## Makefile for building the GDK DLL with Microsoft C ## Use: nmake -f makefile.msc # Change this to wherever you want to install the DLLs. This directory # should be in your PATH. BIN = C:\bin # Location of the Wintab toolkit. Downloadable from http://www.pointing.com. WTKIT = ..\..\..\wtkit126 ################################################################ # Nothing much configurable below !IFNDEF DEBUG # Full optimization: OPTIMIZE = -Ox -MD LINKDEBUG = !ELSE # Debugging: OPTIMIZE = -Zi -MDd LINKDEBUG = /debug !ENDIF # cl -? describes the options CC = cl -G5 -GF $(OPTIMIZE) -W3 -nologo LDFLAGS = /link /machine:ix86 $(LINKDEBUG) INSTALL = copy GLIB_VER=1.3 GTK_VER=1.3 GLIB = ..\..\..\glib CFLAGS = -I. -I..\.. -I$(WTKIT)\include -I$(GLIB) -DG_ENABLE_DEBUG -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DGDK_VERSION=\"$(GTK_VER)\" all: \ gdk\gdkprivate.h \ gdk\gdkx.h \ ..\..\config.h \ gdk-$(GTK_VER).dll install : all $(INSTALL) gdk-$(GTK_VER).dll $(BIN) gdk_OBJECTS = \ gdk.obj \ gdkcc.obj \ gdkcolor.obj \ gdkcursor.obj \ gdkdnd.obj \ gdkdraw.obj \ gdkevents.obj \ gdkfont.obj \ gdkgc.obj \ gdkglobals.obj \ gdkim.obj \ gdkimage.obj \ gdkinput.obj \ gdkpixmap.obj \ gdkproperty.obj \ gdkrgb.obj \ gdkrectangle.obj\ gdkregion.obj \ gdkselection.obj\ gdkvisual.obj \ gdkwindow.obj \ gdkxid.obj # We must have copies of gdkx.h and gdkprivate.h in the gdk # subdirectory, so that application sources which want to be # compilable with both GTk+ 1.2 (where there are no separate backend # gdk directories) and this 1.3 version (where the Win32 backend is in # the directory of *this* file you are reading right now) can use # #include . # Applications that depend on GTk+ 1.3 or later should include # gdkprivate.h and gdkx.h without the gdk/ prefix. The CFLAGS should # include an -I switch pointing to the backend-specific directory # (*this* directory in the Win32 case). gdk\gdkprivate.h : gdkprivate.h -md gdk copy gdkprivate.h gdk gdk\gdkx.h : gdkx.h -md gdk copy gdkx.h gdk ..\..\config.h : ..\..\config.h.win32 copy ..\..\config.h.win32 ..\..\config.h gdk.res : rc\gdk.rc rc -r -fo gdk.res rc\gdk.rc gdk-$(GTK_VER).dll : $(gdk_OBJECTS) gdk.def gdk.res $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -LD -Fegdk-$(GTK_VER).dll $(gdk_OBJECTS) $(GLIB)\glib-$(GLIB_VER).lib gdi32.lib user32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib uuid.lib $(WTKIT)\lib\i386\wntab32x.lib $(LDFLAGS) gdk.res /def:gdk.def .c.obj : $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -GD -c -DGDK_COMPILATION -DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"Gdk\" $< gdkrgb.c : ..\gdkrgb.c copy ..\gdkrgb.c . gdkrectangle.c : ..\gdkrectangle.c copy ..\gdkrectangle.c . clean: del *.exe del *.obj del *.dll del *.lib del *.exp del *.err del *.map del *.sym del *.res del *.pdb del *.ilk