A list of missing things and known bugs in the DirectFB GDK backend: - Implement more GDK drawing functions. The most important ones (including XOR) do work now. Other drawing functions are rarely used and would need support from DirectFB. - Implemenent extended input devices. Shouldn't be too hard. - Look into DND and selections. DND seems to work inside one application at least. - Consider using the recently added glyph cache in PangoFT2 to implement our glyph surface cache. Probably limit the number of cached glyphs or the size of the surface cache instead of keeping all glyphs from a number of fonts in the cache. Some things that will probably never happen: - Line styles, joining and related stuff. We could use code from the LinuxFB backend but it seems to be bloat for most applications. Implementing dashed lines would probably make sense and shouldn't be too hard. - Bitmaps (they are partly supported) and masks. This stuff should be entirely deprecated. Use real alpha channels instead! This is a simple list of unimplemented function stubs and there file to see the implementation check the x11 dir. Its not started yet. gdkcolor-directfb.c gdkcursor-directfb.c gdkdisplay-directfb.c gdkdnd-directfb.c gdkdrawable-directfb.c gdkevents-directfb.c gdkfont-directfb.c gdkgc-directfb.c gdkgeometry-directfb.c gdkglobals-directfb.c gdkimage-directfb.c gdkim-directfb.c gdkinput-directfb.c gdkkeys-directfb.c gdk_keymap_lookup_key gdk_keyval_convert_case gdkmain-directfb.c gdkpixmap-directfb.c gdkproperty-directfb.c gdkscreen-directfb.c gdkselection-directfb.c gdkspawn-directfb.c gdkvisual-directfb.c gdkwindow-directfb.c gdkwindowid.c glyphsurfacecache.c NOTES: event filter callbacks missing see the x11 impl