# ChangeLog for dev-libs/librets # Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 02 Jul 2011; Matthew Schultz (mschultz) librets-1.5.2.ebuild: Removed unnecessary snk copy since the configure patch no longer requires this. 02 Jul 2011; Matthew Schultz (mschultz) librets-1.5.2.ebuild, -files/dotnet.mk.patch, +files/dotnet.patch: Replaced the dotnet patch with an upstream patch to allow passing a strong name key file to the configure script so the mono dotnet dll can be signed. 29 Jun 2011; Matthew Schultz (mschultz) librets-1.5.2.ebuild, +files/dotnet.mk.patch, +files/librets.snk, +files/swig.m4.patch, metadata.xml: Added support for mono. 28 Jun 2011; Matthew Schultz (mschultz) librets-1.5.2.ebuild, files/python.mk.patch: Added ruby slot implemention support. Updated python patch to upstream patch. Fixed bug that caused build to fail if more than one binding was enabled. Added disable threads for certain bindings dueo to segfaults. Stopped dotnet from attempting to build if mono was installed. Thanks to binki and mgorny for the reviews. 25 Jun 2011; Matthew Schultz (mschultz) +librets-1.5.2.ebuild, +files/java.mk.patch, +files/perl.mk.patch, +files/python.mk.patch, +metadata.xml: New ebuild for bug 371707 thanks to mgorny for the review.