For 6.3.0: ========== Add FAQ entry about procmail configuration with 1. ORGMAIL/DEFAULT, 2. :0e { EXITCODE=75 HOST }, 3. explicit default recipe, 4. LOGFILE location? Yves Boisjoly reports that NTLM auth needs to use the real Wks field rather than duplicating the user name (see l. 211 in smbutil.c). For later: ========== Re-exec ourselves if the executable file changes? Security vs. convenience. Check if fetchmail's notion of \Recent vs. * RECENT is a working model at all. In concurrent sessions, fetchmail might not be notified of \Recent and will have to check UID instead. RFC2047 encode X-Fetchmail-Warning? X-Fetchmail-Warning: Empfängeradresse stimmt mit keinem lokalen Namen überein X-Virus-Scanned: amavisd-new at X-Amavis-Alert: BAD HEADER Non-encoded 8-bit data (char C3 hex) in message header 'X-Fetchmail-Warning': X-Fetchmail-Warning: +Empf\303\244ngeradresse ro... check if --monitor still works properly and complete CAN_MONITOR vs. interface checks complete CAN_MONITOR replacement put all getaddrinfo compat cruft into an easy-to-use m4 macro for autoconf and snippet for automake, so people can just use it without further hassle. fetchmail -vvvv --syslog prints blank lines on the screen.