/***************************************************************************** (c) Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited 2012 All rights reserved and confidential information of CSR Refer to LICENSE.txt included with this source for details on the license terms. *****************************************************************************/ /* Note: this is an auto-generated file. */ #ifndef CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_H__ #define CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_H__ #include #include "csr_prim_defs.h" #include "csr_sched.h" #include "csr_wifi_common.h" #include "csr_result.h" #include "csr_wifi_fsm_event.h" #include "csr_wifi_sme_ap_prim.h" #include "csr_wifi_nme_prim.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifndef CSR_WIFI_NME_ENABLE #error CSR_WIFI_NME_ENABLE MUST be defined inorder to use csr_wifi_nme_ap_prim.h #endif #ifndef CSR_WIFI_AP_ENABLE #error CSR_WIFI_AP_ENABLE MUST be defined inorder to use csr_wifi_nme_ap_prim.h #endif #define CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM (0x0426) typedef CsrPrim CsrWifiNmeApPrim; /******************************************************************************* NAME CsrWifiNmeApPersCredentialType DESCRIPTION NME Credential Types VALUES CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_CREDENTIAL_TYPE_PSK - Use PSK as credential. CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_CREDENTIAL_TYPE_PASSPHRASE - Use the specified passphrase as credential *******************************************************************************/ typedef u8 CsrWifiNmeApPersCredentialType; #define CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_CREDENTIAL_TYPE_PSK ((CsrWifiNmeApPersCredentialType) 0x00) #define CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_CREDENTIAL_TYPE_PASSPHRASE ((CsrWifiNmeApPersCredentialType) 0x01) /******************************************************************************* NAME CsrWifiNmeApConfig DESCRIPTION Structure holding AP config data. MEMBERS apGroupkeyTimeout - Access point group key timeout. apStrictGtkRekey - Access point strict GTK rekey flag. If set TRUE, the AP shall rekey GTK every time a connected STA leaves BSS. apGmkTimeout - Access point GMK timeout apResponseTimeout - Response timeout apRetransLimit - Max allowed retransmissions *******************************************************************************/ typedef struct { u16 apGroupkeyTimeout; u8 apStrictGtkRekey; u16 apGmkTimeout; u16 apResponseTimeout; u8 apRetransLimit; } CsrWifiNmeApConfig; /******************************************************************************* NAME CsrWifiNmeApAuthPers DESCRIPTION MEMBERS authSupport - Credential type value (as defined in the enumeration type). rsnCapabilities - RSN capabilities mask wapiCapabilities - WAPI capabilities mask pskOrPassphrase - Credential type value (as defined in the enumeration type). authPers_credentials - Union containing credentials which depends on credentialType parameter. authPers_credentialspsk - authPers_credentialspassphrase - *******************************************************************************/ typedef struct { CsrWifiSmeApAuthSupportMask authSupport; CsrWifiSmeApRsnCapabilitiesMask rsnCapabilities; CsrWifiSmeApWapiCapabilitiesMask wapiCapabilities; CsrWifiNmeApPersCredentialType pskOrPassphrase; union { CsrWifiNmePsk psk; CsrWifiNmePassphrase passphrase; } authPers_credentials; } CsrWifiNmeApAuthPers; /******************************************************************************* NAME CsrWifiNmeApCredentials DESCRIPTION Structure containing the Credentials data. MEMBERS authType - Authentication type nmeAuthType - Authentication parameters nmeAuthTypeopenSystemEmpty - nmeAuthTypeauthwep - nmeAuthTypeauthTypePersonal - *******************************************************************************/ typedef struct { CsrWifiSmeApAuthType authType; union { CsrWifiSmeEmpty openSystemEmpty; CsrWifiSmeWepAuth authwep; CsrWifiNmeApAuthPers authTypePersonal; } nmeAuthType; } CsrWifiNmeApCredentials; /* Downstream */ #define CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_DOWNSTREAM_LOWEST (0x0000) #define CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_CONFIG_SET_REQ ((CsrWifiNmeApPrim) (0x0000 + CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_DOWNSTREAM_LOWEST)) #define CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_WPS_REGISTER_REQ ((CsrWifiNmeApPrim) (0x0001 + CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_DOWNSTREAM_LOWEST)) #define CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_START_REQ ((CsrWifiNmeApPrim) (0x0002 + CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_DOWNSTREAM_LOWEST)) #define CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_STOP_REQ ((CsrWifiNmeApPrim) (0x0003 + CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_DOWNSTREAM_LOWEST)) #define CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_WMM_PARAM_UPDATE_REQ ((CsrWifiNmeApPrim) (0x0004 + CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_DOWNSTREAM_LOWEST)) #define CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_STA_REMOVE_REQ ((CsrWifiNmeApPrim) (0x0005 + CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_DOWNSTREAM_LOWEST)) #define CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_DOWNSTREAM_HIGHEST (0x0005 + CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_DOWNSTREAM_LOWEST) /* Upstream */ #define CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_UPSTREAM_LOWEST (0x0000 + CSR_PRIM_UPSTREAM) #define CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_CONFIG_SET_CFM ((CsrWifiNmeApPrim)(0x0000 + CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_UPSTREAM_LOWEST)) #define CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_WPS_REGISTER_CFM ((CsrWifiNmeApPrim)(0x0001 + CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_UPSTREAM_LOWEST)) #define CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_START_CFM ((CsrWifiNmeApPrim)(0x0002 + CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_UPSTREAM_LOWEST)) #define CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_STOP_CFM ((CsrWifiNmeApPrim)(0x0003 + CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_UPSTREAM_LOWEST)) #define CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_STOP_IND ((CsrWifiNmeApPrim)(0x0004 + CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_UPSTREAM_LOWEST)) #define CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_WMM_PARAM_UPDATE_CFM ((CsrWifiNmeApPrim)(0x0005 + CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_UPSTREAM_LOWEST)) #define CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_STATION_IND ((CsrWifiNmeApPrim)(0x0006 + CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_UPSTREAM_LOWEST)) #define CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_UPSTREAM_HIGHEST (0x0006 + CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_UPSTREAM_LOWEST) #define CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_DOWNSTREAM_COUNT (CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_DOWNSTREAM_HIGHEST + 1 - CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_DOWNSTREAM_LOWEST) #define CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_UPSTREAM_COUNT (CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_UPSTREAM_HIGHEST + 1 - CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_UPSTREAM_LOWEST) /******************************************************************************* NAME CsrWifiNmeApConfigSetReq DESCRIPTION This primitive passes AP configuration info for NME. This can be sent at any time but will be acted upon when the AP is started again. This information is common to both P2P GO and AP MEMBERS common - Common header for use with the CsrWifiFsm Module apConfig - AP configuration for the NME. apMacConfig - MAC configuration to be acted on when CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_START.request is sent. *******************************************************************************/ typedef struct { CsrWifiFsmEvent common; CsrWifiNmeApConfig apConfig; CsrWifiSmeApMacConfig apMacConfig; } CsrWifiNmeApConfigSetReq; /******************************************************************************* NAME CsrWifiNmeApWpsRegisterReq DESCRIPTION This primitive allows the NME to accept the WPS registration from an enrollee. Such registration procedure can be cancelled by sending CSR_WIFI_NME_WPS_CANCEL.request. MEMBERS common - Common header for use with the CsrWifiFsm Module interfaceTag - Interface Identifier; unique identifier of an interface selectedDevicePasswordId - Selected password type selectedConfigMethod - Selected WPS configuration method type pin - PIN value. Relevant if selected device password ID is PIN.4 digit pin is passed by sending the pin digits in pin[0]..pin[3] and rest of the contents filled with '-'. *******************************************************************************/ typedef struct { CsrWifiFsmEvent common; u16 interfaceTag; CsrWifiSmeWpsDpid selectedDevicePasswordId; CsrWifiSmeWpsConfigType selectedConfigMethod; u8 pin[8]; } CsrWifiNmeApWpsRegisterReq; /******************************************************************************* NAME CsrWifiNmeApStartReq DESCRIPTION This primitive requests NME to started the AP operation. MEMBERS common - Common header for use with the CsrWifiFsm Module interfaceTag - Interface identifier; unique identifier of an interface apType - AP Type specifies the Legacy AP or P2P GO operation cloakSsid - Indicates whether the SSID should be cloaked (hidden and not broadcast in beacon) or not ssid - Service Set Identifier ifIndex - Radio interface channel - Channel number of the channel to use apCredentials - Security credential configuration. maxConnections - Maximum number of stations/P2P clients allowed p2pGoParam - P2P specific GO parameters. wpsEnabled - Indicates whether WPS should be enabled or not *******************************************************************************/ typedef struct { CsrWifiFsmEvent common; u16 interfaceTag; CsrWifiSmeApType apType; u8 cloakSsid; CsrWifiSsid ssid; CsrWifiSmeRadioIF ifIndex; u8 channel; CsrWifiNmeApCredentials apCredentials; u8 maxConnections; CsrWifiSmeApP2pGoConfig p2pGoParam; u8 wpsEnabled; } CsrWifiNmeApStartReq; /******************************************************************************* NAME CsrWifiNmeApStopReq DESCRIPTION This primitive requests NME to stop the AP operation. MEMBERS common - Common header for use with the CsrWifiFsm Module interfaceTag - Interface identifier; unique identifier of an interface *******************************************************************************/ typedef struct { CsrWifiFsmEvent common; u16 interfaceTag; } CsrWifiNmeApStopReq; /******************************************************************************* NAME CsrWifiNmeApWmmParamUpdateReq DESCRIPTION Application uses this primitive to update the WMM parameters MEMBERS common - Common header for use with the CsrWifiFsm Module wmmApParams - WMM Access point parameters per access category. The array index corresponds to the ACI wmmApBcParams - WMM station parameters per access category to be advertised in the beacons and probe response The array index corresponds to the ACI *******************************************************************************/ typedef struct { CsrWifiFsmEvent common; CsrWifiSmeWmmAcParams wmmApParams[4]; CsrWifiSmeWmmAcParams wmmApBcParams[4]; } CsrWifiNmeApWmmParamUpdateReq; /******************************************************************************* NAME CsrWifiNmeApStaRemoveReq DESCRIPTION This primitive disconnects a connected station. If keepBlocking is set to TRUE, the station with the specified MAC address is not allowed to connect. If the requested station is not already connected,it may be blocked based on keepBlocking parameter. MEMBERS common - Common header for use with the CsrWifiFsm Module interfaceTag - Interface Identifier; unique identifier of an interface staMacAddress - Mac Address of the station to be disconnected or blocked keepBlocking - If TRUE, the station is blocked. If FALSE and the station is connected, disconnect the station. If FALSE and the station is not connected, no action is taken. *******************************************************************************/ typedef struct { CsrWifiFsmEvent common; u16 interfaceTag; CsrWifiMacAddress staMacAddress; u8 keepBlocking; } CsrWifiNmeApStaRemoveReq; /******************************************************************************* NAME CsrWifiNmeApConfigSetCfm DESCRIPTION This primitive reports the result of the request. MEMBERS common - Common header for use with the CsrWifiFsm Module status - Status of the request. *******************************************************************************/ typedef struct { CsrWifiFsmEvent common; CsrResult status; } CsrWifiNmeApConfigSetCfm; /******************************************************************************* NAME CsrWifiNmeApWpsRegisterCfm DESCRIPTION This primitive reports the result of WPS procedure. MEMBERS common - Common header for use with the CsrWifiFsm Module interfaceTag - Interface identifier; unique identifier of an interface status - Status of the request. *******************************************************************************/ typedef struct { CsrWifiFsmEvent common; u16 interfaceTag; CsrResult status; } CsrWifiNmeApWpsRegisterCfm; /******************************************************************************* NAME CsrWifiNmeApStartCfm DESCRIPTION This primitive reports the result of CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_START.request. MEMBERS common - Common header for use with the CsrWifiFsm Module interfaceTag - Interface identifier; unique identifier of an interface status - Status of the request. ssid - Service Set Identifier *******************************************************************************/ typedef struct { CsrWifiFsmEvent common; u16 interfaceTag; CsrResult status; CsrWifiSsid ssid; } CsrWifiNmeApStartCfm; /******************************************************************************* NAME CsrWifiNmeApStopCfm DESCRIPTION This primitive confirms that the AP operation is stopped. NME shall send this primitive in response to the request even if AP operation has already been stopped MEMBERS common - Common header for use with the CsrWifiFsm Module interfaceTag - Interface identifier; unique identifier of an interface status - Status of the request. *******************************************************************************/ typedef struct { CsrWifiFsmEvent common; u16 interfaceTag; CsrResult status; } CsrWifiNmeApStopCfm; /******************************************************************************* NAME CsrWifiNmeApStopInd DESCRIPTION Indicates that AP operation had stopped because of some unrecoverable error after AP operation was started successfully. NME sends this signal after failing to restart the AP operation internally following an error MEMBERS common - Common header for use with the CsrWifiFsm Module interfaceTag - Interface Identifier; unique identifier of an interface apType - Reports AP Type (P2PGO or AP) status - Error Status *******************************************************************************/ typedef struct { CsrWifiFsmEvent common; u16 interfaceTag; CsrWifiSmeApType apType; CsrResult status; } CsrWifiNmeApStopInd; /******************************************************************************* NAME CsrWifiNmeApWmmParamUpdateCfm DESCRIPTION A confirm for for the WMM parameters update MEMBERS common - Common header for use with the CsrWifiFsm Module status - Status of the request. *******************************************************************************/ typedef struct { CsrWifiFsmEvent common; CsrResult status; } CsrWifiNmeApWmmParamUpdateCfm; /******************************************************************************* NAME CsrWifiNmeApStationInd DESCRIPTION This primitive indicates that a station has joined or a previously joined station has left the BSS/group MEMBERS common - Common header for use with the CsrWifiFsm Module interfaceTag - Interface Identifier; unique identifier of an interface mediaStatus - Indicates whether the station is connected or disconnected peerMacAddress - MAC address of the station peerDeviceAddress - P2P Device Address *******************************************************************************/ typedef struct { CsrWifiFsmEvent common; u16 interfaceTag; CsrWifiSmeMediaStatus mediaStatus; CsrWifiMacAddress peerMacAddress; CsrWifiMacAddress peerDeviceAddress; } CsrWifiNmeApStationInd; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM_H__ */