gtklabel.h" #include "gtkmain.h" #include "gtksizerequest.h" #include "gtkwindow.h" #include "gtkintl.h" typedef struct _GtkFileChooserEntryClass GtkFileChooserEntryClass; #define GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GTK_TYPE_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY, GtkFileChooserEntryClass)) #define GTK_IS_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), GTK_TYPE_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY)) #define GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), GTK_TYPE_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY, GtkFileChooserEntryClass)) struct _GtkFileChooserEntryClass { GtkEntryClass parent_class; }; /* Action to take when the current folder finishes loading (for explicit or automatic completion) */ typedef enum { LOAD_COMPLETE_NOTHING, LOAD_COMPLETE_AUTOCOMPLETE, LOAD_COMPLETE_EXPLICIT_COMPLETION } LoadCompleteAction; typedef enum { REFRESH_OK, REFRESH_INVALID_INPUT, REFRESH_INCOMPLETE_HOSTNAME, REFRESH_NONEXISTENT, REFRESH_NOT_LOCAL } RefreshStatus; struct _GtkFileChooserEntry { GtkEntry parent_instance; GtkFileChooserAction action; GFile *base_folder; GFile *current_folder_file; gchar *file_part; gint file_part_pos; LoadCompleteAction load_complete_action; GtkTreeModel *completion_store; GtkWidget *completion_feedback_window; GtkWidget *completion_feedback_label; guint completion_feedback_timeout_id; guint current_folder_loaded : 1; guint has_completion : 1; guint in_change : 1; guint eat_tabs : 1; guint local_only : 1; }; enum { DISPLAY_NAME_COLUMN, FILE_COLUMN, N_COLUMNS }; #define COMPLETION_FEEDBACK_TIMEOUT_MS 2000 static void gtk_file_chooser_entry_iface_init (GtkEditableInterface *iface); static void gtk_file_chooser_entry_finalize (GObject *object); static void gtk_file_chooser_entry_dispose (GObject *object); static void gtk_file_chooser_entry_grab_focus (GtkWidget *widget); static void gtk_file_chooser_entry_unmap (GtkWidget *widget); static gboolean gtk_file_chooser_entry_key_press_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event); static gboolean gtk_file_chooser_entry_focus_out_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventFocus *event); static void gtk_file_chooser_entry_activate (GtkEntry *entry); static void gtk_file_chooser_entry_do_insert_text (GtkEditable *editable, const gchar *new_text, gint new_text_length, gint *position); static void gtk_file_chooser_entry_do_delete_text (GtkEditable *editable, gint start_pos, gint end_pos); static void gtk_file_chooser_entry_set_position (GtkEditable *editable, gint position); static void gtk_file_chooser_entry_set_selection_bounds (GtkEditable *editable, gint start_pos, gint end_pos); #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 static gint insert_text_callback (GtkFileChooserEntry *widget, const gchar *new_text, gint new_text_length, gint *position, gpointer user_data); static void delete_text_callback (GtkFileChooserEntry *widget, gint start_pos, gint end_pos, gpointer user_data); #endif static gboolean match_selected_callback (GtkEntryCompletion *completion, GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry); static gboolean completion_match_func (GtkEntryCompletion *comp, const char *key, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer data); typedef enum { REFRESH_UP_TO_CURSOR_POSITION, REFRESH_WHOLE_TEXT } RefreshMode; static RefreshStatus refresh_current_folder_and_file_part (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry, RefreshMode refresh_mode); static void finished_loading_cb (GtkFileSystemModel *model, GError *error, GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry); static void autocomplete (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry); static void start_autocompletion (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry); static void remove_completion_feedback (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry); static void pop_up_completion_feedback (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry, const gchar *feedback); static GtkEditableInterface *parent_editable_iface; G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GtkFileChooserEntry, _gtk_file_chooser_entry, GTK_TYPE_ENTRY, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GTK_TYPE_EDITABLE, gtk_file_chooser_entry_iface_init)) static void _gtk_file_chooser_entry_class_init (GtkFileChooserEntryClass *class) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class); GtkEntryClass *entry_class = GTK_ENTRY_CLASS (class); gobject_class->finalize = gtk_file_chooser_entry_finalize; gobject_class->dispose = gtk_file_chooser_entry_dispose; widget_class->grab_focus = gtk_file_chooser_entry_grab_focus; widget_class->unmap = gtk_file_chooser_entry_unmap; widget_class->key_press_event = gtk_file_chooser_entry_key_press_event; widget_class->focus_out_event = gtk_file_chooser_entry_focus_out_event; entry_class->activate = gtk_file_chooser_entry_activate; } static void gtk_file_chooser_entry_iface_init (GtkEditableInterface *iface) { parent_editable_iface = g_type_interface_peek_parent (iface); iface->do_insert_text = gtk_file_chooser_entry_do_insert_text; iface->do_delete_text = gtk_file_chooser_entry_do_delete_text; iface->set_position = gtk_file_chooser_entry_set_position; iface->set_selection_bounds = gtk_file_chooser_entry_set_selection_bounds; } static void _gtk_file_chooser_entry_init (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { GtkEntryCompletion *comp; GtkCellRenderer *cell; chooser_entry->local_only = TRUE; chooser_entry->base_folder = g_file_new_for_path (g_get_home_dir ()); g_object_set (chooser_entry, "truncate-multiline", TRUE, NULL); comp = gtk_entry_completion_new (); gtk_entry_completion_set_popup_single_match (comp, FALSE); gtk_entry_completion_set_match_func (comp, completion_match_func, chooser_entry, NULL); cell = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new (); gtk_cell_layout_pack_start (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (comp), cell, TRUE); gtk_cell_layout_add_attribute (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (comp), cell, "text", DISPLAY_NAME_COLUMN); g_signal_connect (comp, "match-selected", G_CALLBACK (match_selected_callback), chooser_entry); gtk_entry_set_completion (GTK_ENTRY (chooser_entry), comp); g_object_unref (comp); #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 g_signal_connect (chooser_entry, "insert-text", G_CALLBACK (insert_text_callback), NULL); g_signal_connect (chooser_entry, "delete-text", G_CALLBACK (delete_text_callback), NULL); #endif } static void gtk_file_chooser_entry_finalize (GObject *object) { GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY (object); g_object_unref (chooser_entry->base_folder); if (chooser_entry->current_folder_file) g_object_unref (chooser_entry->current_folder_file); g_free (chooser_entry->file_part); G_OBJECT_CLASS (_gtk_file_chooser_entry_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void discard_loading_and_current_folder_file (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { if (chooser_entry->current_folder_file) { g_object_unref (chooser_entry->current_folder_file); chooser_entry->current_folder_file = NULL; } } static void gtk_file_chooser_entry_dispose (GObject *object) { GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY (object); remove_completion_feedback (chooser_entry); discard_loading_and_current_folder_file (chooser_entry); if (chooser_entry->completion_store) { g_object_unref (chooser_entry->completion_store); chooser_entry->completion_store = NULL; } G_OBJECT_CLASS (_gtk_file_chooser_entry_parent_class)->dispose (object); } /* Match functions for the GtkEntryCompletion */ static gboolean match_selected_callback (GtkEntryCompletion *completion, GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { char *display_name; GFile *file; gint pos; gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, DISPLAY_NAME_COLUMN, &display_name, FILE_COLUMN, &file, -1); if (!display_name || !file) { if (file) g_object_unref (file); g_free (display_name); return FALSE; } pos = chooser_entry->file_part_pos; /* We don't set in_change here as we want to update the current_folder * variable */ gtk_editable_delete_text (GTK_EDITABLE (chooser_entry), pos, -1); gtk_editable_insert_text (GTK_EDITABLE (chooser_entry), display_name, -1, &pos); gtk_editable_set_position (GTK_EDITABLE (chooser_entry), -1); g_object_unref (file); g_free (display_name); return TRUE; } /* Match function for the GtkEntryCompletion */ static gboolean completion_match_func (GtkEntryCompletion *comp, const char *key_unused, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer data) { GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry; char *name = NULL; gboolean result; char *norm_file_part; char *norm_name; chooser_entry = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY (data); /* We ignore the key because it is the contents of the entry. Instead, we * just use our precomputed file_part. */ if (!chooser_entry->file_part) { return FALSE; } gtk_tree_model_get (chooser_entry->completion_store, iter, DISPLAY_NAME_COLUMN, &name, -1); if (!name) { return FALSE; /* Uninitialized row, ugh */ } /* If we have an empty file_part, then we're at the root of a directory. In * that case, we want to match all non-dot files. We might want to match * dot_files too if show_hidden is TRUE on the fileselector in the future. */ /* Additionally, support for gnome .hidden files would be sweet, too */ if (chooser_entry->file_part[0] == '\000') { if (name[0] == '.') result = FALSE; else result = TRUE; g_free (name); return result; } norm_file_part = g_utf8_normalize (chooser_entry->file_part, -1, G_NORMALIZE_ALL); norm_name = g_utf8_normalize (name, -1, G_NORMALIZE_ALL); #ifdef G_PLATFORM_WIN32 { gchar *temp; temp = norm_file_part; norm_file_part = g_utf8_casefold (norm_file_part, -1); g_free (temp); temp = norm_name; norm_name = g_utf8_casefold (norm_name, -1); g_free (temp); } #endif result = (strncmp (norm_file_part, norm_name, strlen (norm_file_part)) == 0); g_free (norm_file_part); g_free (norm_name); g_free (name); return result; } static void clear_completions (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { chooser_entry->has_completion = FALSE; chooser_entry->load_complete_action = LOAD_COMPLETE_NOTHING; remove_completion_feedback (chooser_entry); } static void beep (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { gtk_widget_error_bell (GTK_WIDGET (chooser_entry)); } static gboolean is_valid_scheme_character (char c) { return g_ascii_isalnum (c) || c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '.'; } static gboolean has_uri_scheme (const char *str) { const char *p; p = str; if (!is_valid_scheme_character (*p)) return FALSE; do p++; while (is_valid_scheme_character (*p)); return (strncmp (p, "://", 3) == 0); } static GFile * gtk_file_chooser_get_file_for_text (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry, const gchar *str) { GFile *file; if (str[0] == '~' || g_path_is_absolute (str) || has_uri_scheme (str)) file = g_file_parse_name (str); else file = g_file_resolve_relative_path (chooser_entry->base_folder, str); return file; } static GFile * gtk_file_chooser_get_directory_for_text (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry, const char * text) { GFile *file, *parent; file = gtk_file_chooser_get_file_for_text (chooser_entry, text); if (text[0] == 0 || text[strlen (text) - 1] == G_DIR_SEPARATOR) return file; parent = g_file_get_parent (file); g_object_unref (file); return parent; } static gboolean gtk_file_chooser_entry_parse (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry, const gchar *str, GFile **folder, gchar **file_part, GError **error) { GFile *file; gboolean result = FALSE; gboolean is_dir = FALSE; gchar *last_slash = NULL; if (str && *str) is_dir = (str [strlen (str) - 1] == G_DIR_SEPARATOR); last_slash = strrchr (str, G_DIR_SEPARATOR); file = gtk_file_chooser_get_file_for_text (chooser_entry, str); if (g_file_equal (chooser_entry->base_folder, file)) { /* this is when user types '.', could be the * beginning of a hidden file, ./ or ../ */ *folder = g_object_ref (file); *file_part = g_strdup (str); result = TRUE; } else if (is_dir) { /* it's a dir, or at least it ends with the dir separator */ *folder = g_object_ref (file); *file_part = g_strdup (""); result = TRUE; } else { GFile *parent_file; parent_file = g_file_get_parent (file); if (!parent_file) { g_set_error (error, GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ERROR, GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ERROR_NONEXISTENT, "Could not get parent file"); *folder = NULL; *file_part = NULL; } else { *folder = parent_file; result = TRUE; if (last_slash) *file_part = g_strdup (last_slash + 1); else *file_part = g_strdup (str); } } g_object_unref (file); return result; } /* Determines if the completion model has entries with a common prefix relative * to the current contents of the entry. Also, if there's one and only one such * path, stores it in unique_path_ret. */ static gboolean find_common_prefix (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry, gchar **common_prefix_ret, GFile **unique_file_ret, gboolean *is_complete_not_unique_ret, gboolean *prefix_expands_the_file_part_ret, GError **error) { GtkEditable *editable; GtkTreeIter iter; gboolean parsed; gboolean valid; char *text_up_to_cursor; GFile *parsed_folder_file; char *parsed_file_part; *common_prefix_ret = NULL; *unique_file_ret = NULL; *is_complete_not_unique_ret = FALSE; *prefix_expands_the_file_part_ret = FALSE; editable = GTK_EDITABLE (chooser_entry); text_up_to_cursor = gtk_editable_get_chars (editable, 0, gtk_editable_get_position (editable)); parsed = gtk_file_chooser_entry_parse (chooser_entry, text_up_to_cursor, &parsed_folder_file, &parsed_file_part, error); g_free (text_up_to_cursor); if (!parsed) return FALSE; g_assert (parsed_folder_file != NULL && g_file_equal (parsed_folder_file, chooser_entry->current_folder_file)); g_object_unref (parsed_folder_file); /* First pass: find the common prefix */ valid = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (chooser_entry->completion_store, &iter); while (valid) { gchar *display_name; GFile *file; gtk_tree_model_get (chooser_entry->completion_store, &iter, DISPLAY_NAME_COLUMN, &display_name, FILE_COLUMN, &file, -1); if (g_str_has_prefix (display_name, parsed_file_part)) { if (!*common_prefix_ret) { *common_prefix_ret = g_strdup (display_name); *unique_file_ret = g_object_ref (file); } else { gchar *p = *common_prefix_ret; const gchar *q = display_name; while (*p && *p == *q) { p++; q++; } *p = '\0'; if (*unique_file_ret) { g_object_unref (*unique_file_ret); *unique_file_ret = NULL; } } } g_free (display_name); g_object_unref (file); valid = gtk_tree_model_iter_next (chooser_entry->completion_store, &iter); } /* Second pass: see if the prefix we found is a complete match */ if (*common_prefix_ret != NULL) { valid = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (chooser_entry->completion_store, &iter); while (valid) { gchar *display_name; int len; gtk_tree_model_get (chooser_entry->completion_store, &iter, DISPLAY_NAME_COLUMN, &display_name, -1); len = strlen (display_name); g_assert (len > 0); if (G_IS_DIR_SEPARATOR (display_name[len - 1])) len--; if (*unique_file_ret == NULL && strncmp (*common_prefix_ret, display_name, len) == 0) *is_complete_not_unique_ret = TRUE; g_free (display_name); valid = gtk_tree_model_iter_next (chooser_entry->completion_store, &iter); } /* Finally: Did we generate a new completion, or was the user's input already completed as far as it could go? */ *prefix_expands_the_file_part_ret = g_utf8_strlen (*common_prefix_ret, -1) > g_utf8_strlen (parsed_file_part, -1); } g_free (parsed_file_part); return TRUE; } typedef enum { INVALID_INPUT, /* what the user typed is bogus */ NO_MATCH, /* no matches based on what the user typed */ NOTHING_INSERTED_COMPLETE, /* what the user typed is already completed as far as it will go */ NOTHING_INSERTED_UNIQUE, /* what the user typed is already completed, and is a unique match */ COMPLETED, /* completion inserted (ambiguous suffix) */ COMPLETED_UNIQUE, /* completion inserted, and it is a complete name and a unique match */ COMPLETE_BUT_NOT_UNIQUE /* completion inserted, it is a complete name but not unique */ } CommonPrefixResult; /* Finds a common prefix based on the contents of the entry * and mandatorily appends it */ static CommonPrefixResult append_common_prefix (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry, gboolean highlight, gboolean show_errors) { gchar *common_prefix; GFile *unique_file; gboolean is_complete_not_unique; gboolean prefix_expands_the_file_part; GError *error; CommonPrefixResult result = NO_MATCH; gboolean have_result; clear_completions (chooser_entry); if (chooser_entry->completion_store == NULL) return NO_MATCH; error = NULL; if (!find_common_prefix (chooser_entry, &common_prefix, &unique_file, &is_complete_not_unique, &prefix_expands_the_file_part, &error)) { g_error_free (error); return INVALID_INPUT; } have_result = FALSE; if (unique_file) { g_object_unref (unique_file); if (prefix_expands_the_file_part) result = COMPLETED_UNIQUE; else result = NOTHING_INSERTED_UNIQUE; have_result = TRUE; } else { if (is_complete_not_unique) { result = COMPLETE_BUT_NOT_UNIQUE; have_result = TRUE; } } if (common_prefix) { gint cursor_pos; gint pos; cursor_pos = gtk_editable_get_position (GTK_EDITABLE (chooser_entry)); pos = chooser_entry->file_part_pos; if (prefix_expands_the_file_part) { chooser_entry->in_change = TRUE; gtk_editable_delete_text (GTK_EDITABLE (chooser_entry), pos, cursor_pos); gtk_editable_insert_text (GTK_EDITABLE (chooser_entry), common_prefix, -1, &pos); chooser_entry->in_change = FALSE; if (highlight) { /* equivalent to cursor_pos + common_prefix_len); */ gtk_editable_select_region (GTK_EDITABLE (chooser_entry), cursor_pos, pos); chooser_entry->has_completion = TRUE; } else gtk_editable_set_position (GTK_EDITABLE (chooser_entry), pos); } else if (!have_result) { result = NOTHING_INSERTED_COMPLETE; have_result = TRUE; } g_free (common_prefix); if (have_result) return result; else return COMPLETED; } else { if (have_result) return result; else return NO_MATCH; } } static void gtk_file_chooser_entry_do_insert_text (GtkEditable *editable, const gchar *new_text, gint new_text_length, gint *position) { GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY (editable); gint old_text_len; gint insert_pos; old_text_len = gtk_entry_get_text_length (GTK_ENTRY (chooser_entry)); insert_pos = *position; parent_editable_iface->do_insert_text (editable, new_text, new_text_length, position); if (chooser_entry->in_change) return; remove_completion_feedback (chooser_entry); if ((chooser_entry->action == GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN || chooser_entry->action == GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER) && insert_pos == old_text_len) start_autocompletion (chooser_entry); } static void clear_completions_if_not_in_change (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { if (chooser_entry->in_change) return; clear_completions (chooser_entry); } static void gtk_file_chooser_entry_do_delete_text (GtkEditable *editable, gint start_pos, gint end_pos) { GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY (editable); parent_editable_iface->do_delete_text (editable, start_pos, end_pos); clear_completions_if_not_in_change (chooser_entry); } static void gtk_file_chooser_entry_set_position (GtkEditable *editable, gint position) { GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY (editable); parent_editable_iface->set_position (editable, position); clear_completions_if_not_in_change (chooser_entry); } static void gtk_file_chooser_entry_set_selection_bounds (GtkEditable *editable, gint start_pos, gint end_pos) { GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY (editable); parent_editable_iface->set_selection_bounds (editable, start_pos, end_pos); clear_completions_if_not_in_change (chooser_entry); } static void gtk_file_chooser_entry_grab_focus (GtkWidget *widget) { GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (_gtk_file_chooser_entry_parent_class)->grab_focus (widget); _gtk_file_chooser_entry_select_filename (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY (widget)); } static void gtk_file_chooser_entry_unmap (GtkWidget *widget) { GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY (widget); remove_completion_feedback (chooser_entry); GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (_gtk_file_chooser_entry_parent_class)->unmap (widget); } static gboolean completion_feedback_window_draw_cb (GtkWidget *widget, cairo_t *cr, gpointer data) { /* Stolen from gtk_tooltip_paint_window() */ GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY (data); GtkStyleContext *context; context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (chooser_entry->completion_feedback_window); gtk_render_background (context, cr, 0, 0, gtk_widget_get_allocated_width (widget), gtk_widget_get_allocated_height (widget)); gtk_render_frame (context, cr, 0, 0, gtk_widget_get_allocated_width (widget), gtk_widget_get_allocated_height (widget)); return FALSE; } static void set_invisible_mouse_cursor (GdkWindow *window) { GdkDisplay *display; GdkCursor *cursor; display = gdk_window_get_display (window); cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (display, GDK_BLANK_CURSOR); gdk_window_set_cursor (window, cursor); g_object_unref (cursor); } static void completion_feedback_window_realize_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) { /* We hide the mouse cursor inside the completion feedback window, since * GtkEntry hides the cursor when the user types. We don't want the cursor to * come back if the completion feedback ends up where the mouse is. */ set_invisible_mouse_cursor (gtk_widget_get_window (widget)); } static void create_completion_feedback_window (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { /* Stolen from gtk_tooltip_init() */ GtkWidget *window, *label; GtkStyleContext *context; window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_POPUP); gtk_window_set_type_hint (GTK_WINDOW (window), GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_TOOLTIP); gtk_widget_set_app_paintable (window, TRUE); gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE); gtk_widget_set_name (window, "gtk-tooltip"); context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (window); gtk_style_context_add_class (context, GTK_STYLE_CLASS_TOOLTIP); g_signal_connect (window, "draw", G_CALLBACK (completion_feedback_window_draw_cb), chooser_entry); g_signal_connect (window, "realize", G_CALLBACK (completion_feedback_window_realize_cb), chooser_entry); /* FIXME: connect to motion-notify-event, and *show* the cursor when the mouse moves */ label = gtk_label_new (NULL); gtk_widget_set_halign (label, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); gtk_widget_set_valign (label, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); /* FIXME: don't hardcode this */ gtk_widget_set_margin_left (label, 6); gtk_widget_set_margin_right (label, 6); gtk_widget_set_margin_top (label, 6); gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (label, 6); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), label); gtk_widget_show (label); chooser_entry->completion_feedback_window = window; chooser_entry->completion_feedback_label = label; } static gboolean completion_feedback_timeout_cb (gpointer data) { GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY (data); chooser_entry->completion_feedback_timeout_id = 0; remove_completion_feedback (chooser_entry); return FALSE; } static void install_completion_feedback_timer (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { if (chooser_entry->completion_feedback_timeout_id != 0) g_source_remove (chooser_entry->completion_feedback_timeout_id); chooser_entry->completion_feedback_timeout_id = gdk_threads_add_timeout (COMPLETION_FEEDBACK_TIMEOUT_MS, completion_feedback_timeout_cb, chooser_entry); } /* Gets the x position of the text cursor in the entry, in widget coordinates */ static void get_entry_cursor_x (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry, gint *x_ret) { /* FIXME: see the docs for gtk_entry_get_layout_offsets(). As an exercise for * the reader, you have to implement support for the entry's scroll offset and * RTL layouts and all the fancy Pango stuff. */ PangoLayout *layout; gint layout_x, layout_y; gint layout_index; PangoRectangle strong_pos; gint start_pos, end_pos; layout = gtk_entry_get_layout (GTK_ENTRY (chooser_entry)); gtk_entry_get_layout_offsets (GTK_ENTRY (chooser_entry), &layout_x, &layout_y); gtk_editable_get_selection_bounds (GTK_EDITABLE (chooser_entry), &start_pos, &end_pos); layout_index = gtk_entry_text_index_to_layout_index (GTK_ENTRY (chooser_entry), end_pos); pango_layout_get_cursor_pos (layout, layout_index, &strong_pos, NULL); *x_ret = layout_x + strong_pos.x / PANGO_SCALE; } static void show_completion_feedback_window (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { /* More or less stolen from gtk_tooltip_position() */ GtkRequisition feedback_req; GtkWidget *widget = GTK_WIDGET (chooser_entry); gint entry_x, entry_y; gint cursor_x; GtkAllocation entry_allocation; int feedback_x, feedback_y; gtk_widget_get_preferred_size (chooser_entry->completion_feedback_window, &feedback_req, NULL); gdk_window_get_origin (gtk_widget_get_window (widget), &entry_x, &entry_y); gtk_widget_get_allocation (widget, &entry_allocation); get_entry_cursor_x (chooser_entry, &cursor_x); /* FIXME: fit to the screen if we bump on the screen's edge */ /* cheap "half M-width", use height as approximation of character em-size */ feedback_x = entry_x + cursor_x + entry_allocation.height / 2; feedback_y = entry_y + (entry_allocation.height - feedback_req.height) / 2; gtk_window_move (GTK_WINDOW (chooser_entry->completion_feedback_window), feedback_x, feedback_y); gtk_widget_show (chooser_entry->completion_feedback_window); install_completion_feedback_timer (chooser_entry); } static void pop_up_completion_feedback (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry, const gchar *feedback) { if (chooser_entry->completion_feedback_window == NULL) create_completion_feedback_window (chooser_entry); gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (chooser_entry->completion_feedback_label), feedback); show_completion_feedback_window (chooser_entry); } static void remove_completion_feedback (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { if (chooser_entry->completion_feedback_window) gtk_widget_destroy (chooser_entry->completion_feedback_window); chooser_entry->completion_feedback_window = NULL; chooser_entry->completion_feedback_label = NULL; if (chooser_entry->completion_feedback_timeout_id != 0) { g_source_remove (chooser_entry->completion_feedback_timeout_id); chooser_entry->completion_feedback_timeout_id = 0; } } static void explicitly_complete (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { CommonPrefixResult result; g_assert (chooser_entry->current_folder_loaded); /* FIXME: see what Emacs does in case there is no common prefix, or there is more than one match: * * - If there is a common prefix, insert it (done) * - If there is no common prefix, pop up the suggestion window * - If there are no matches at all, beep and bring up a tooltip (done) * - If the suggestion window is already up, scroll it */ result = append_common_prefix (chooser_entry, FALSE, TRUE); switch (result) { case INVALID_INPUT: /* We already beeped in append_common_prefix(); do nothing here */ break; case NO_MATCH: beep (chooser_entry); /* translators: this text is shown when there are no completions * for something the user typed in a file chooser entry */ pop_up_completion_feedback (chooser_entry, _("No match")); break; case NOTHING_INSERTED_COMPLETE: /* FIXME: pop up the suggestion window or scroll it */ break; case NOTHING_INSERTED_UNIQUE: /* translators: this text is shown when there is exactly one completion * for something the user typed in a file chooser entry */ pop_up_completion_feedback (chooser_entry, _("Sole completion")); break; case COMPLETED: /* Nothing to do */ break; case COMPLETED_UNIQUE: /* Nothing to do */ break; case COMPLETE_BUT_NOT_UNIQUE: /* translators: this text is shown when the text in a file chooser * entry is a complete filename, but could be continued to find * a longer match */ pop_up_completion_feedback (chooser_entry, _("Complete, but not unique")); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } static void start_explicit_completion (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { RefreshStatus status; gboolean is_error; char *feedback_msg; status = refresh_current_folder_and_file_part (chooser_entry, REFRESH_UP_TO_CURSOR_POSITION); is_error = FALSE; switch (status) { case REFRESH_OK: g_assert (chooser_entry->current_folder_file != NULL); if (chooser_entry->current_folder_loaded) explicitly_complete (chooser_entry); else { chooser_entry->load_complete_action = LOAD_COMPLETE_EXPLICIT_COMPLETION; /* Translators: this text is shown while the system is searching * for possible completions for filenames in a file chooser entry. */ pop_up_completion_feedback (chooser_entry, _("Completing...")); } break; case REFRESH_INVALID_INPUT: is_error = TRUE; /* Translators: this is shown in the feedback for Tab-completion in a file * chooser's text entry, when the user enters an invalid path. */ feedback_msg = _("Invalid path"); break; case REFRESH_INCOMPLETE_HOSTNAME: is_error = TRUE; if (chooser_entry->local_only) { /* hostnames in a local_only file chooser? user error */ /* Translators: this is shown in the feedback for Tab-completion in a * file chooser's text entry when the user enters something like * "sftp://blahblah" in an app that only supports local filenames. */ feedback_msg = _("Only local files may be selected"); } else { /* Another option is to complete the hostname based on the remote volumes that are mounted */ /* Translators: this is shown in the feedback for Tab-completion in a * file chooser's text entry when the user hasn't entered the first '/' * after a hostname and yet hits Tab (such as "sftp://blahblah[Tab]") */ feedback_msg = _("Incomplete hostname; end it with '/'"); } break; case REFRESH_NONEXISTENT: is_error = TRUE; /* Translators: this is shown in the feedback for Tab-completion in a file * chooser's text entry when the user enters a path that does not exist * and then hits Tab */ feedback_msg = _("Path does not exist"); break; case REFRESH_NOT_LOCAL: is_error = TRUE; feedback_msg = _("Only local files may be selected"); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); return; } if (is_error) { g_assert (chooser_entry->current_folder_file == NULL); beep (chooser_entry); pop_up_completion_feedback (chooser_entry, feedback_msg); chooser_entry->load_complete_action = LOAD_COMPLETE_NOTHING; } } static gboolean gtk_file_chooser_entry_key_press_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event) { GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry; GtkEditable *editable; GtkEntry *entry; GdkModifierType state; gboolean control_pressed; chooser_entry = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY (widget); editable = GTK_EDITABLE (widget); entry = GTK_ENTRY (widget); if (!chooser_entry->eat_tabs) return GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (_gtk_file_chooser_entry_parent_class)->key_press_event (widget, event); control_pressed = FALSE; if (gtk_get_current_event_state (&state)) { if ((state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) == GDK_CONTROL_MASK) control_pressed = TRUE; } /* This is a bit evil -- it makes Tab never leave the entry. It basically * makes it 'safe' for people to hit. */ if (event->keyval == GDK_KEY_Tab && !control_pressed) { if (chooser_entry->has_completion) gtk_editable_set_position (editable, gtk_entry_get_text_length (entry)); else start_explicit_completion (chooser_entry); return TRUE; } return GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (_gtk_file_chooser_entry_parent_class)->key_press_event (widget, event); } static gboolean gtk_file_chooser_entry_focus_out_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventFocus *event) { GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY (widget); chooser_entry->load_complete_action = LOAD_COMPLETE_NOTHING; return GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (_gtk_file_chooser_entry_parent_class)->focus_out_event (widget, event); } static void commit_completion_and_refresh (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { if (chooser_entry->has_completion) { gtk_editable_set_position (GTK_EDITABLE (chooser_entry), gtk_entry_get_text_length (GTK_ENTRY (chooser_entry))); } /* Here we ignore the result of refresh_current_folder_and_file_part(); there is nothing we can do with it */ refresh_current_folder_and_file_part (chooser_entry, REFRESH_WHOLE_TEXT); } static void gtk_file_chooser_entry_activate (GtkEntry *entry) { GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY (entry); commit_completion_and_refresh (chooser_entry); GTK_ENTRY_CLASS (_gtk_file_chooser_entry_parent_class)->activate (entry); } static void discard_completion_store (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { if (!chooser_entry->completion_store) return; gtk_entry_completion_set_model (gtk_entry_get_completion (GTK_ENTRY (chooser_entry)), NULL); g_object_unref (chooser_entry->completion_store); chooser_entry->completion_store = NULL; } static gboolean completion_store_set (GtkFileSystemModel *model, GFile *file, GFileInfo *info, int column, GValue *value, gpointer data) { switch (column) { case FILE_COLUMN: g_value_set_object (value, file); break; case DISPLAY_NAME_COLUMN: if (_gtk_file_info_consider_as_directory (info)) g_value_take_string (value, g_strconcat (g_file_info_get_display_name (info), G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, NULL)); else g_value_set_string (value, g_file_info_get_display_name (info)); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } return TRUE; } /* Fills the completion store from the contents of the current folder */ static void populate_completion_store (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { discard_completion_store (chooser_entry); chooser_entry->completion_store = GTK_TREE_MODEL ( _gtk_file_system_model_new_for_directory (chooser_entry->current_folder_file, "standard::name,standard::display-name,standard::type", completion_store_set, chooser_entry, N_COLUMNS, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_FILE)); g_signal_connect (chooser_entry->completion_store, "finished-loading", G_CALLBACK (finished_loading_cb), chooser_entry); gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id (GTK_TREE_SORTABLE (chooser_entry->completion_store), DISPLAY_NAME_COLUMN, GTK_SORT_ASCENDING); gtk_entry_completion_set_model (gtk_entry_get_completion (GTK_ENTRY (chooser_entry)), chooser_entry->completion_store); } /* When we finish loading the current folder, this function should get called to * perform the deferred autocompletion or explicit completion. */ static void perform_load_complete_action (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { switch (chooser_entry->load_complete_action) { case LOAD_COMPLETE_NOTHING: break; case LOAD_COMPLETE_AUTOCOMPLETE: autocomplete (chooser_entry); break; case LOAD_COMPLETE_EXPLICIT_COMPLETION: explicitly_complete (chooser_entry); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } chooser_entry->load_complete_action = LOAD_COMPLETE_NOTHING; } static void finish_folder_load (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { perform_load_complete_action (chooser_entry); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (GTK_WIDGET (chooser_entry), NULL); } /* Callback when the current folder finishes loading */ static void finished_loading_cb (GtkFileSystemModel *model, GError *error, GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { chooser_entry->current_folder_loaded = TRUE; if (error) { LoadCompleteAction old_load_complete_action; old_load_complete_action = chooser_entry->load_complete_action; discard_completion_store (chooser_entry); clear_completions (chooser_entry); if (old_load_complete_action == LOAD_COMPLETE_EXPLICIT_COMPLETION) { /* Since this came from explicit user action (Tab completion), we'll present errors visually */ beep (chooser_entry); pop_up_completion_feedback (chooser_entry, error->message); } return; } finish_folder_load (chooser_entry); } static RefreshStatus reload_current_folder (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry, GFile *folder_file) { g_assert (folder_file != NULL); if (chooser_entry->current_folder_file && g_file_equal (folder_file, chooser_entry->current_folder_file)) return REFRESH_OK; if (chooser_entry->current_folder_file) { discard_loading_and_current_folder_file (chooser_entry); } if (chooser_entry->local_only && !g_file_is_native (folder_file)) return REFRESH_NOT_LOCAL; chooser_entry->current_folder_file = g_object_ref (folder_file); chooser_entry->current_folder_loaded = FALSE; populate_completion_store (chooser_entry); return REFRESH_OK; } static RefreshStatus refresh_current_folder_and_file_part (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry, RefreshMode refresh_mode) { GtkEditable *editable; gint end_pos; gchar *text; GFile *folder_file; gchar *file_part; gsize total_len, file_part_len; gint file_part_pos; GError *error; RefreshStatus result; editable = GTK_EDITABLE (chooser_entry); switch (refresh_mode) { case REFRESH_UP_TO_CURSOR_POSITION: end_pos = gtk_editable_get_position (editable); break; case REFRESH_WHOLE_TEXT: end_pos = gtk_entry_get_text_length (GTK_ENTRY (chooser_entry)); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); return REFRESH_INVALID_INPUT; } text = gtk_editable_get_chars (editable, 0, end_pos); error = NULL; if (!gtk_file_chooser_entry_parse (chooser_entry, text, &folder_file, &file_part, &error)) { folder_file = g_object_ref (chooser_entry->base_folder); if (g_error_matches (error, GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ERROR, GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ERROR_NONEXISTENT)) result = REFRESH_NONEXISTENT; else result = REFRESH_INVALID_INPUT; if (error) g_error_free (error); file_part = g_strdup (""); file_part_pos = -1; } else { g_assert (folder_file != NULL); file_part_len = strlen (file_part); total_len = strlen (text); if (total_len > file_part_len) file_part_pos = g_utf8_strlen (text, total_len - file_part_len); else file_part_pos = 0; result = REFRESH_OK; } g_free (text); g_free (chooser_entry->file_part); chooser_entry->file_part = file_part; chooser_entry->file_part_pos = file_part_pos; if (result == REFRESH_OK) { result = reload_current_folder (chooser_entry, folder_file); } else { discard_loading_and_current_folder_file (chooser_entry); } if (folder_file) g_object_unref (folder_file); g_assert (/* we are OK and we have a current folder file and (loading process or folder handle)... */ ((result == REFRESH_OK) && (chooser_entry->current_folder_file != NULL)) /* ... OR we have an error, and we don't have a current folder file nor a loading process nor a folder handle */ || ((result != REFRESH_OK) && (chooser_entry->current_folder_file == NULL))); return result; } static void autocomplete (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { if (!(chooser_entry->current_folder_loaded && gtk_editable_get_position (GTK_EDITABLE (chooser_entry)) == gtk_entry_get_text_length (GTK_ENTRY (chooser_entry)))) return; append_common_prefix (chooser_entry, TRUE, FALSE); } static void start_autocompletion (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { RefreshStatus status; status = refresh_current_folder_and_file_part (chooser_entry, REFRESH_UP_TO_CURSOR_POSITION); switch (status) { case REFRESH_OK: g_assert (chooser_entry->current_folder_file != NULL); if (chooser_entry->current_folder_loaded) autocomplete (chooser_entry); else chooser_entry->load_complete_action = LOAD_COMPLETE_AUTOCOMPLETE; break; case REFRESH_INVALID_INPUT: case REFRESH_INCOMPLETE_HOSTNAME: case REFRESH_NONEXISTENT: case REFRESH_NOT_LOCAL: /* We don't beep or anything, since this is autocompletion - the user * didn't request any action explicitly. */ break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 static gint insert_text_callback (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry, const gchar *new_text, gint new_text_length, gint *position, gpointer user_data) { const gchar *colon = memchr (new_text, ':', new_text_length); gint i; /* Disallow these characters altogether */ for (i = 0; i < new_text_length; i++) { if (new_text[i] == '<' || new_text[i] == '>' || new_text[i] == '"' || new_text[i] == '|' || new_text[i] == '*' || new_text[i] == '?') break; } if (i < new_text_length || /* Disallow entering text that would cause a colon to be anywhere except * after a drive letter. */ (colon != NULL && *position + (colon - new_text) != 1) || (new_text_length > 0 && *position <= 1 && gtk_entry_get_text_length (GTK_ENTRY (chooser_entry)) >= 2 && gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (chooser_entry))[1] == ':')) { gtk_widget_error_bell (GTK_WIDGET (chooser_entry)); g_signal_stop_emission_by_name (chooser_entry, "insert_text"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void delete_text_callback (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry, gint start_pos, gint end_pos, gpointer user_data) { /* If deleting a drive letter, delete the colon, too */ if (start_pos == 0 && end_pos == 1 && gtk_entry_get_text_length (GTK_ENTRY (chooser_entry)) >= 2 && gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (chooser_entry))[1] == ':') { g_signal_handlers_block_by_func (chooser_entry, G_CALLBACK (delete_text_callback), user_data); gtk_editable_delete_text (GTK_EDITABLE (chooser_entry), 0, 1); g_signal_handlers_unblock_by_func (chooser_entry, G_CALLBACK (delete_text_callback), user_data); } } #endif /** * _gtk_file_chooser_entry_new: * @eat_tabs: If %FALSE, allow focus navigation with the tab key. * * Creates a new #GtkFileChooserEntry object. #GtkFileChooserEntry * is an internal implementation widget for the GTK+ file chooser * which is an entry with completion with respect to a * #GtkFileSystem object. * * Return value: the newly created #GtkFileChooserEntry **/ GtkWidget * _gtk_file_chooser_entry_new (gboolean eat_tabs) { GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry; chooser_entry = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY, NULL); chooser_entry->eat_tabs = (eat_tabs != FALSE); return GTK_WIDGET (chooser_entry); } /** * _gtk_file_chooser_entry_set_base_folder: * @chooser_entry: a #GtkFileChooserEntry * @file: file for a folder in the chooser entries current file system. * * Sets the folder with respect to which completions occur. **/ void _gtk_file_chooser_entry_set_base_folder (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry, GFile *file) { if (file) g_object_ref (file); else file = g_file_new_for_path (g_get_home_dir ()); if (g_file_equal (chooser_entry->base_folder, file)) { g_object_unref (file); return; } if (chooser_entry->base_folder) g_object_unref (chooser_entry->base_folder); chooser_entry->base_folder = file; clear_completions (chooser_entry); } /** * _gtk_file_chooser_entry_get_current_folder: * @chooser_entry: a #GtkFileChooserEntry * * Gets the current folder for the #GtkFileChooserEntry. If the * user has only entered a filename, this will be in the base folder * (see _gtk_file_chooser_entry_set_base_folder()), but if the * user has entered a relative or absolute path, then it will * be different. If the user has entered unparsable text, or text which * the entry cannot handle, this will return %NULL. * * Return value: the file for the current folder - you must g_object_unref() * the value after use. **/ GFile * _gtk_file_chooser_entry_get_current_folder (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY (chooser_entry), NULL); return gtk_file_chooser_get_directory_for_text (chooser_entry, gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (chooser_entry))); } /** * _gtk_file_chooser_entry_get_file_part: * @chooser_entry: a #GtkFileChooserEntry * * Gets the non-folder portion of whatever the user has entered * into the file selector. What is returned is a UTF-8 string, * and if a filename path is needed, g_file_get_child_for_display_name() * must be used * * Return value: the entered filename - this value is owned by the * chooser entry and must not be modified or freed. **/ const gchar * _gtk_file_chooser_entry_get_file_part (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { commit_completion_and_refresh (chooser_entry); return chooser_entry->file_part; } /** * _gtk_file_chooser_entry_set_file_part: * @chooser_entry: a #GtkFileChooserEntry * @file_part: text to display in the entry, in UTF-8 * * Sets the current text shown in the file chooser entry. **/ void _gtk_file_chooser_entry_set_file_part (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry, const gchar *file_part) { g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY (chooser_entry)); chooser_entry->in_change = TRUE; clear_completions (chooser_entry); gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (chooser_entry), file_part); chooser_entry->in_change = FALSE; } /** * _gtk_file_chooser_entry_set_action: * @chooser_entry: a #GtkFileChooserEntry * @action: the action which is performed by the file selector using this entry * * Sets action which is performed by the file selector using this entry. * The #GtkFileChooserEntry will use different completion strategies for * different actions. **/ void _gtk_file_chooser_entry_set_action (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry, GtkFileChooserAction action) { g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY (chooser_entry)); if (chooser_entry->action != action) { GtkEntryCompletion *comp; chooser_entry->action = action; comp = gtk_entry_get_completion (GTK_ENTRY (chooser_entry)); /* FIXME: do we need to actually set the following? */ switch (action) { case GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN: case GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER: gtk_entry_completion_set_popup_single_match (comp, FALSE); break; case GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE: case GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_CREATE_FOLDER: gtk_entry_completion_set_popup_single_match (comp, TRUE); break; } } } /** * _gtk_file_chooser_entry_get_action: * @chooser_entry: a #GtkFileChooserEntry * * Gets the action for this entry. * * Returns: the action **/ GtkFileChooserAction _gtk_file_chooser_entry_get_action (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_FILE_CHOOSER_ENTRY (chooser_entry), GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN); return chooser_entry->action; } gboolean _gtk_file_chooser_entry_get_is_folder (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry, GFile *file) { GtkTreeIter iter; GFileInfo *info; if (chooser_entry->completion_store == NULL || !_gtk_file_system_model_get_iter_for_file (GTK_FILE_SYSTEM_MODEL (chooser_entry->completion_store), &iter, file)) return FALSE; info = _gtk_file_system_model_get_info (GTK_FILE_SYSTEM_MODEL (chooser_entry->completion_store), &iter); return _gtk_file_info_consider_as_directory (info); } /* * _gtk_file_chooser_entry_select_filename: * @chooser_entry: a #GtkFileChooserEntry * * Selects the filename (without the extension) for user edition. */ void _gtk_file_chooser_entry_select_filename (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { const gchar *str, *ext; glong len = -1; if (chooser_entry->action == GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE) { str = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (chooser_entry)); ext = g_strrstr (str, "."); if (ext) len = g_utf8_pointer_to_offset (str, ext); } gtk_editable_select_region (GTK_EDITABLE (chooser_entry), 0, (gint) len); } void _gtk_file_chooser_entry_set_local_only (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry, gboolean local_only) { chooser_entry->local_only = local_only; clear_completions (chooser_entry); } gboolean _gtk_file_chooser_entry_get_local_only (GtkFileChooserEntry *chooser_entry) { return chooser_entry->local_only; }