1 = critical/showstopper 2 = severe/grave/important 3 = normal 4 = minor/cosmetic 5 = wishlist NEW = not yet reviewed OPEN = bug persists FDBK = feedback required INVA = invalid (not a bug, won't fix, etc.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Own OPEN 3 sink.c leaks memory of ctl->destaddr --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/ OPEN 2 #146306 fetchmail: so called "bouncing" of mail is braindead OPEN 2 #150137 Fetchmail does not use smtphost on bounces NEW 2 #186739 SSL-POP3 closes connection when feeding to local SMTP takes too long -> fetchmail dies with signal 13 FDBK 2 #312415 fetchmail: does not implement IMAP correctly apparently fetchmail emits protocol data when the server doesn't use {LENGTH} prefix on the body. FDBK 2 #317761 fetchmail: Stops on underscore in domain part of email OPEN 3 #212240 fetchmail: Option -l (--limit) 120000 doesn't cooperates with -F (--flush) after upgrade. FDBK 3 #286899 fetchmail: Problem with PID file FDBK 3 #294547 fetchmail: has to be manually restarted after a while NOTE: appears to be regular network problem? but might also be a FD leak (check lsof?) FDBK 3 #314509 fetchmail: lost mail, or only calculation error? Perhaps the server cannot count. NOTE: need to review if this causes buffer overrun problems. FDBK 3 #155827 fetchmail: transposes Delivered-To header OPEN 3 #201113 PATCH fetchmail is missing a check for Subject Alternative Name (TLS cert.) delayed - feature patch