/**************************************************************************** (c) SYSTEC electronic GmbH, D-07973 Greiz, August-Bebel-Str. 29 www.systec-electronic.com Project: openPOWERLINK Description: include file for EPL frames License: Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of SYSTEC electronic GmbH nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact info@systec-electronic.com. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Severability Clause: If a provision of this License is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, that shall not affect: 1. the validity or enforceability in that jurisdiction of any other provision of this License; or 2. the validity or enforceability in other jurisdictions of that or any other provision of this License. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- $RCSfile: EplFrame.h,v $ $Author: D.Krueger $ $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2008/06/23 14:56:33 $ $State: Exp $ Build Environment: GCC V3.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revision History: 2006/05/22 d.k.: start of the implementation, version 1.00 ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _EPL_FRAME_H_ #define _EPL_FRAME_H_ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // const defines //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // defines for EplFrame.m_wFlag #define EPL_FRAME_FLAG1_RD 0x01 // ready (PReq, PRes) #define EPL_FRAME_FLAG1_ER 0x02 // exception reset (error signalling) (SoA) #define EPL_FRAME_FLAG1_EA 0x04 // exception acknowledge (error signalling) (PReq, SoA) #define EPL_FRAME_FLAG1_EC 0x08 // exception clear (error signalling) (StatusRes) #define EPL_FRAME_FLAG1_EN 0x10 // exception new (error signalling) (PRes, StatusRes) #define EPL_FRAME_FLAG1_MS 0x20 // multiplexed slot (PReq) #define EPL_FRAME_FLAG1_PS 0x40 // prescaled slot (SoC) #define EPL_FRAME_FLAG1_MC 0x80 // multiplexed cycle completed (SoC) #define EPL_FRAME_FLAG2_RS 0x07 // number of pending requests to send (PRes, StatusRes, IdentRes) #define EPL_FRAME_FLAG2_PR 0x38 // priority of requested asynch. frame (PRes, StatusRes, IdentRes) #define EPL_FRAME_FLAG2_PR_SHIFT 3 // shift of priority of requested asynch. frame // error history/status entry types #define EPL_ERR_ENTRYTYPE_STATUS 0x8000 #define EPL_ERR_ENTRYTYPE_HISTORY 0x0000 #define EPL_ERR_ENTRYTYPE_EMCY 0x4000 #define EPL_ERR_ENTRYTYPE_MODE_ACTIVE 0x1000 #define EPL_ERR_ENTRYTYPE_MODE_CLEARED 0x2000 #define EPL_ERR_ENTRYTYPE_MODE_OCCURRED 0x3000 #define EPL_ERR_ENTRYTYPE_MODE_MASK 0x3000 #define EPL_ERR_ENTRYTYPE_PROF_VENDOR 0x0001 #define EPL_ERR_ENTRYTYPE_PROF_EPL 0x0002 #define EPL_ERR_ENTRYTYPE_PROF_MASK 0x0FFF // defines for EPL version / PDO version #define EPL_VERSION_SUB 0x0F // sub version #define EPL_VERSION_MAIN 0xF0 // main version //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // typedef //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $$$ d.k.: move this definition to global.h // byte-align structures #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma pack( push, packing ) # pragma pack( 1 ) # define PACK_STRUCT #elif defined( __GNUC__ ) # define PACK_STRUCT __attribute__((packed)) #else # error you must byte-align these structures with the appropriate compiler directives #endif typedef struct { // Offset 17 u8 m_le_bRes1; // reserved // Offset 18 u8 m_le_bFlag1; // Flags: MC, PS // Offset 19 u8 m_le_bFlag2; // Flags: res // Offset 20 tEplNetTime m_le_NetTime; // supported if D_NMT_NetTimeIsRealTime_BOOL is set // Offset 28 QWORD m_le_RelativeTime; // in us (supported if D_NMT_RelativeTime_BOOL is set) } PACK_STRUCT tEplSocFrame; typedef struct { // Offset 17 u8 m_le_bRes1; // reserved // Offset 18 u8 m_le_bFlag1; // Flags: MS, EA, RD // Offset 19 u8 m_le_bFlag2; // Flags: res // Offset 20 u8 m_le_bPdoVersion; // Offset 21 u8 m_le_bRes2; // reserved // Offset 22 WORD m_le_wSize; // Offset 24 u8 m_le_abPayload[256 /*D_NMT_IsochrRxMaxPayload_U16 */ ]; } PACK_STRUCT tEplPreqFrame; typedef struct { // Offset 17 u8 m_le_bNmtStatus; // NMT state // Offset 18 u8 m_le_bFlag1; // Flags: MS, EN, RD // Offset 19 u8 m_le_bFlag2; // Flags: PR, RS // Offset 20 u8 m_le_bPdoVersion; // Offset 21 u8 m_le_bRes2; // reserved // Offset 22 WORD m_le_wSize; // Offset 24 u8 m_le_abPayload[256 /*D_NMT_IsochrRxMaxPayload_U16 / D_NMT_IsochrTxMaxPayload_U16 */ ]; } PACK_STRUCT tEplPresFrame; typedef struct { // Offset 17 u8 m_le_bNmtStatus; // NMT state // Offset 18 u8 m_le_bFlag1; // Flags: EA, ER // Offset 19 u8 m_le_bFlag2; // Flags: res // Offset 20 u8 m_le_bReqServiceId; // Offset 21 u8 m_le_bReqServiceTarget; // Offset 22 u8 m_le_bEplVersion; } PACK_STRUCT tEplSoaFrame; typedef struct { WORD m_wEntryType; WORD m_wErrorCode; tEplNetTime m_TimeStamp; u8 m_abAddInfo[8]; } PACK_STRUCT tEplErrHistoryEntry; typedef struct { // Offset 18 u8 m_le_bFlag1; // Flags: EN, EC u8 m_le_bFlag2; // Flags: PR, RS u8 m_le_bNmtStatus; // NMT state u8 m_le_bRes1[3]; QWORD m_le_qwStaticError; // static error bit field tEplErrHistoryEntry m_le_aErrHistoryEntry[14]; } PACK_STRUCT tEplStatusResponse; typedef struct { // Offset 18 u8 m_le_bFlag1; // Flags: res u8 m_le_bFlag2; // Flags: PR, RS u8 m_le_bNmtStatus; // NMT state u8 m_le_bIdentRespFlags; // Flags: FW u8 m_le_bEplProfileVersion; u8 m_le_bRes1; DWORD m_le_dwFeatureFlags; // NMT_FeatureFlags_U32 WORD m_le_wMtu; // NMT_CycleTiming_REC.AsyncMTU_U16: C_IP_MIN_MTU - C_IP_MAX_MTU WORD m_le_wPollInSize; // NMT_CycleTiming_REC.PReqActPayload_U16 WORD m_le_wPollOutSize; // NMT_CycleTiming_REC.PResActPayload_U16 DWORD m_le_dwResponseTime; // NMT_CycleTiming_REC.PResMaxLatency_U32 WORD m_le_wRes2; DWORD m_le_dwDeviceType; // NMT_DeviceType_U32 DWORD m_le_dwVendorId; // NMT_IdentityObject_REC.VendorId_U32 DWORD m_le_dwProductCode; // NMT_IdentityObject_REC.ProductCode_U32 DWORD m_le_dwRevisionNumber; // NMT_IdentityObject_REC.RevisionNo_U32 DWORD m_le_dwSerialNumber; // NMT_IdentityObject_REC.SerialNo_U32 QWORD m_le_qwVendorSpecificExt1; DWORD m_le_dwVerifyConfigurationDate; // CFM_VerifyConfiguration_REC.ConfDate_U32 DWORD m_le_dwVerifyConfigurationTime; // CFM_VerifyConfiguration_REC.ConfTime_U32 DWORD m_le_dwApplicationSwDate; // PDL_LocVerApplSw_REC.ApplSwDate_U32 on programmable device or date portion of NMT_ManufactSwVers_VS on non-programmable device DWORD m_le_dwApplicationSwTime; // PDL_LocVerApplSw_REC.ApplSwTime_U32 on programmable device or time portion of NMT_ManufactSwVers_VS on non-programmable device DWORD m_le_dwIpAddress; DWORD m_le_dwSubnetMask; DWORD m_le_dwDefaultGateway; u8 m_le_sHostname[32]; u8 m_le_abVendorSpecificExt2[48]; } PACK_STRUCT tEplIdentResponse; typedef struct { // Offset 18 u8 m_le_bNmtCommandId; u8 m_le_bRes1; u8 m_le_abNmtCommandData[32]; } PACK_STRUCT tEplNmtCommandService; typedef struct { u8 m_le_bReserved; u8 m_le_bTransactionId; u8 m_le_bFlags; u8 m_le_bCommandId; WORD m_le_wSegmentSize; WORD m_le_wReserved; u8 m_le_abCommandData[8]; // just reserve a minimum number of bytes as a placeholder } PACK_STRUCT tEplAsySdoCom; // asynchronous SDO Sequence Header typedef struct { u8 m_le_bRecSeqNumCon; u8 m_le_bSendSeqNumCon; u8 m_le_abReserved[2]; tEplAsySdoCom m_le_abSdoSeqPayload; } PACK_STRUCT tEplAsySdoSeq; typedef struct { // Offset 18 u8 m_le_bNmtCommandId; u8 m_le_bTargetNodeId; u8 m_le_abNmtCommandData[32]; } PACK_STRUCT tEplNmtRequestService; typedef union { // Offset 18 tEplStatusResponse m_StatusResponse; tEplIdentResponse m_IdentResponse; tEplNmtCommandService m_NmtCommandService; tEplNmtRequestService m_NmtRequestService; tEplAsySdoSeq m_SdoSequenceFrame; u8 m_le_abPayload[256 /*D_NMT_ASndTxMaxPayload_U16 / D_NMT_ASndRxMaxPayload_U16 */ ]; } tEplAsndPayload; typedef struct { // Offset 17 u8 m_le_bServiceId; // Offset 18 tEplAsndPayload m_Payload; } PACK_STRUCT tEplAsndFrame; typedef union { // Offset 17 tEplSocFrame m_Soc; tEplPreqFrame m_Preq; tEplPresFrame m_Pres; tEplSoaFrame m_Soa; tEplAsndFrame m_Asnd; } tEplFrameData; typedef struct { // Offset 0 u8 m_be_abDstMac[6]; // MAC address of the addressed nodes // Offset 6 u8 m_be_abSrcMac[6]; // MAC address of the transmitting node // Offset 12 WORD m_be_wEtherType; // Ethernet message type (big endian) // Offset 14 u8 m_le_bMessageType; // EPL message type // Offset 15 u8 m_le_bDstNodeId; // EPL node ID of the addressed nodes // Offset 16 u8 m_le_bSrcNodeId; // EPL node ID of the transmitting node // Offset 17 tEplFrameData m_Data; } PACK_STRUCT tEplFrame; // un-byte-align structures #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma pack( pop, packing ) #endif typedef enum { kEplMsgTypeNonEpl = 0x00, kEplMsgTypeSoc = 0x01, kEplMsgTypePreq = 0x03, kEplMsgTypePres = 0x04, kEplMsgTypeSoa = 0x05, kEplMsgTypeAsnd = 0x06, } tEplMsgType; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function prototypes //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif // #ifndef _EPL_FRAME_H_