/* gtkcellareabox.c * * Copyright (C) 2010 Openismus GmbH * * Authors: * Tristan Van Berkom * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "gtkintl.h" #include "gtkorientable.h" #include "gtkcelllayout.h" #include "gtkcellareabox.h" #include "gtkcellareaboxcontext.h" #include "gtkprivate.h" /* GObjectClass */ static void gtk_cell_area_box_finalize (GObject *object); static void gtk_cell_area_box_dispose (GObject *object); static void gtk_cell_area_box_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); static void gtk_cell_area_box_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); /* GtkCellAreaClass */ static void gtk_cell_area_box_add (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer); static void gtk_cell_area_box_remove (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer); static void gtk_cell_area_box_forall (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellCallback callback, gpointer callback_data); static void gtk_cell_area_box_get_cell_allocation (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, const GdkRectangle *cell_area, GdkRectangle *allocation); static gint gtk_cell_area_box_event (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, const GdkRectangle *cell_area, GtkCellRendererState flags); static void gtk_cell_area_box_render (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, cairo_t *cr, const GdkRectangle *background_area, const GdkRectangle *cell_area, GtkCellRendererState flags, gboolean paint_focus); static void gtk_cell_area_box_set_cell_property (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); static void gtk_cell_area_box_get_cell_property (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); static GtkCellAreaContext *gtk_cell_area_box_create_context (GtkCellArea *area); static GtkSizeRequestMode gtk_cell_area_box_get_request_mode (GtkCellArea *area); static void gtk_cell_area_box_get_preferred_width (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, gint *minimum_width, gint *natural_width); static void gtk_cell_area_box_get_preferred_height (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, gint *minimum_height, gint *natural_height); static void gtk_cell_area_box_get_preferred_height_for_width (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, gint width, gint *minimum_height, gint *natural_height); static void gtk_cell_area_box_get_preferred_width_for_height (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, gint height, gint *minimum_width, gint *natural_width); static gboolean gtk_cell_area_box_focus (GtkCellArea *area, GtkDirectionType direction); /* GtkCellLayoutIface */ static void gtk_cell_area_box_cell_layout_init (GtkCellLayoutIface *iface); static void gtk_cell_area_box_layout_pack_start (GtkCellLayout *cell_layout, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, gboolean expand); static void gtk_cell_area_box_layout_pack_end (GtkCellLayout *cell_layout, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, gboolean expand); static void gtk_cell_area_box_layout_reorder (GtkCellLayout *cell_layout, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, gint position); /* CellInfo/CellGroup metadata handling and convenience functions */ typedef struct { GtkCellRenderer *renderer; guint expand : 1; /* Whether the cell expands */ guint pack : 1; /* Whether the cell is packed from the start or end */ guint align : 1; /* Whether to align this cell's position with adjacent rows */ } CellInfo; typedef struct { GList *cells; guint id : 8; guint n_cells : 8; guint expand_cells : 8; } CellGroup; typedef struct { GtkCellRenderer *renderer; gint position; gint size; } AllocatedCell; static CellInfo *cell_info_new (GtkCellRenderer *renderer, GtkPackType pack, gboolean expand, gboolean align); static void cell_info_free (CellInfo *info); static gint cell_info_find (CellInfo *info, GtkCellRenderer *renderer); static AllocatedCell *allocated_cell_new (GtkCellRenderer *renderer, gint position, gint size); static void allocated_cell_free (AllocatedCell *cell); static GList *list_consecutive_cells (GtkCellAreaBox *box); static gint count_expand_groups (GtkCellAreaBox *box); static void context_weak_notify (GtkCellAreaBox *box, GtkCellAreaBoxContext *dead_context); static void flush_contexts (GtkCellAreaBox *box); static void init_context_groups (GtkCellAreaBox *box); static void init_context_group (GtkCellAreaBox *box, GtkCellAreaBoxContext *context); static GSList *get_allocated_cells (GtkCellAreaBox *box, GtkCellAreaBoxContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, gint width, gint height); struct _GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate { GtkOrientation orientation; GList *cells; GArray *groups; GSList *contexts; gint spacing; }; enum { PROP_0, PROP_ORIENTATION, PROP_SPACING }; enum { CELL_PROP_0, CELL_PROP_EXPAND, CELL_PROP_ALIGN, CELL_PROP_PACK_TYPE }; G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GtkCellAreaBox, gtk_cell_area_box, GTK_TYPE_CELL_AREA, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GTK_TYPE_CELL_LAYOUT, gtk_cell_area_box_cell_layout_init) G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GTK_TYPE_ORIENTABLE, NULL)); #define OPPOSITE_ORIENTATION(orientation) \ ((orientation) == GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL ? \ GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL : GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) static void gtk_cell_area_box_init (GtkCellAreaBox *box) { GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv; box->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (box, GTK_TYPE_CELL_AREA_BOX, GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate); priv = box->priv; priv->orientation = GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL; priv->groups = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (CellGroup)); priv->cells = NULL; priv->contexts = NULL; priv->spacing = 0; } static void gtk_cell_area_box_class_init (GtkCellAreaBoxClass *class) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); GtkCellAreaClass *area_class = GTK_CELL_AREA_CLASS (class); /* GObjectClass */ object_class->finalize = gtk_cell_area_box_finalize; object_class->dispose = gtk_cell_area_box_dispose; object_class->set_property = gtk_cell_area_box_set_property; object_class->get_property = gtk_cell_area_box_get_property; /* GtkCellAreaClass */ area_class->add = gtk_cell_area_box_add; area_class->remove = gtk_cell_area_box_remove; area_class->forall = gtk_cell_area_box_forall; area_class->get_cell_allocation = gtk_cell_area_box_get_cell_allocation; area_class->event = gtk_cell_area_box_event; area_class->render = gtk_cell_area_box_render; area_class->set_cell_property = gtk_cell_area_box_set_cell_property; area_class->get_cell_property = gtk_cell_area_box_get_cell_property; area_class->create_context = gtk_cell_area_box_create_context; area_class->get_request_mode = gtk_cell_area_box_get_request_mode; area_class->get_preferred_width = gtk_cell_area_box_get_preferred_width; area_class->get_preferred_height = gtk_cell_area_box_get_preferred_height; area_class->get_preferred_height_for_width = gtk_cell_area_box_get_preferred_height_for_width; area_class->get_preferred_width_for_height = gtk_cell_area_box_get_preferred_width_for_height; area_class->focus = gtk_cell_area_box_focus; /* Properties */ g_object_class_override_property (object_class, PROP_ORIENTATION, "orientation"); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_SPACING, g_param_spec_int ("spacing", P_("Spacing"), P_("Space which is inserted between cells"), 0, G_MAXINT, 0, GTK_PARAM_READWRITE)); /* Cell Properties */ gtk_cell_area_class_install_cell_property (area_class, CELL_PROP_EXPAND, g_param_spec_boolean ("expand", P_("Expand"), P_("Whether the cell expands"), FALSE, GTK_PARAM_READWRITE)); gtk_cell_area_class_install_cell_property (area_class, CELL_PROP_ALIGN, g_param_spec_boolean ("align", P_("Align"), P_("Whether cell should align with adjacent rows"), TRUE, GTK_PARAM_READWRITE)); gtk_cell_area_class_install_cell_property (area_class, CELL_PROP_PACK_TYPE, g_param_spec_enum ("pack-type", P_("Pack Type"), P_("A GtkPackType indicating whether the cell is packed with " "reference to the start or end of the cell area"), GTK_TYPE_PACK_TYPE, GTK_PACK_START, GTK_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_type_class_add_private (object_class, sizeof (GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate)); } /************************************************************* * CellInfo/CellGroup basics and convenience functions * *************************************************************/ static CellInfo * cell_info_new (GtkCellRenderer *renderer, GtkPackType pack, gboolean expand, gboolean align) { CellInfo *info = g_slice_new (CellInfo); info->renderer = g_object_ref_sink (renderer); info->pack = pack; info->expand = expand; info->align = align; return info; } static void cell_info_free (CellInfo *info) { g_object_unref (info->renderer); g_slice_free (CellInfo, info); } static gint cell_info_find (CellInfo *info, GtkCellRenderer *renderer) { return (info->renderer == renderer) ? 0 : -1; } static AllocatedCell * allocated_cell_new (GtkCellRenderer *renderer, gint position, gint size) { AllocatedCell *cell = g_slice_new (AllocatedCell); cell->renderer = renderer; cell->position = position; cell->size = size; return cell; } static void allocated_cell_free (AllocatedCell *cell) { g_slice_free (AllocatedCell, cell); } static GList * list_consecutive_cells (GtkCellAreaBox *box) { GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; GList *l, *consecutive_cells = NULL, *pack_end_cells = NULL; CellInfo *info; /* List cells in consecutive order taking their * PACK_START/PACK_END options into account */ for (l = priv->cells; l; l = l->next) { info = l->data; if (info->pack == GTK_PACK_START) consecutive_cells = g_list_prepend (consecutive_cells, info); } for (l = priv->cells; l; l = l->next) { info = l->data; if (info->pack == GTK_PACK_END) pack_end_cells = g_list_prepend (pack_end_cells, info); } consecutive_cells = g_list_reverse (consecutive_cells); consecutive_cells = g_list_concat (consecutive_cells, pack_end_cells); return consecutive_cells; } static void cell_groups_clear (GtkCellAreaBox *box) { GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; gint i; for (i = 0; i < priv->groups->len; i++) { CellGroup *group = &g_array_index (priv->groups, CellGroup, i); g_list_free (group->cells); } g_array_set_size (priv->groups, 0); } static void cell_groups_rebuild (GtkCellAreaBox *box) { GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; CellGroup group = { 0, }; CellGroup *group_ptr; GList *cells, *l; guint id = 0; cell_groups_clear (box); if (!priv->cells) return; cells = list_consecutive_cells (box); /* First group is implied */ g_array_append_val (priv->groups, group); group_ptr = &g_array_index (priv->groups, CellGroup, id); for (l = cells; l; l = l->next) { CellInfo *info = l->data; /* A new group starts with any aligned cell, the first group is implied */ if (info->align && l != cells) { memset (&group, 0x0, sizeof (CellGroup)); group.id = ++id; g_array_append_val (priv->groups, group); group_ptr = &g_array_index (priv->groups, CellGroup, id); } group_ptr->cells = g_list_prepend (group_ptr->cells, info); group_ptr->n_cells++; /* A group expands if it contains any expand cells */ if (info->expand) group_ptr->expand_cells++; } g_list_free (cells); for (id = 0; id < priv->groups->len; id++) { group_ptr = &g_array_index (priv->groups, CellGroup, id); group_ptr->cells = g_list_reverse (group_ptr->cells); } /* Contexts need to be updated with the new grouping information */ init_context_groups (box); } static gint count_visible_cells (CellGroup *group, gint *expand_cells) { GList *l; gint visible_cells = 0; gint n_expand_cells = 0; for (l = group->cells; l; l = l->next) { CellInfo *info = l->data; if (gtk_cell_renderer_get_visible (info->renderer)) { visible_cells++; if (info->expand) n_expand_cells++; } } if (expand_cells) *expand_cells = n_expand_cells; return visible_cells; } static gint count_expand_groups (GtkCellAreaBox *box) { GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; gint i; gint expand_groups = 0; for (i = 0; i < priv->groups->len; i++) { CellGroup *group = &g_array_index (priv->groups, CellGroup, i); if (group->expand_cells > 0) expand_groups++; } return expand_groups; } static void context_weak_notify (GtkCellAreaBox *box, GtkCellAreaBoxContext *dead_context) { GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; priv->contexts = g_slist_remove (priv->contexts, dead_context); } static void init_context_group (GtkCellAreaBox *box, GtkCellAreaBoxContext *context) { GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; gint *expand_groups, i; expand_groups = g_new (gboolean, priv->groups->len); for (i = 0; i < priv->groups->len; i++) { CellGroup *group = &g_array_index (priv->groups, CellGroup, i); expand_groups[i] = (group->expand_cells > 0); } /* This call implies flushing the request info */ gtk_cell_area_box_init_groups (context, priv->groups->len, expand_groups); g_free (expand_groups); } static void init_context_groups (GtkCellAreaBox *box) { GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; GSList *l; /* When the box's groups are reconstructed, contexts need to * be reinitialized. */ for (l = priv->contexts; l; l = l->next) { GtkCellAreaBoxContext *context = l->data; init_context_group (box, context); } } static void flush_contexts (GtkCellAreaBox *box) { GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; GSList *l; /* When the box layout changes, contexts need to * be flushed and sizes for the box get requested again */ for (l = priv->contexts; l; l = l->next) { GtkCellAreaContext *context = l->data; gtk_cell_area_context_flush (context); } } /* Fall back on a completely unaligned dynamic allocation of cells * when not allocated for the said orientation, alignment of cells * is not done when each area gets a different size in the orientation * of the box. */ static GSList * allocate_cells_manually (GtkCellAreaBox *box, GtkWidget *widget, gint width, gint height) { GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; GList *cells, *l; GSList *allocated_cells = NULL; GtkRequestedSize *sizes; gint i; gint nvisible = 0, nexpand = 0, group_expand; gint avail_size, extra_size, extra_extra; gint position = 0; if (!priv->cells) return NULL; cells = list_consecutive_cells (box); /* Count the visible and expand cells */ for (i = 0; i < priv->groups->len; i++) { CellGroup *group = &g_array_index (priv->groups, CellGroup, i); nvisible += count_visible_cells (group, &group_expand); nexpand += group_expand; } if (nvisible <= 0) { g_list_free (cells); return NULL; } if (priv->orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) avail_size = width; else avail_size = height; /* Go ahead and collect the requests on the fly */ sizes = g_new0 (GtkRequestedSize, nvisible); for (l = cells, i = 0; l; l = l->next) { CellInfo *info = l->data; if (!gtk_cell_renderer_get_visible (info->renderer)) continue; if (priv->orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) gtk_cell_renderer_get_preferred_width_for_height (info->renderer, widget, height, &sizes[i].minimum_size, &sizes[i].natural_size); else gtk_cell_renderer_get_preferred_height_for_width (info->renderer, widget, width, &sizes[i].minimum_size, &sizes[i].natural_size); avail_size -= sizes[i].minimum_size; sizes[i].data = info; i++; } /* Naturally distribute the allocation */ avail_size -= (nvisible - 1) * priv->spacing; avail_size = gtk_distribute_natural_allocation (avail_size, nvisible, sizes); /* Calculate/distribute expand for cells */ if (nexpand > 0) { extra_size = avail_size / nexpand; extra_extra = avail_size % nexpand; } else extra_size = extra_extra = 0; /* Create the allocated cells */ for (i = 0; i < nvisible; i++) { CellInfo *info = sizes[i].data; AllocatedCell *cell; if (info->expand) { sizes[i].minimum_size += extra_size; if (extra_extra) { sizes[i].minimum_size++; extra_extra--; } } cell = allocated_cell_new (info->renderer, position, sizes[i].minimum_size); allocated_cells = g_slist_prepend (allocated_cells, cell); position += sizes[i].minimum_size; position += priv->spacing; } g_free (sizes); g_list_free (cells); /* Note it might not be important to reverse the list here at all, * we have the correct positions, no need to allocate from left to right */ return g_slist_reverse (allocated_cells); } /* Returns an allocation for each cell in the orientation of the box, * used in ->render()/->event() implementations to get a straight-forward * list of allocated cells to operate on. */ static GSList * get_allocated_cells (GtkCellAreaBox *box, GtkCellAreaBoxContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, gint width, gint height) { GtkCellAreaBoxAllocation *group_allocs; GtkCellArea *area = GTK_CELL_AREA (box); GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; GList *cell_list; GSList *allocated_cells = NULL; gint i, j, n_allocs; group_allocs = gtk_cell_area_box_context_get_orientation_allocs (context, &n_allocs); if (!group_allocs) return allocate_cells_manually (box, widget, width, height); for (i = 0; i < n_allocs; i++) { /* We dont always allocate all groups, sometimes the requested group has only invisible * cells for every row, hence the usage of group_allocs[i].group_idx here */ CellGroup *group = &g_array_index (priv->groups, CellGroup, group_allocs[i].group_idx); /* Exception for single cell groups */ if (group->n_cells == 1) { CellInfo *info = group->cells->data; AllocatedCell *cell = allocated_cell_new (info->renderer, group_allocs[i].position, group_allocs[i].size); allocated_cells = g_slist_prepend (allocated_cells, cell); } else { GtkRequestedSize *sizes; gint avail_size, position; gint visible_cells, expand_cells; gint extra_size, extra_extra; visible_cells = count_visible_cells (group, &expand_cells); /* If this row has no visible cells in this group, just * skip the allocation */ if (visible_cells == 0) continue; /* Offset the allocation to the group position and allocate into * the group's available size */ position = group_allocs[i].position; avail_size = group_allocs[i].size; sizes = g_new (GtkRequestedSize, visible_cells); for (j = 0, cell_list = group->cells; cell_list; cell_list = cell_list->next) { CellInfo *info = cell_list->data; if (!gtk_cell_renderer_get_visible (info->renderer)) continue; gtk_cell_area_request_renderer (area, info->renderer, priv->orientation, widget, -1, &sizes[j].minimum_size, &sizes[j].natural_size); sizes[j].data = info; avail_size -= sizes[j].minimum_size; j++; } /* Distribute cells naturally within the group */ avail_size -= (visible_cells - 1) * priv->spacing; avail_size = gtk_distribute_natural_allocation (avail_size, visible_cells, sizes); /* Calculate/distribute expand for cells */ if (expand_cells > 0) { extra_size = avail_size / expand_cells; extra_extra = avail_size % expand_cells; } else extra_size = extra_extra = 0; /* Create the allocated cells (loop only over visible cells here) */ for (j = 0; j < visible_cells; j++) { CellInfo *info = sizes[j].data; AllocatedCell *cell; if (info->expand) { sizes[j].minimum_size += extra_size; if (extra_extra) { sizes[j].minimum_size++; extra_extra--; } } cell = allocated_cell_new (info->renderer, position, sizes[j].minimum_size); allocated_cells = g_slist_prepend (allocated_cells, cell); position += sizes[j].minimum_size; position += priv->spacing; } g_free (sizes); } } /* Note it might not be important to reverse the list here at all, * we have the correct positions, no need to allocate from left to right */ return g_slist_reverse (allocated_cells); } /************************************************************* * GObjectClass * *************************************************************/ static void gtk_cell_area_box_finalize (GObject *object) { GtkCellAreaBox *box = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX (object); GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; GSList *l; /* Unref/free the context list */ for (l = priv->contexts; l; l = l->next) g_object_weak_unref (G_OBJECT (l->data), (GWeakNotify)context_weak_notify, box); g_slist_free (priv->contexts); priv->contexts = NULL; /* Free the cell grouping info */ cell_groups_clear (box); g_array_free (priv->groups, TRUE); G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_cell_area_box_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void gtk_cell_area_box_dispose (GObject *object) { G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_cell_area_box_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void gtk_cell_area_box_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { GtkCellAreaBox *box = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_ORIENTATION: box->priv->orientation = g_value_get_enum (value); /* Notify that size needs to be requested again */ flush_contexts (box); break; case PROP_SPACING: gtk_cell_area_box_set_spacing (box, g_value_get_int (value)); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void gtk_cell_area_box_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { GtkCellAreaBox *box = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_ORIENTATION: g_value_set_enum (value, box->priv->orientation); break; case PROP_SPACING: g_value_set_int (value, gtk_cell_area_box_get_spacing (box)); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } /************************************************************* * GtkCellAreaClass * *************************************************************/ static void gtk_cell_area_box_add (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer) { gtk_cell_area_box_pack_start (GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX (area), renderer, FALSE, TRUE); } static void gtk_cell_area_box_remove (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer) { GtkCellAreaBox *box = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX (area); GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; GList *node; node = g_list_find_custom (priv->cells, renderer, (GCompareFunc)cell_info_find); if (node) { CellInfo *info = node->data; cell_info_free (info); priv->cells = g_list_delete_link (priv->cells, node); /* Reconstruct cell groups */ cell_groups_rebuild (box); } else g_warning ("Trying to remove a cell renderer that is not present GtkCellAreaBox"); } static void gtk_cell_area_box_forall (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellCallback callback, gpointer callback_data) { GtkCellAreaBox *box = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX (area); GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; GList *list; for (list = priv->cells; list; list = list->next) { CellInfo *info = list->data; callback (info->renderer, callback_data); } } static void gtk_cell_area_box_get_cell_allocation (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, const GdkRectangle *cell_area, GdkRectangle *allocation) { GtkCellAreaBox *box = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX (area); GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; GtkCellAreaBoxContext *box_context = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX_CONTEXT (context); GSList *allocated_cells, *l; *allocation = *cell_area; /* Get a list of cells with allocation sizes decided regardless * of alignments and pack order etc. */ allocated_cells = get_allocated_cells (box, box_context, widget, cell_area->width, cell_area->height); for (l = allocated_cells; l; l = l->next) { AllocatedCell *cell = l->data; if (cell->renderer == renderer) { if (priv->orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { allocation->x = cell_area->x + cell->position; allocation->width = cell->size; } else { allocation->y = cell_area->y + cell->position; allocation->height = cell->size; } break; } } g_slist_foreach (allocated_cells, (GFunc)allocated_cell_free, NULL); g_slist_free (allocated_cells); } enum { FOCUS_NONE, FOCUS_PREV, FOCUS_NEXT }; static gint gtk_cell_area_box_event (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, const GdkRectangle *cell_area, GtkCellRendererState flags) { gint retval; /* First let the parent class handle activation of cells via keystrokes */ retval = GTK_CELL_AREA_CLASS (gtk_cell_area_box_parent_class)->event (area, context, widget, event, cell_area, flags); if (retval) return retval; /* Also detect mouse events, for mouse events we need to allocate the renderers * and find which renderer needs to be activated. */ if (event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) { GdkEventButton *button_event = (GdkEventButton *)event; if (button_event->button == 1) { GtkCellAreaBox *box = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX (area); GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; GtkCellAreaBoxContext *box_context = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX_CONTEXT (context); GSList *allocated_cells, *l; GdkRectangle cell_background, inner_area; gint event_x, event_y; /* We may need some semantics to tell us the offset of the event * window we are handling events for (i.e. GtkTreeView has a bin_window) */ event_x = button_event->x; event_y = button_event->y; cell_background = *cell_area; /* Get a list of cells with allocation sizes decided regardless * of alignments and pack order etc. */ allocated_cells = get_allocated_cells (box, box_context, widget, cell_area->width, cell_area->height); for (l = allocated_cells; l; l = l->next) { AllocatedCell *cell = l->data; if (priv->orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { cell_background.x = cell_area->x + cell->position; cell_background.width = cell->size; } else { cell_background.y = cell_area->y + cell->position; cell_background.height = cell->size; } /* Remove margins from the background area to produce the cell area */ gtk_cell_area_inner_cell_area (area, widget, &cell_background, &inner_area); if (event_x >= inner_area.x && event_x <= inner_area.x + inner_area.width && event_y >= inner_area.y && event_y <= inner_area.y + inner_area.height) { GtkCellRenderer *event_renderer = NULL; if (gtk_cell_renderer_can_focus (cell->renderer)) event_renderer = cell->renderer; else { GtkCellRenderer *focus_renderer; /* A renderer can have focus siblings but that renderer might not be * focusable for every row... so we go on to check can_focus here. */ focus_renderer = gtk_cell_area_get_focus_from_sibling (area, cell->renderer); if (focus_renderer && gtk_cell_renderer_can_focus (focus_renderer)) event_renderer = focus_renderer; } if (event_renderer) { if (gtk_cell_area_get_edited_cell (area)) { /* XXX Was it really canceled in this case ? */ gtk_cell_area_stop_editing (area, TRUE); gtk_cell_area_set_focus_cell (area, event_renderer); retval = TRUE; } else { /* If we are activating via a focus sibling, we need to fix the * cell area */ if (event_renderer != cell->renderer) gtk_cell_area_inner_cell_area (area, widget, cell_area, &cell_background); gtk_cell_area_set_focus_cell (area, event_renderer); retval = gtk_cell_area_activate_cell (area, widget, event_renderer, event, &cell_background, flags); } break; } } } g_slist_foreach (allocated_cells, (GFunc)allocated_cell_free, NULL); g_slist_free (allocated_cells); } } return retval; } static void gtk_cell_area_box_render (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, cairo_t *cr, const GdkRectangle *background_area, const GdkRectangle *cell_area, GtkCellRendererState flags, gboolean paint_focus) { GtkCellAreaBox *box = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX (area); GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; GtkCellAreaBoxContext *box_context = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX_CONTEXT (context); GSList *allocated_cells, *l; GdkRectangle cell_background, inner_area; GtkCellRenderer *focus_cell = NULL; GdkRectangle focus_rect = { 0, }; gboolean first_focus_cell = TRUE; if (flags & GTK_CELL_RENDERER_FOCUSED) { focus_cell = gtk_cell_area_get_focus_cell (area); flags &= ~GTK_CELL_RENDERER_FOCUSED; } cell_background = *cell_area; /* Get a list of cells with allocation sizes decided regardless * of alignments and pack order etc. */ allocated_cells = get_allocated_cells (box, box_context, widget, cell_area->width, cell_area->height); for (l = allocated_cells; l; l = l->next) { AllocatedCell *cell = l->data; GtkCellRendererState cell_fields = 0; GdkRectangle render_background; if (priv->orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { cell_background.x = cell_area->x + cell->position; cell_background.width = cell->size; } else { cell_background.y = cell_area->y + cell->position; cell_background.height = cell->size; } /* Remove margins from the background area to produce the cell area */ gtk_cell_area_inner_cell_area (area, widget, &cell_background, &inner_area); /* Add portions of the background_area to the cell_background * to create the render_background */ render_background = cell_background; if (priv->orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { if (l == allocated_cells) { render_background.width += render_background.x - background_area->x; render_background.x = background_area->x; } if (l->next == NULL) render_background.width = background_area->width - (render_background.x - background_area->x); render_background.y = background_area->y; render_background.height = background_area->height; } else { if (l == allocated_cells) { render_background.height += render_background.y - background_area->y; render_background.y = background_area->y; } if (l->next == NULL) render_background.height = background_area->height - (render_background.y - background_area->y); render_background.x = background_area->x; render_background.width = background_area->width; } if (focus_cell && (cell->renderer == focus_cell || gtk_cell_area_is_focus_sibling (area, focus_cell, cell->renderer))) { cell_fields |= GTK_CELL_RENDERER_FOCUSED; if (paint_focus) { GdkRectangle cell_focus; gtk_cell_renderer_get_aligned_area (cell->renderer, widget, flags, &inner_area, &cell_focus); /* Accumulate the focus rectangle for all focus siblings */ if (first_focus_cell) { focus_rect = cell_focus; first_focus_cell = FALSE; } else gdk_rectangle_union (&focus_rect, &cell_focus, &focus_rect); } } /* We have to do some per-cell considerations for the 'flags' * for focus handling */ gtk_cell_renderer_render (cell->renderer, cr, widget, &render_background, &inner_area, flags | cell_fields); } if (paint_focus && focus_rect.width != 0 && focus_rect.height != 0) { GtkStateType renderer_state = flags & GTK_CELL_RENDERER_SELECTED ? GTK_STATE_SELECTED : (flags & GTK_CELL_RENDERER_PRELIT ? GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT : (flags & GTK_CELL_RENDERER_INSENSITIVE ? GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE : GTK_STATE_NORMAL)); gtk_paint_focus (gtk_widget_get_style (widget), cr, renderer_state, widget, gtk_cell_area_get_style_detail (area), focus_rect.x, focus_rect.y, focus_rect.width, focus_rect.height); } g_slist_foreach (allocated_cells, (GFunc)allocated_cell_free, NULL); g_slist_free (allocated_cells); } static void gtk_cell_area_box_set_cell_property (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { GtkCellAreaBox *box = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX (area); GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; GList *node; CellInfo *info; gboolean rebuild = FALSE; gboolean val; GtkPackType pack_type; node = g_list_find_custom (priv->cells, renderer, (GCompareFunc)cell_info_find); if (!node) return; info = node->data; switch (prop_id) { case CELL_PROP_EXPAND: val = g_value_get_boolean (value); if (info->expand != val) { info->expand = val; rebuild = TRUE; } break; case CELL_PROP_ALIGN: val = g_value_get_boolean (value); if (info->align != val) { info->align = val; rebuild = TRUE; } break; case CELL_PROP_PACK_TYPE: pack_type = g_value_get_enum (value); if (info->pack != pack_type) { info->pack = pack_type; rebuild = TRUE; } break; default: GTK_CELL_AREA_WARN_INVALID_CHILD_PROPERTY_ID (area, prop_id, pspec); break; } /* Groups need to be rebuilt */ if (rebuild) cell_groups_rebuild (box); } static void gtk_cell_area_box_get_cell_property (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { GtkCellAreaBox *box = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX (area); GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; GList *node; CellInfo *info; node = g_list_find_custom (priv->cells, renderer, (GCompareFunc)cell_info_find); if (!node) return; info = node->data; switch (prop_id) { case CELL_PROP_EXPAND: g_value_set_boolean (value, info->expand); break; case CELL_PROP_ALIGN: g_value_set_boolean (value, info->align); break; case CELL_PROP_PACK_TYPE: g_value_set_enum (value, info->pack); break; default: GTK_CELL_AREA_WARN_INVALID_CHILD_PROPERTY_ID (area, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static GtkCellAreaContext * gtk_cell_area_box_create_context (GtkCellArea *area) { GtkCellAreaBox *box = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX (area); GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; GtkCellAreaContext *context = (GtkCellAreaContext *)g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_CELL_AREA_BOX_CONTEXT, "area", area, NULL); priv->contexts = g_slist_prepend (priv->contexts, context); g_object_weak_ref (G_OBJECT (context), (GWeakNotify)context_weak_notify, box); /* Tell the new group about our cell layout */ init_context_group (box, GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX_CONTEXT (context)); return context; } static GtkSizeRequestMode gtk_cell_area_box_get_request_mode (GtkCellArea *area) { GtkCellAreaBox *box = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX (area); GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; return (priv->orientation) == GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL ? GTK_SIZE_REQUEST_HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH : GTK_SIZE_REQUEST_WIDTH_FOR_HEIGHT; } static void compute_size (GtkCellAreaBox *box, GtkOrientation orientation, GtkCellAreaBoxContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, gint for_size, gint *minimum_size, gint *natural_size) { GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; GtkCellArea *area = GTK_CELL_AREA (box); GList *list; gint i; gint min_size = 0; gint nat_size = 0; for (i = 0; i < priv->groups->len; i++) { CellGroup *group = &g_array_index (priv->groups, CellGroup, i); gint group_min_size = 0; gint group_nat_size = 0; for (list = group->cells; list; list = list->next) { CellInfo *info = list->data; gint renderer_min_size, renderer_nat_size; if (!gtk_cell_renderer_get_visible (info->renderer)) continue; gtk_cell_area_request_renderer (area, info->renderer, orientation, widget, for_size, &renderer_min_size, &renderer_nat_size); if (orientation == priv->orientation) { if (min_size > 0) { min_size += priv->spacing; nat_size += priv->spacing; } if (group_min_size > 0) { group_min_size += priv->spacing; group_nat_size += priv->spacing; } min_size += renderer_min_size; nat_size += renderer_nat_size; group_min_size += renderer_min_size; group_nat_size += renderer_nat_size; } else { min_size = MAX (min_size, renderer_min_size); nat_size = MAX (nat_size, renderer_nat_size); group_min_size = MAX (group_min_size, renderer_min_size); group_nat_size = MAX (group_nat_size, renderer_nat_size); } } if (orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { if (for_size < 0) gtk_cell_area_box_context_push_group_width (context, group->id, group_min_size, group_nat_size); else gtk_cell_area_box_context_push_group_width_for_height (context, group->id, for_size, group_min_size, group_nat_size); } else { if (for_size < 0) gtk_cell_area_box_context_push_group_height (context, group->id, group_min_size, group_nat_size); else gtk_cell_area_box_context_push_group_height_for_width (context, group->id, for_size, group_min_size, group_nat_size); } } *minimum_size = min_size; *natural_size = nat_size; } GtkRequestedSize * get_group_sizes (GtkCellArea *area, CellGroup *group, GtkOrientation orientation, GtkWidget *widget, gint *n_sizes) { GtkRequestedSize *sizes; GList *l; gint i; *n_sizes = count_visible_cells (group, NULL); sizes = g_new (GtkRequestedSize, *n_sizes); for (l = group->cells, i = 0; l; l = l->next) { CellInfo *info = l->data; if (!gtk_cell_renderer_get_visible (info->renderer)) continue; sizes[i].data = info; gtk_cell_area_request_renderer (area, info->renderer, orientation, widget, -1, &sizes[i].minimum_size, &sizes[i].natural_size); i++; } return sizes; } static void compute_group_size_for_opposing_orientation (GtkCellAreaBox *box, CellGroup *group, GtkWidget *widget, gint for_size, gint *minimum_size, gint *natural_size) { GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; GtkCellArea *area = GTK_CELL_AREA (box); /* Exception for single cell groups */ if (group->n_cells == 1) { CellInfo *info = group->cells->data; gtk_cell_area_request_renderer (area, info->renderer, OPPOSITE_ORIENTATION (priv->orientation), widget, for_size, minimum_size, natural_size); } else { GtkRequestedSize *orientation_sizes; CellInfo *info; gint n_sizes, i; gint avail_size = for_size; gint extra_size, extra_extra; gint min_size = 0, nat_size = 0; orientation_sizes = get_group_sizes (area, group, priv->orientation, widget, &n_sizes); /* First naturally allocate the cells in the group into the for_size */ avail_size -= (n_sizes - 1) * priv->spacing; for (i = 0; i < n_sizes; i++) avail_size -= orientation_sizes[i].minimum_size; avail_size = gtk_distribute_natural_allocation (avail_size, n_sizes, orientation_sizes); /* Calculate/distribute expand for cells */ if (group->expand_cells > 0) { extra_size = avail_size / group->expand_cells; extra_extra = avail_size % group->expand_cells; } else extra_size = extra_extra = 0; for (i = 0; i < n_sizes; i++) { gint cell_min, cell_nat; info = orientation_sizes[i].data; if (info->expand) { orientation_sizes[i].minimum_size += extra_size; if (extra_extra) { orientation_sizes[i].minimum_size++; extra_extra--; } } gtk_cell_area_request_renderer (area, info->renderer, OPPOSITE_ORIENTATION (priv->orientation), widget, orientation_sizes[i].minimum_size, &cell_min, &cell_nat); min_size = MAX (min_size, cell_min); nat_size = MAX (nat_size, cell_nat); } *minimum_size = min_size; *natural_size = nat_size; g_free (orientation_sizes); } } static void compute_size_for_opposing_orientation (GtkCellAreaBox *box, GtkCellAreaBoxContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, gint for_size, gint *minimum_size, gint *natural_size) { GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; CellGroup *group; GtkRequestedSize *orientation_sizes; gint n_groups, n_expand_groups, i; gint avail_size = for_size; gint extra_size, extra_extra; gint min_size = 0, nat_size = 0; n_expand_groups = count_expand_groups (box); if (priv->orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) orientation_sizes = gtk_cell_area_box_context_get_widths (context, &n_groups); else orientation_sizes = gtk_cell_area_box_context_get_heights (context, &n_groups); /* First start by naturally allocating space among groups of cells */ avail_size -= (n_groups - 1) * priv->spacing; for (i = 0; i < n_groups; i++) avail_size -= orientation_sizes[i].minimum_size; avail_size = gtk_distribute_natural_allocation (avail_size, n_groups, orientation_sizes); /* Calculate/distribute expand for groups */ if (n_expand_groups > 0) { extra_size = avail_size / n_expand_groups; extra_extra = avail_size % n_expand_groups; } else extra_size = extra_extra = 0; /* Now we need to naturally allocate sizes for cells in each group * and push the height-for-width for each group accordingly while accumulating * the overall height-for-width for this row. */ for (i = 0; i < n_groups; i++) { gint group_min, group_nat; gint group_idx = GPOINTER_TO_INT (orientation_sizes[i].data); group = &g_array_index (priv->groups, CellGroup, group_idx); if (group->expand_cells > 0) { orientation_sizes[i].minimum_size += extra_size; if (extra_extra) { orientation_sizes[i].minimum_size++; extra_extra--; } } /* Now we have the allocation for the group, request it's height-for-width */ compute_group_size_for_opposing_orientation (box, group, widget, orientation_sizes[i].minimum_size, &group_min, &group_nat); min_size = MAX (min_size, group_min); nat_size = MAX (nat_size, group_nat); if (priv->orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { gtk_cell_area_box_context_push_group_height_for_width (context, group_idx, for_size, group_min, group_nat); } else { gtk_cell_area_box_context_push_group_width_for_height (context, group_idx, for_size, group_min, group_nat); } } *minimum_size = min_size; *natural_size = nat_size; g_free (orientation_sizes); } static void gtk_cell_area_box_get_preferred_width (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, gint *minimum_width, gint *natural_width) { GtkCellAreaBox *box = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX (area); GtkCellAreaBoxContext *box_context; gint min_width, nat_width; g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_CELL_AREA_BOX_CONTEXT (context)); box_context = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX_CONTEXT (context); /* Compute the size of all renderers for current row data, * bumping cell alignments in the context along the way */ compute_size (box, GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, box_context, widget, -1, &min_width, &nat_width); if (minimum_width) *minimum_width = min_width; if (natural_width) *natural_width = nat_width; } static void gtk_cell_area_box_get_preferred_height (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, gint *minimum_height, gint *natural_height) { GtkCellAreaBox *box = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX (area); GtkCellAreaBoxContext *box_context; gint min_height, nat_height; g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_CELL_AREA_BOX_CONTEXT (context)); box_context = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX_CONTEXT (context); /* Compute the size of all renderers for current row data, * bumping cell alignments in the context along the way */ compute_size (box, GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, box_context, widget, -1, &min_height, &nat_height); if (minimum_height) *minimum_height = min_height; if (natural_height) *natural_height = nat_height; } static void gtk_cell_area_box_get_preferred_height_for_width (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, gint width, gint *minimum_height, gint *natural_height) { GtkCellAreaBox *box = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX (area); GtkCellAreaBoxContext *box_context; GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv; gint min_height, nat_height; g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_CELL_AREA_BOX_CONTEXT (context)); box_context = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX_CONTEXT (context); priv = box->priv; if (priv->orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) { /* Add up vertical requests of height for width and push the overall * cached sizes for alignments */ compute_size (box, priv->orientation, box_context, widget, width, &min_height, &nat_height); } else { /* Juice: virtually allocate cells into the for_width using the * alignments and then return the overall height for that width, and cache it */ compute_size_for_opposing_orientation (box, box_context, widget, width, &min_height, &nat_height); } if (minimum_height) *minimum_height = min_height; if (natural_height) *natural_height = nat_height; } static void gtk_cell_area_box_get_preferred_width_for_height (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, gint height, gint *minimum_width, gint *natural_width) { GtkCellAreaBox *box = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX (area); GtkCellAreaBoxContext *box_context; GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv; gint min_width, nat_width; g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_CELL_AREA_BOX_CONTEXT (context)); box_context = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX_CONTEXT (context); priv = box->priv; if (priv->orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { /* Add up horizontal requests of width for height and push the overall * cached sizes for alignments */ compute_size (box, priv->orientation, box_context, widget, height, &min_width, &nat_width); } else { /* Juice: horizontally allocate cells into the for_height using the * alignments and then return the overall width for that height, and cache it */ compute_size_for_opposing_orientation (box, box_context, widget, height, &min_width, &nat_width); } if (minimum_width) *minimum_width = min_width; if (natural_width) *natural_width = nat_width; } static gboolean gtk_cell_area_box_focus (GtkCellArea *area, GtkDirectionType direction) { GtkCellAreaBox *box = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX (area); GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; gint cycle = FOCUS_NONE; gboolean cycled_focus = FALSE; GtkCellRenderer *focus_cell; focus_cell = gtk_cell_area_get_focus_cell (area); switch (direction) { case GTK_DIR_TAB_FORWARD: cycle = FOCUS_NEXT; break; case GTK_DIR_TAB_BACKWARD: cycle = FOCUS_PREV; break; case GTK_DIR_UP: if (priv->orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL || !focus_cell) cycle = FOCUS_PREV; break; case GTK_DIR_DOWN: if (priv->orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL || !focus_cell) cycle = FOCUS_NEXT; break; case GTK_DIR_LEFT: if (priv->orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL || !focus_cell) cycle = FOCUS_PREV; break; case GTK_DIR_RIGHT: if (priv->orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL || !focus_cell) cycle = FOCUS_NEXT; break; default: break; } if (cycle != FOCUS_NONE) { gboolean found_cell = FALSE; GList *list; gint i; /* If there is no focused cell, focus on the first (or last) one in the list */ if (!focus_cell) found_cell = TRUE; for (i = (cycle == FOCUS_NEXT) ? 0 : priv->groups->len -1; cycled_focus == FALSE && i >= 0 && i < priv->groups->len; i = (cycle == FOCUS_NEXT) ? i + 1 : i - 1) { CellGroup *group = &g_array_index (priv->groups, CellGroup, i); for (list = (cycle == FOCUS_NEXT) ? g_list_first (group->cells) : g_list_last (group->cells); list; list = (cycle == FOCUS_NEXT) ? list->next : list->prev) { CellInfo *info = list->data; if (info->renderer == focus_cell) found_cell = TRUE; else if (found_cell) { if (gtk_cell_renderer_can_focus (info->renderer)) { gtk_cell_area_set_focus_cell (area, info->renderer); cycled_focus = TRUE; break; } } } } } if (!cycled_focus) gtk_cell_area_set_focus_cell (area, NULL); return cycled_focus; } /************************************************************* * GtkCellLayoutIface * *************************************************************/ static void gtk_cell_area_box_cell_layout_init (GtkCellLayoutIface *iface) { iface->pack_start = gtk_cell_area_box_layout_pack_start; iface->pack_end = gtk_cell_area_box_layout_pack_end; iface->reorder = gtk_cell_area_box_layout_reorder; } static void gtk_cell_area_box_layout_pack_start (GtkCellLayout *cell_layout, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, gboolean expand) { gtk_cell_area_box_pack_start (GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX (cell_layout), renderer, expand, TRUE); } static void gtk_cell_area_box_layout_pack_end (GtkCellLayout *cell_layout, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, gboolean expand) { gtk_cell_area_box_pack_end (GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX (cell_layout), renderer, expand, TRUE); } static void gtk_cell_area_box_layout_reorder (GtkCellLayout *cell_layout, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, gint position) { GtkCellAreaBox *box = GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX (cell_layout); GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; GList *node; CellInfo *info; node = g_list_find_custom (priv->cells, renderer, (GCompareFunc)cell_info_find); if (node) { info = node->data; priv->cells = g_list_delete_link (priv->cells, node); priv->cells = g_list_insert (priv->cells, info, position); cell_groups_rebuild (box); } } /************************************************************* * API * *************************************************************/ GtkCellArea * gtk_cell_area_box_new (void) { return (GtkCellArea *)g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_CELL_AREA_BOX, NULL); } void gtk_cell_area_box_pack_start (GtkCellAreaBox *box, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, gboolean expand, gboolean align) { GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv; CellInfo *info; g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_CELL_AREA_BOX (box)); g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_CELL_RENDERER (renderer)); priv = box->priv; if (g_list_find_custom (priv->cells, renderer, (GCompareFunc)cell_info_find)) { g_warning ("Refusing to add the same cell renderer to a GtkCellAreaBox twice"); return; } info = cell_info_new (renderer, GTK_PACK_START, expand, align); priv->cells = g_list_append (priv->cells, info); cell_groups_rebuild (box); } void gtk_cell_area_box_pack_end (GtkCellAreaBox *box, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, gboolean expand, gboolean align) { GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv; CellInfo *info; g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_CELL_AREA_BOX (box)); g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_CELL_RENDERER (renderer)); priv = box->priv; if (g_list_find_custom (priv->cells, renderer, (GCompareFunc)cell_info_find)) { g_warning ("Refusing to add the same cell renderer to a GtkCellArea twice"); return; } info = cell_info_new (renderer, GTK_PACK_END, expand, align); priv->cells = g_list_append (priv->cells, info); cell_groups_rebuild (box); } gint gtk_cell_area_box_get_spacing (GtkCellAreaBox *box) { g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_CELL_AREA_BOX (box), 0); return box->priv->spacing; } void gtk_cell_area_box_set_spacing (GtkCellAreaBox *box, gint spacing) { GtkCellAreaBoxPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_CELL_AREA_BOX (box)); priv = box->priv; if (priv->spacing != spacing) { priv->spacing = spacing; g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (box), "spacing"); /* Notify that size needs to be requested again */ flush_contexts (box); } }